Tagged With "Body Trust"
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Conversation with Ijeoma Oluo about body size, relationship to food, and growing up food insecure
A great discussion with writer and activist Ijeoma Oluo among other things: Ijeoma’s relationship with food growing up, including her experience with food insecurity The issues with food access for low-income people Food hoarding as a response to deprivation The impact of sexual assault on our eating behaviors The invisibility of fat bodies and the privileges of thin bodies The myth that weight loss is the cure to all ills Size discrimination Systemic injustice The impact of weight loss...
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Listen to ‘Dear Sugars’: Trust Your Body — With Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevantbo
If you aren't already a fan of "Dear Sugars" podcast, now is the time. Billed as "radically empathic advice," this episode takes on the tricky relationship between weight, dieting, body shame, healing and self acceptance. A must listen for women. In this episode: Her doctor categorized her as overweight when she was 5 years old. Her grandmother always introduced her as the “chubby one.” As an adult, she vacillates between moderation and binge-eating, restricting food some weeks, and gorging...
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Our Bodies are Basically Good (lionsroar.com)
Non-diet dietician Jenna Hollenstein’s new book Eat to Love paves a Buddhist path toward transforming our often troubled relationship with food and body. Lilly Greenblatt spoke with Hollenstein about how her revolutionary approach can guide us away from chronic dieting, food anxiety, and disordered eating with mindfulness and compassion. In her practice, Hollenstein uses meditation and mindfulness techniques to help people overcome disordered eating, eating disorders, and chronic dieting.
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Racism at Food Pantries
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The Problem With Body Positivity
This op-ed writer wonders if there is a way to talk about health risk and body size while still being non-shaming and body positive. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/29/opinion/weight-loss-body-positivity.html?action=click&contentCollection=opinion&contentPlacement=2&module=stream_unit&pgtype=sectionfront®ion=stream&rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion&version=latest
Re: Conversation with Ijeoma Oluo about body size, relationship to food, and growing up food insecure
Great post!! so much great info in this post. Thank you for sharing Monica! Love the social justice perspective. Wonderful resources too.
Re: Listen to ‘Dear Sugars’: Trust Your Body — With Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevantbo
Such a great discussion! Body shame comes up very often in my professional practice, and it certainly takes time to change the "dieting mind" and to dismantle messages from diet culture that we grew up with and are so accustomed to. Definitely going to share these new definitions of health and powerful messages mentioned here!
Re: Listen to ‘Dear Sugars’: Trust Your Body — With Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevantbo
Loved this episode. So much insight provided. Something that stuck out to me was the comment about how unnatural diets are, and how natural our common responses to diets (binging) are. I never thought of that. Other comments that stood out: "[Let's] focus on healing and focus on self care from a weight neutral perspective ...it doesn't seem to be helpful to focus on weight and it's starting to feel like it's actually harmful." "Health is not control and hyper vigilance, health is our...
Re: Listen to ‘Dear Sugars’: Trust Your Body — With Hilary Kinavey & Dana Sturtevantbo
Great comments, Danielle. I really liked the reframing of how we think about healthy "diets." I also liked the acknowledgement that wanting to lose weight should also be part of the conversation (referencing Roxanne Gay).
Hollis Cooper
Sarah Henson
Blog Post
The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Summer Curriculum is Now Open for Registration
PACEs Connection is excited to roll out our summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum dates. Members who complete the CRC will qualify for a fall 2023 fellowship program.
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They Rejected Diet Culture 30 Years Ago. Then They Went Mainstream.
It’s 6 p.m. on the patio at Il Moro, a twinkly-lit Italian gastro pub in West Los Angeles, and Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole are intuitively eating their dinner. They start with warm, crusty bread, liberally dipped in olive oil, and then move on to salad, branzino and the penne tossed with little pillows of burrata that Ms. Resch ordered for the table. In accordance with one of intuitive eating’s 10 principles — “challenge the food police” — neither woman moralizes about the carbs. “The...
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The Racial Language of Fatphobia
How can linguistic anthropology help illuminate the connections between dietetics, fatphobia, and racism? Recently, a Twitter user wrote: “There is a fat politics movement. Come on in. The water’s fine.” Linguistic anthropology needs to “come on in,” as it were, to the fat politics movement. Specifically, we need to harness our analytical insights into the co-constitution of language, the body, and social differences to understand how people in this “fat-talk nation” produce and contest...
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I’ve Always Struggled With My Weight. Losing It Didn’t Mean Winning.
There were a few bad moments, over the course of a few bad months, that led me to download the weight- loss app. These will probably sound trivial to anyone who is not me, and of course they are trivial — but we are talking about bodies here, and about my body in particular, and one of the defining features of having a body is that it is a fire hose of tiny humiliations blasting you constantly in the face, never allowing you to look away, even when you most want to. One bad moment happened...
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Whole Body Mental Health
The British psychologist Kimberley Wilson works in the emergent field of whole body mental health, one of the most astonishing frontiers we are on as a species. Discoveries about the gut microbiome, for example, and the gut-brain axis; the fascinating vagus nerve and the power of the neurotransmitters we hear about in piecemeal ways in discussions around mental health. The phrase “mental health” itself makes less and less sense in light of the wild interactivity we can now see between what...
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Trauma, trust and triumph: psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk on how to recover from our deepest pain
When Dr Bessel van der Kolk published The Body Keeps the Score in 2014, it was a huge hit with yoga people. That is not a euphemism for “rich, underoccupied people”, it is just people who do yoga. Certain physical activities do something weird to your brain: ancient memories resurface, often with new feelings or perspectives attached; you start treating yourself with more compassion. It doesn’t make sense until you read Van der Kolk. After that, nothing has ever made more sense. His thesis...
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What Children Really Need Is Adults That Understand Development
The brain doesn’t fully develop until about the age of 25. This fact is sometimes quite surprising and eye opening to most adults. It can also be somewhat overwhelming for new parents and professionals who are interacting with babies and young children every day, to contemplate. It is essential to realize however, that the greatest time of development occurs in the years prior to kindergarten. And even more critical to understand is that by age three 85 percent of the core structures of the...