Dr. Kevin Sherin is no stranger to the CRC Network. He was a key Central Florida leader involved in planning the first Creating a Resilient Community Conference in 2019, which ultimately lead to the construction of a strategic planning group, later to be called the “CRC Network”.
He and a team of researchers recently published an article (December 2022) detailing the position statement of the American College of Preventive Medicine regarding the application of the ACEs study.
In the publication, a key takeaway is that individual screening has not proven effective in reducing ACEs, and may actually cause harm without effective interventions.
The researchers recommend general population level screening for the purposes of surveillance and research. Additionally, the researchers suggest moving toward “universal trauma precautions” – in other words, treating all staff, clients, etc. as if they may have experienced trauma. This is because data has already demonstrated the increased prevalence of traumatic experiences across all populations. Universal trauma precautions would translate into trauma-informed systems of care whereby screening, assessment, intervention and referrals are available to those in need.
To read the article in its entirety, click on the link here.
*image courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel
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