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Tagged With "Strengths Based Approach"

Blog Post

Former Youth Corrections Officials: We Want to Help Close Youth Prisons []

Rachel C. Allen ·
A juvenile detention facility in Alabama. Photo: Rob Carr/ The Nation It’s time to close this nation’s youth prisons. They don’t serve their purpose: keeping our neighborhoods safe and helping young people turn their lives around. They fail to fulfill this core mission despite costing $150,000 per youth per year. In New York State, starting in 2008, we closed 26 juvenile jails. This came after Human Rights Watch and the ACLU, the state Inspector General , and the United States Department of...
Blog Post

Four Ways to Integrate a Structural Racism Lens into Neighborhood Health Research []

Rachel C. Allen ·
Photo: Joao Victor Bolan/Shutterstock Structural racism refers to the institutional practices, policies, and norms that shape opportunity and assign value based on race, including the macro-level forces that often appear race-neutral but maintain existing racial hierarchies. In health disparities research, structural racism is often represented as neighborhood disadvantage or racial residential segregation, but some scholars argue that this approach fails to acknowledge structural racism as...
Blog Post

Free 2-Day Course on Community Resiliency Model

Kelsey Visser ·
August 15-16, 2019 , 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Valencia College School of Public Safety 8600 Valencia College Lane, Room 149 Orlando, Fl., 32825 NO COST Registration Link: The Community Resiliency Model® (CRM) introduces participants to six wellness skills to help create “trauma-informed” and “resiliency-informed” individuals and communities that share a common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system. Resiliency can be...
Blog Post

GABOR MATÉ JOINS EP. 3 on May 21 with Darrell Hammond and Filmmaker Michelle Esrick. []

Blog Post

How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening? Early adopters tell all.

Laurie Udesky ·
Last week, three pediatricians — with a combined experience of 15 years integrating ACEs science into their practices — reflected on the urgency they felt several years ago that prompted them to begin screening patients for childhood adversity and resilience when there was practically no guidance at all. Along their journey , they accumulated a list of lessons learned for other pediatricians and family clinics to use. The three pediatricians participated in the ACEs Connection webinar,...
Blog Post

Listen Deeply

Kelsey Visser ·
Each week we will be posting one of the 13 Principles for How We Treat Each Other from the Peace and Justice institute at Valencia College. This week we turn our focus to the second Principle, listen deeply. This principle invites us to strive towards achieving balance and deep understanding. Balance, as we must learn to listen, and reflect before we speak or act. We invite you to practice this Principle all week as we provide articles, personal stories, and more related to listening deeply.
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Meet Florida's Johnny Appleseed. She plants seeds of ACEs science!

Sylvia Paull ·
Dr. Mimi Graham is Florida’s Johnny Appleseed, but instead of planting apple trees, she’s been seeding hundreds of ACEs-science-informed schools, courts, juvenile detention centers, hospitals, childcare centers, home visiting programs, mental health agencies, law enforcement agencies, and drug treatment centers. Graham, who has served as director of the Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy in Tallahassee since 1993, focuses on early childhood,...
Blog Post

Next "A Better Normal" community discussion series: April 7, 2020 — Tian Dayton

Jane Stevens ·
Therapist and author Dr. Tian Dayton, who first started writing about ACEs science more than 20 years ago, will address grief and maintaining emotional sobriety during COVID-19. Carey Sipp, Southeast community facilitator for ACEs Connection, will host this community conversation, and Alison Cebula, Northeastern regional community facilitator, will moderate.
Blog Post

One state. One year. (Partial) Cost of ACEs = $5.2 billion.

Jane Stevens ·
In looking at the impact of childhood trauma, you can’t get much clearer than this: In 2017, ACEs among Tennessee adults led to an estimated $5.2 billion in direct medical costs and lost productivity from employees missing work. That’s just one year, according to the new report, “ The Economic Cost of ACEs in Tennessee ," released on Feb. 1, 2019 by The Sycamore Institute in Nashville, Tenn. And to provide some perspective, $5.2 billion is one-seventh of the state’s annual budget . This $5.2...
Blog Post

Press Release: Central Florida’s Working Families Continue to Struggle - New United Way ALICE Report Reveals 46% of Households Fail to Cover Basic Needs [Heart of Florida United Way News]

Rachel C. Allen ·
Photo: ALICE Florida Report 2018/ United Way Orlando, Fla. (February 6, 2019) – Heart of Florida United Way announced that more than 350,000 households in Central Florida struggle to afford basic necessities such as housing, food, transportation, health care and child care, according to the 2018 ALICE Report. Statewide, 46% of households face the same financial challenges. In Central Florida, the number of low-income workers struggling to cover essentials grew by approximately 1.1 percent...
Blog Post

Promoting a Community Approach for Mental Well-Being in Our Littlest Citizens []

Marianne Avari ·
By Andrea L. Lowe, The Chronicle of Social Change, June 10, 2019. Several years ago , my sister and I watched my 2-year-old nephew’s behavior change dramatically. He started wetting the bed, throwing temper tantrums and getting frustrated so quickly. In any other child, it might have been normal “terrible twos,” but in him we knew something was definitely wrong. At the time, my sister and her husband were getting divorced. Ultimately, we found out that my nephew thought it was his fault,...
Blog Post

Public Health Researchers to Launch a Trauma-Informed and Responsive Care Initiative [University of Miami]

Kelsey Visser ·
Roderick King, M.D., MPH, and Joseph West, Sc.D., two researchers from the Miller School's Department of Public Health Sciences, were recently awarded a two-year grant from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to address gaps in health equity, responsive care needs related to trauma, and adaptive lifestyle behaviors in young men. The epidemiologic study and community-based intervention is a collaboration between the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Department of...
Blog Post

Recording and slides now available for webinar on Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare

Information (recording, slides, and resources) on the June 6 webinar "Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare" is now available (and soon to posted in the ACEs Connection webinar section on the homepage). This well-attended and received webinar was sponsored by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health and co-sponsored ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ) Webinar Summary Every six minutes in the...
Blog Post

Observing Ramadan Amid COVID-19: Respecting Silence [Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College]

Kelsey Visser ·
Observing Ramadan Amid COVID-19: Embracing Silence By Sofiya Asedrem Respect silence. " Silence is a rare gift in our busy world. After someone has spoken, take time to reflect without immediately filling the space with words. This applies to the speaker, as well – be comfortable leaving your words to resound in the silence, without refining or elaborating on what you have said.” For the close to 2 billion Muslims around the world, Ramadan is the month when the first verses of the Quran were...
Blog Post

The paradox of trauma-informed care | Vicky Kelly | TEDxWilmington

Kelsey Visser ·
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Dr. Vicky Kelly has over 35 years of experience as a psychotherapist, administrator, consultant and trainer. She is a nationally known trainer in the areas of trauma and attachment. Her career has included positions in a variety of human service, mental health, and child welfare organizations. She currently serves as the Director of the Delaware Division of Family Services . The common thread across her...
Blog Post

Tools and how to use them is focus of second webinar on Community Resiliency Model, May 14, 2020

Carey Sipp ·
The second of two free Community Resiliency (CRM) webinars with Elaine Miller-Karas , key creator of the CRM, will be held Thursday, May 14, from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET, (10 a.m. CT; 9 a.m. MT, and 8 a.m. PT) and will include the practical application of tools of the model. CRM is an ACEs science-based biological model for helping individuals become emotionally regulated during natural disasters and other dysregulating times. Miller-Karas will be joined by CRM trainers from Wilmington, NC:...
Blog Post

Trauma is Messy

Jon Eppley ·
I will always remember the day that, as a student teacher, I watched as a student entered my second-grade room covered in blood. After quickly establishing that he was not injured, we learned that the blood was that of his brother who had been shot the night before. No parents were around that night, so this second grader became the sole caregiver of his bleeding brother. My student would never be the same. We didn’t care about grades or test scores. We just knew that this moment would...
Blog Post

Upates, good news, recommendation and link to register for Making Meaningful Change: Addressing ACEs through Public Policy Webinar February 18

Mimi graham ·
The World Health Organization has compiled a recent meta-analysis about how much ACEs cost us Millions of adults across Europe and north America live with a legacy of ACEs. Their findings suggest that a 10% reduction in ACE prevalence could equate to annual savings of $105 billion. Programs to prevent ACEs and moderate their effects are available. Rebalancing expenditure towards ensuring safe and nurturing childhoods would be economically beneficial and relieve pressures on health-care...
Blog Post

Webinar: Cultivating Our Best Selves in Response to COVID-19 | Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT

Elaine Miller Karas ·
How to use the skills of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for self and others to be the calm in the storm as we face the unknown. Free Webinar Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT Speakers: Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW Linda Grabbe, PhD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC Zoom Webinar Registration Link: Additional ways to join are listed at the bottom of this post. About the webinar leaders: Elaine Miller-Karas is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute and...
Blog Post

Webinar—Florida's Early Childhood Courts:
 Transforming Child Welfare on June 6 (3:00-4:30 ET)

Please join this June 6 webinar on Florida’s early childhood courts (aka “safe babies courts”) hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health and co-sponsored by the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice and ACEs Connection. Background: Every six minutes in the U.S., an infant, toddler or child under the age of 3 is removed from their homes for alleged abuse and neglect and placed in state custody through the child welfare system (Zero to Three).
Calendar Event

Free Community Resilience Model 2-Day Course

Calendar Event

LIKE ANY OTHER KID ~ Screening & Discussion

Calendar Event

LIKE ANY OTHER KID ~ Screening & Discussion

Calendar Event

Special Virtual Screening: Paper Tigers

Blog Post

12 Myths of the Science of ACEs

Jane Stevens ·
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
Blog Post

A Florida ACEs Tour

James Encinas ·
RADICAL GRACE – WHAT I LET GOD SEE AND ACCEPT IN ME ALSO BECOMES WHAT I CAN SEE AND ACCEPT IN MYSELF. AND EVEN MORE, IT BECOMES THAT WHEREBY I SEE EVERYTHING ELSE. ~ RICHARD ROHR For the past three months, I’ve been driving through various parts of Florida witnessing events and gatherings of communities committed to creating safe, loving, trauma informed, and trauma healing spaces. On Friday February 22nd, I was in Tarpon Springs, attending the monthly gathering of Robin Saeger’s...
Blog Post

ACEs Connection “Map the Movement” now includes an up-to-date section on laws and resolutions

Photo credit: An updated map of laws and resolutions addressing ACEs science and trauma-informed policies is now available in the “Laws and Resolutions” section of Map the Movement (you can also find "Map the Movement" on the navigation bar on the ACEs Connection home page). The earliest law on the map was passed in the state of Washington in 2011, creating an ACEs science public-private partnership. The data base of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is...
Blog Post

Alachua County resources deputies find alternatives to arrests [Florida Times Union]

Kelsey Visser ·
By Sadie Darnell (Alachua County Sheriff) This column was written in response to the Oct. 6 piece by University of Florida Associate Professor F. Chris Curran, “Arrests show perils of putting police in primary schools.” When law enforcement actions such as the recent arrests of two 6-year-olds in Orlando take place on campuses, we all take a step back and reflect on what our own policies and practices are. Fortunately, for the citizens of Alachua County, we have long practiced restraint and...
Blog Post

All Over the Map: A Baseline Analysis of the incidence of Childhood Trauma and the Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care in Florida [UF Lastinger Center for Learning]

Kelsey Visser ·
All Over the Map "... In summary, the State of Florida is at an inflection point. “All over the map” is a phrase that comes to mind in describing the disparate picture across counties both in the incidence of adverse childhood events as well as the implementation of trauma-informed care programming. The analysis and recommendations within this report were developed to inform discussions on effective policy and practice considerations that will ultimately reduce the incidence of these...
Blog Post

Bringing the Protective Factors to Life: 5 Recorded Protective Factor Webinars [Ounce of Prevention]

Kelsey Visser ·
Bringing the Protective Factors to Life: 90 Minute Recorded Protective Factor Webinars & Slides: This 5 part webinar series is titled, “Bringing Protective Factors to Life” . The five Protective Factors (developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy ) are: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, and Social and Emotional Competence of Children. The Protective Factors Framework has been used...
Blog Post

Children at 12 Years of Age Must Not Be Tried as Adults (Revelations In Education)

Kelsey Visser ·
By Lori L. Desuteis This is in response to Indiana Senate Bill 279/Now SB479 I am so exhausted from how so many of our policy leaders and government officials create laws, make decisions, and ignore research and the implications of that research as we continually perpetuate more of the same trauma and toxic cycles within our communities. SB279 Waiver to adult court for attempted murder. Provides that...
Blog Post

Community Resilience Model - Orlando, FL - May 16-17, 2019

Rachel C. Allen ·
The Community Resiliency Model ® (CRM) introduces participants to six wellness skills to help create “trauma-informed” and “resiliency-informed” individuals and communities that share a common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system. Resiliency can be restored or increased using this skills-based approach. CRM ® is an effective tool to be used for self-care and is especially helpful for those community members who are the front-line workers, responding...
Blog Post

Creating a Resilient Community: From Trauma to Healing Conference (April 21, 2020 - Orlando, FL)

Kelsey Visser ·
Raising yellow “Visions & Commitments” cards, 550 attendees representing 176 organizations at the 2019 Creating a Resilient Community: From Trauma to Healing Conference in Orlando, Florida pledged their enthusiastic support to create a more resilient Central Florida. One year later, we are convening again for our 2020 conference to learn from experts in the field, continue community conversations and collaboration, and focus the tremendous momentum around this work. 2020 Creating a...
Blog Post

Creator of Childhood Trauma Pilot In Manchester Will Join Pappas at State of the Union [Pappas.House.Gov]

Kelsey Visser ·
Lara Quiroga started the first ACERT program in Manchester in 2015 at Amoskeag Health, in collaboration with the Manchester Police Department and YWCA NH, which has since expanded to Laconia and Concord. Congressman Pappas is the House sponsor of legislation to nationalize her initiative. Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01) announced that Lara Quiroga of Manchester will be his guest at the State of the Union address on February 4, 2020. In October 2019, Pappas...
Blog Post

Florida State launches professional certification in trauma and resilience [FSU News]

Kelsey Visser ·
Florida State University has launched a new online curriculum for a professional certification in trauma and resilience. The curriculum was developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma and Resilience within the Institute for Family Violence Studies at the FSU College of Social Work in conjunction with the FSU Center for Academic and Professional Development. “This training addresses a gap in the knowledge base of human services professionals,” said Clearinghouse Director Karen Oehme. “Many...


Kelsey Visser ·
Blog Post

Practice Slowing Down [Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College]

Tracy Calato ·
Practice Slowing Down By Paul Chapman Valencia College, Professor of Humanities and Peace and Justice Institute Campus Coordinator Practice Slowing Down . Simply the speed of modern life can cause violent damage to the soul. By intentionally practicing slowing down, we strengthen our ability to extend nonviolence to others - and to ourselves. I use this principle every day, but with one small change in the wording. I prefer to use the term “peace”. By intentionally practicing slowing down,...
Blog Post

The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It [Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg]

Kelsey Visser ·
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg (Keynote speaker from the recent Creating a Resilient Community Conference) shared the excerpt from his book Reaching Teens titled The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It. This is a valuable resource for anyone interacting with youth and we are providing the excerpt as an attachment here for you to read and share. Also, Dr. Ginsburg will be coming back to our community (virtually) and you’ll be invited to his workshop. Look out for the...
Calendar Event

The NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)

Blog Post

Support our efforts to secure a CDC ACEs grant to advance FL as a trauma-informed state!

Mimi graham ·
Dear Trauma Friends & Colleagues: We are applying for CDC ACES grant to further our efforts toward a trauma informed state. It’s a collaborative effort across state agencies to improve ACES data collection and utilizes to target prevention strategies. Details in the attached overview. It’s a long shot with only 4 awards but our statewide collaborative efforts are a big strength and it might help push us to the top if we had many letters of support. Attached is a draft letter that you...
Blog Post

Help Navigating the Road to Community Resiliency

Becky Haas ·
The first time I ever heard the words trauma-informed care and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study was in the summer of 2014. At the time, I was working for the local Police Department as the Director of a grant-funded Crime Reduction Project aimed at reducing drug-related and violent crime. Of the many program goals, one was to develop a rehabilitative corrections program for felony offenders with addictions in order to reduce recidivism. Though I’ve lived in this region for...
Blog Post

Greater Richmond Trauma Informed Community Network, first to join ACEs Cooperative of Communities, shows what it means to ROCK!

Jane Stevens ·
In 2012, Greater Richmond SCAN and five other community partners hatched a one-year plan to educate the Richmond, Virginia, community about ACEs science and to embed trauma-informed practices. Eight years later, the original group has evolved into the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GRTICN) with 495 people and 170 organizations. And they're just scratching the surface.
Blog Post

Donald Trump is the product of abuse and neglect. His story is common, even for the powerful and wealthy.

Jane Stevens ·
“In order to cope,” writes Mary Trump, “Donald began to develop powerful but primitive defenses, marked by an increasing hostility to others and a seeming indifference to his mother’s absence and father’s neglect….In place of [his emotional needs] grew a kind of grievance and behaviors—including bullying, disrespect, and aggressiveness—that served their purpose in the moment but became more problematic over time. With appropriate care and attention, they might have been overcome.”
Blog Post

Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community

Carey Sipp ·
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post

Baby courts: A proven approach to stop the multigenerational transmission of ACES in child welfare; new efforts to establish courts nationwide

Carey Sipp ·
The organization Zero To Three estimates that in the U.S., a child is taken into the child welfare system every six seconds. “Many of society’s most intractable problems can be traced back to childhood adversity. Being in the child welfare system increases the likelihood of more adversity and criminality. Baby court is a proven approach to healing the trauma of both child and parent, and breaking the cycle of maltreatment,” says Mimi Graham, Ed.D ., director of the Florida State University...
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