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Tagged With "Centre for Addiction and Mental Health"

Blog Post

ACEs Connection Overview

Gail Kennedy ·
ACES CONNECTION NETWORK OVERVIEW ACEs = Adverse Childhood Experiences 2 SITES A solutions-oriented news site for the general public that covers stories on ACEs, trauma, and resilience. An action-based...
Blog Post

#ACEs Canada Update @ACEsCanada2020

Elizabeth Perry ·
Elizabeth Perry provides an update on her advocacy efforts to increase awareness, prevention and healing of ACEs in the Canadian context through her #ACEs Canada organization.

Re: #ACEs Canada Update @ACEsCanada2020

Sharon E Swaffield ·
Hi Elizabeth I think it is absolutely fabulous and so vital in getting our government officials (those with the power to provide funding opportunities) to educate people about the importance of recognizing Aces in Canada to provide educational opportunities to increase awareness. I feel that if people (individuals, families and service providers and funders) truly understand the long term health implications, this ought to be a strong motivating factor to create change, especially in regards...
Blog Post

BOOKS: Children's Books About Building Resilience - (

Maria Margaritis ·
Understood is a non-profit dedicated to serving the millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. If you are an educator, work with children and families or you are a parent/guardian, you may find this list of books and the website helpful for children with exceptionalities (learning/behavioural challenges).
Blog Post

BOOK – Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies

Maria Margaritis ·
Decolonizing Trauma Work, one of the first books of its kind, is a resource for education and training programs, health care practitioners, healing centres, clinical services and policy initiatives.
Blog Post

Everything is NOT OK Campaign in Ontario - (

Maria Margaritis ·
Leaders in mental health and addiction across Ontario are calling for a fully funded mental health and addiction wait times strategy. Find links to the website, the promotional video, as well as a podcast clip of the interview between Alex Pierson and Dr. Catherine Zahn, President and CEO of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) regarding the Everything is NOT ok campaign.

Re: ( 3 in 5 middle-aged and older...

Sharon E Swaffield ·
Hi Maria Thank you for posting this current Canadian study. It confirms my experience as a social worker in community mental health and addictions.

Susan Potvin

Blog Post

New Digital Resources from ACEs Coalition in Guelph and Wellington County!

Maria Margaritis ·
Learn from the comfort of your own cozy place with self-directed training from ACEs Coalition in Guelph and Wellington County, Ontario! Offering online training for human service providers, educators and members of the community to raise awareness about adverse childhood experience effects on health. Learn how to implement these actionable skills in your community!

Teniola Okun

Blog Post

FREE WEBINAR - The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample

Emily P Jackson ·
Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues have conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to trauma symptoms, emotional regulation, coping and resiliency, and interpersonal skills for at-risk...
Blog Post

Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens

Emily P Jackson ·
The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...

amanda k

amanda k

Re: BOOK – Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies

Joanne Thomson ·
I read this book quite recently. And then in a friend I see it here in the discussion. I guess it's fate and I have to write my own review of it. And so, the book is very worthy and will suit those who like to reflect on philosophical themes, mental, you know. I even wrote about it in my project, found a website that writes essays for you, used for that. Basically everything has to do with our personal traumas, physical and psychological. And they can help us become...
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Carey Sipp ·
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...

Agnes Chen

Agnes Chen

Carey Sipp

Carey Sipp
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