We make countless choices to change how we interact with our job. Each of these choices influences how we feel about teaching. Psychologists call these choices "job crafting." Job crafting, say psychologists Amy Wrzesniewski and Jane E. Dutton, is the actions employees take to redesign their work in order to foster engagement, satisfaction, resilience, and thriving. This means being intentional about how we engage with the tasks, people, and purpose that compose our careers.
Approach 1: Craft the "What"
Renew a Task
Approach 2: Craft the "Who"
Massage That Extrovert or Introvert
Mentor a Student
Approach 3: Craft the "Why"
Sort the Majors from the Minors
Focus on Service
To read more of Chase Mielke's article, visit; http://www.ascd.org/publicatio...ducator-Burnout.aspx
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