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Leading teachers offer lessons for how to reinvent schools []


Photo: Allison Shelley for American Education

By Barnett Berry and Emily Leitag

As schools begin to reopen with the specter of the delta variant spiking, lessons from these leading teachers point to how schools need to be reinvented in the face of disruptions in teaching and learning. Here are three specific innovations they have discovered and/or used this past year, representing what these leading teachers hope to see in the future of education.

Creating more space for personalized learning. More than any other issue, leading teachers talked about the opportunities to spur innovations in personalized learning for their students. They spoke of how disruptions in the use of district-mandated curriculum and strict pacing guides freed many of them to experiment. Some were able to create more customized learning modules and better ways to assess academic progress.

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Thanks for sharing ...schools and teachers need solutions...practical strategies from other teachers, We learn from others not just within our local community but from across the globe....unify and amplify to strengthen and empower

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