This is a free video training resource designed to give anyone who works with children important trauma-focused information about how student learning and behavior is impacted by trauma and how educators and support staff can help students develop a greater sense of safety at school and begin to build new emotional regulation skills.
This 43 minute video comes with a discussion guide and handouts, to share in faculty meetings and professional development days, and provide opportunities for teachers and administrators to begin important dialogue about making their school more trauma sensitive.
Most importantly, the video provides science-based information on how chronic trauma impacts a child's nervous system. Rather than relying on a teacher's sympathy, the information helps educators to depersonalize the child's fear response and give a basis for the need to build safe relationships, no matter how difficult or disruptive the child.
As educators, we have to learn to not see the student's trauma response as defiance, disrespect, boredom, or intentional manipulation, but rather a protective response that requires safety in order to settle and help the child return to their "thinking" brain.
Here is the link to the video and discussion guide developed by Communities In Schools:
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