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Tagged With "Center Scene"

Blog Post

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus - for Students Everywhere, Online or Not []

By Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post, March 26, 2020 “Anxiety” is one of the words you hear frequently about our individual and collective reactions to the coronavirus pandemic — which has stopped public life in its tracks in much of the world. Kids are anxious. So are their parents and teachers and principals and superintendents and friends and elected officials. For those people who were anxious before covid-19, the sense of apprehension has only deepened. Given that, this post offers...
Blog Post

Coming soon: Philly School District families will have access to grief counseling, coronavirus support []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
For Philadelphia students and families having trouble coping with the loss of months of in-person school amid the trauma of a pandemic and a changing world, help is on the way. On Monday, the Philadelphia School District and Uplift, the Center for Grieving Children, will launch the Philly HopeLine, a hotline that will connect district children and families to grief support services, Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. said at a news conference Thursday. The resource comes in response to a...
Blog Post

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States (

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States · SEL Thrive { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "SEL Thrive", "url" : "", "logo": "", "sameAs" : [ "", "" ], // "contactPoint" : [{ // "@type" : "ContactPoint", // "telephone" : "+1-555-555-555", // "contactType" : "customer service"...
Blog Post

“Handle with Care” ~ West Virginia (WV) Center for Children’s Justice & WV State Police

The West Virginia Defending Childhood Initiative, commonly referred to as Handle With Care, is tailored to reflect the needs and issues affecting children in West Virginia. The Initiative, a result of a collaborative effort of key stakeholders and partners, builds upon the success of proven programs throughout the country. The goal of the Initiative is to prevent children's exposure to trauma and violence, mitigate negative affects experienced by children's exposure to trauma, and to...
Blog Post

Helping Students Overcome Toxic Stress through Science-Based Teaching Practices (

“What our students really crave the most is predictability from the adults interacting with them,” says Roger Sapp, a student success teacher at KIPP. For that reason, the one-on-one session is not a reward for being “good” or withheld if something bad happens. The kids who need it can count on it – every day. The scene is from a video by Edutopia (aka the George Lucas Educational Foundation), which has produced a series of more than 20 powerful, engaging shorts on how children learn in...
Blog Post

How Severe, Ongoing Stress can Affect a Child's Brain [Associated Press via]

Laura Pinhey ·
A quiet, unsmiling little girl with big brown eyes crawls inside a carpeted cubicle, hugs a stuffed teddy bear tight, and turns her head away from the noisy classroom. The safe spaces, quiet times and breathing exercises for her and the other preschoolers at the Verner Center for Early Learning are designed to help kids cope with intense stress so they can learn. But experts hope there's an even bigger benefit — protecting young bodies and brains from stress so persistent that it becomes...
Blog Post

In Oklahoma City, a School Designed for Homeless Children []

Lara Kain ·
How do you incorporate the specific needs of homeless children into the design of a school? That’s the question the Oklahoma City-based nonprofit organization Positive Tomorrows asked itself when it was daydreaming about a new building that could meet the many needs of its students. Positive Tomorrows has been educating homeless kids and providing social services to families since 1989. “There is no model for this type of school,” said Gary Armbruster, principal architect and partner at MA+...
Blog Post

Study: Black Students Face 'Accumulation of Disadvantage' []

By Naaz Modan, Education Dive, October 10, 2019 Dive Brief: A new study from the University of California, Los Angeles' Center for the Transformation of Schools finds a student's quality of life is linked to his or her academic performance. Where they live, access to healthy food, and quality of air and healthcare are among factors that influence academic performance and the schools they attend. Black students in Los Angeles — who are already faced with higher suspension rates, attend...
Blog Post

The Center on the Developing Child - Harvard University

Leisa Irwin ·
Website: The Center on the Developing Child - Harvard University Info: The Center on the Developing Child’s diverse activities align around building an R&D (research and development) platform for science-based innovation, and transforming the policy and practice landscape that supports and even demands change. We do this because society pays a huge price when children do not reach their potential, because half a century of policies and programs have not produced breakthrough outcomes,...
Blog Post

Number of Homeless Students Rises to New High, Report Says []

By Mihir Zaveri, The New York Times, February 3, 2020 Some children lost a stable home when a parent succumbed to opioid addiction. Others were forced to stay in hotels after hurricanes or fires destroyed their homes. Still others fled abuse or neglect. More than 1.5 million public school students nationwide said they were homeless at some point during the 2017-18 school year, the most recent data available, according to a report from the National Center for Homeless Education released last...
Blog Post

Klaras Center agreement to place trauma professionals at Waco ISD alternative campuses []

Leisa Irwin ·
A new one-year agreement between Waco Independent School District and the Klaras Center for Families - Heart of Texas Region MHMR will allow the school district to give more help to students who have experienced trauma than ever before. The $103,000 agreement approved by the district’s school board Sept. 29 will put a case worker and either a licensed professional counselor or a licensed clinical social worker on the Brazos High and Middle School Credit Recovery Center and the GL Wiley...

Re: Education in 2015 Visualized []

Jennifer Fraser ·
This makes my blood boil. This is just a more sophisticated form of bullying. It reminds me of that shocking scene of the girl in class being a victim of police brutality while the school teacher and admin watched. The gist of the school response was that she was acting up and deserved what she got. If I was in charge, any teacher or admin who watched a child be victimized by a police officer, would be instantly fired. Child safety is an absolute baseline of education. Those who cannot grasp...

Re: How to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline? Stop Treating Disabled and Minority Students as Criminals []

Jennifer Fraser ·
As a teacher, what horrified me in watching that scene of police brutality was learning a teacher and educational administrator watched. Those two should be instantly fired. There are very clear laws that govern the teaching profession and like lawyers we are held to a higher standard because of the power we wield. I would never stand by and watch a student be violently harmed by another adult, and any educator who did should not be in the profession. Ironically, the police officer was fired...
Blog Post

Toxic Schools Worsening Toxic Stress: The Destructive Reign of Universal Standards, Pathology, Medication and Behaviorism

Emily Read Daniels ·
This post is the first chapter of a book. The names HAVE NOT been changed, as each individual profoundly impacted the author's growth and development. She wants their identities to remain intact. I did not realize that my first years in public education would profoundly shape my trauma-informed journey and what I would do nearly twenty years later. But I clearly remember the late fall of 2001. I was completing my second year in a master’s program for school counseling at the University of...
Blog Post

Universal free lunch is linked to better test scores in New York City, new report finds []

Laura Pinhey ·
Offering all students free lunch helps boost academic performance, a new report, which looked at meal programs in New York City middle schools, shows. The study, out of Syracuse University’s Center for Policy Research, assessed the impact of universal free lunch on students who previously didn’t have access to such a meals program. Researchers found “statistically significant” bumps in reading and math state test scores once students attended schools with universal free lunch. One way to...
Blog Post

Youth Survey Data Shows Rise in Vaping, Depression []

By Lola Duffort, Vermont Digger, February 7, 2020 Half of all high school students in Vermont have tried electronic vapor products like e-cigarettes, up from just 30% in 2015. That’s according to results from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a study administered statewide to thousands of Vermont students every two years. The YRBS was developed by the Centers for Disease Control in 1990 to monitor behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disease and injury among young...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: Educating Traumatized Students Public Service Announcement Video

Dr. Lee-Anne Gray ·
Hi Robert, Thank you for sharing this PSA. Persoanlly, I couldn't watch it. It opened with a very very painful scene of EDUCATIONAL TRAUMA. There's a big difference between trauma caused by education and educating traumatized students. Feb 15- is my birthday! I'll be spending it with you- learning how you promote trauma informed education. Hope to learn about your views on Educational Trauma as well. Let me know if you need any references. Kindly, Dr. Gray
Blog Post

Reopening Resilient Schools []

By John Bailey, Education Next, July 2020 A consensus is growing among health officials that American schools, virtually all of which closed their doors this March, will be able to reopen in the fall. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in early June that “the idea of keeping schools closed in the fall because of safety concerns for children might be ‘a bit of a reach.’” That’s good news: the sooner kids get back to school, the...
Blog Post

Black children are suffering from trauma | Opinion []

By Chad Dion Lassiter, Penn Live, August 31, 2020 In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, protests have erupted across the nation. The news cycle has been dominated by one graphic scene after another of a police officer killing an unarmed, subdued Black man. Unfortunately, children born at the turn of the millennium are growing up against a backdrop of unending images of lethal police brutality and violent White supremacy. It is well-documented that prolonged exposure to violence is...
Blog Post

Save the Date! Trauma-Informed Schools Leadership Institute

Lara Kain ·
Are you ready to transform your school to become a trauma-informed and healing-centered environment? Join us for the PACEsConnection virtual Trauma-Informed School Leadership Institute. This institute is specifically tailored for school leaders and leadership teams who want to understand the HOW of trauma-informed schools. Speakers will include current and former building leaders engaged in the work as well as other national experts supporting schools through this transformation process.
Blog Post

‘It should have been celebrated’: the fight to save a thriving Black school []

Lara Kain ·
By Adrian Horton, Photo: Argot Pictures, The Guardian, August 15, 2022 T here’s a moment early in Let the Little Light Shine, a riveting documentary on one community’s fight to preserve their grade school, when it becomes clear that Chicago’s National Teachers Academy is no ordinary place. It’s a school assembly, and the students – overwhelmingly Black and brown children from the city’s South Side, kindergarten through eighth grade – pack benches in the cafeteria. Two of the older students...
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