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Tagged With "Nickel"

Blog Post

A "When the Nickel Dropped" Story - Sometimes It's Something So Small

Wendy Sedlacek ·
My daughter, Candace, taught 5th then 3rd grade at an inner city Baltimore elementary school through Teach For America. It was trial by fire her first year, as this was a struggling school and many students had a trauma history. It is Teach For America’s mission to place teachers in the most needy schools. Candace was very enthusiastic, but didn’t know much about trauma and its effects, other than what she intuitively felt - which was impressively a lot. So it was very timely that I was...

Re: A "When the Nickel Dropped" Story - Sometimes It's Something So Small

Donielle Prince ·
I really love this story! I love the focus on the students' interests and how it leads to the building of relationship, and how this effort had the unanticipated impact of identifying a major talent, with ensuing benefits for the child and teacher in the classroom. It has all the elements that you would anticipate from a knowledge of human, child, and lifespan development, and it played out with just a little attentiveness from the teacher. What a great example of resilient teaching. I hope...
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