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Tagged With "TIC"

Blog Post

2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference []

By Heather T. Forbes, Beyond Consequences, October 23, 2019 If you'd like to be a speaker at one or both of our upcoming 2020 Trauma-Informed School Conferences, now is the time to submit a proposal. Join us to become one of our prestigious break-out speakers! These 2020 conferences will be building off the success of our last conferences and they will be evolving to an even higher level. I'm certain you have a knowledge base to share so submit your proposal by Friday, December 10, 2019. The...
Blog Post

2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference []

By Heather T. Forbes, Beyond Consequences, October 23, 2019 If you'd like to be a speaker at one or both of our upcoming 2020 Trauma-Informed School Conferences, now is the time to submit a proposal. Join us to become one of our prestigious break-out speakers! These 2020 conferences will be building off the success of our last conferences and they will be evolving to an even higher level. I'm certain you have a knowledge base to share so submit your proposal by Friday, December 10, 2019. The...
Blog Post

Integrating ACEs science and trauma informed practices in your school district - what role does the administrator play?

Leisa Irwin ·
Schools are the best opportunity to address ACEs on a large scale. Other than time at home, school is the place where children spend the majority of their time. And if a child's home life is full of strife, school might be the only place where the child feels safe. ACEs are common, and yet, it can be difficult to know which students need extra support. And rather than create additional programs that single out anyone or any group of students, and potentially having students fall through the...
Blog Post

Setting the Wheels in Motion - Becoming a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive School

Leisa Irwin ·
I recently wrote a blog post about how to take the first step in creating a trauma informed care model (TIC) in your school. The first step, Establishing a Baseline, is necessary because it fuels future steps in the process. In the blog post "Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive," I also listed the key components of a TIC model. I am adding them here as well, because I don't want you to have to keep going back to the other blog as you are working on this process.
Blog Post

Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive?

Leisa Irwin ·
If you are like many teachers, social workers, or administrators in schools, you've been reading about the need for trauma informed care and trauma sensitive schools. Odds are you didn't need to read the research to know something that you were already seeing in your classrooms, school hallways, and community. Unfortunately reading about it, seeing the need, wanting to make changes, doesn't make the change happen. Five years ago, as the executive director of a school that needed to change, I...

Re: Setting the Wheels in Motion - Becoming a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive School

Geri Keskeys ·
This is great! I am looking for training for my team in addtion to the wonderful ideas you mentioned here. Any suggestions?

Re: Setting the Wheels in Motion - Becoming a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive School

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Geri, Are you looking for a general overview of ACEs or something more specific to implementing a TIC model in your school? If you'd like to talk on the phone a bit about where you are in your process, I am more than happy to set up a time to talk. Otherwise feel free to send me a private message about your specific needs and I am sure we can find some resources for you.

Re: Integrating ACEs science and trauma informed practices in your school district - what role does the administrator play?

Louise Godbold ·
Fantastic article! I'm going to share it with all the Superintendents and principals we know. I love this particularly: "ACEs and trauma informed practices might be new terminology, but in reality, they both give educators a common language, and some tools, to address what they have been seeing in the classroom since they started teaching."

Re: Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive?

Melissa Sadin ·
Leisa, Thank you for this valuable information! Melissa

Re: Is Your School Ready to be Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive?

Kevin Denvir ·
Really well explained and useful post. Thank you Leisa.
Blog Post

Head Start Study Highlights Important Role of Trauma-Informed Attitudes 

John Engel ·
Head Start and Early Head Start continue to lead the way in promoting school readiness and family engagement for vulnerable young children. It’s no surprise, then, that Head Start is increasingly focused on implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). A recent study adds timely relevance to the advancement of trauma-informed care in Head Start preschool settings. The study, published in School Mental Health , “examines the relationship between trauma-informed training content, trauma-informed...

Re: 2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference []

Yohanna Thomas ·
As a student searching for dissertation help, I found the insights shared in this forum discussion to be incredibly helpful. It provides a detailed comparison of options, making it easier to decide what is the best dissertation writing service based on pricing, quality, and reliability. The user experiences mentioned offer a realistic perspective, highlighting both strengths and potential drawbacks. For anyone overwhelmed by dissertation writing, this resource is definitely worth exploring.
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