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Tagged With "social media"

Blog Post

10 Ways Parents and Schools Can Prevent School Shootings Now (Op-Ed) (

As a parent, I understand the desire for practical responses to school shootings. I also absolutely believe the government should do more to prevent such incidents. But the gun control debate has proven so divisive and ineffective that I am weary of waiting for politicians to act. I study the kind of aggressive childhood behavior that often predates school shootings. That research suggests what communities and families can start doing today to better protect children. Here are 10 actions we...
Blog Post

2017 Children's Mental Health Report

Lisa Frederiksen ·
Of the 74.5 million children in the United States, an estimated 17.1 million have or have had a mental health disorder — more than the number of children with cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined. Half of all mental illness occurs before the age of 14, and 75 percent by the age of 24. In spite of the magnitude of the problem, lack of awareness and entrenched stigma keep the majority of these young people from getting help. Children and adolescents struggling with these disorders are at risk...
Blog Post

A second-grade teacher's unique homework policy is going viral. (

Brandy Young kicked off the new school year with a note for her kids to pass on to their parents. When it made its way to social media, it quickly went viral: Her note struck a powerful chord with parents everywhere . So far, it's been shared nearly 70,000 times by moms and dads who are tired of playing "homework police" or just want a little more quality time with their kids at night. Brandy Young is right: The research on the effectiveness of homework is a mixed bag , especially for kids...
Blog Post

A Week in the Life of a School Social Worker []

Alicia Doktor ·
Public School 48, where I’m on staff as a social worker, sits on a block between a juvenile detention center and a strip club. The school serves around 900 mostly Hispanic and African American children in prekindergarten through fifth grade, with a large percentage of those kids living in shelter apartments. Of course, PS 48 has an educational mission, not a clinical one, but I’m part of a service staff that includes speech, occupational, and physical therapists. I’ve been a school social...
Blog Post

Access Denied: The Fight for Public Education []

Alicia Doktor ·
The idea behind public education is simple: A community pays into a system that aims to create a bright future for the next generation. Years pass, and those kids grow up. They pay into the same system, yielding the same dividends. Repeat. But things aren’t always that simple. As this week’s episode explains, the policies that shape public education can be subject to influences – ideological and financial. We begin with a profile of President Donald Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos.
Blog Post

ACEs & African Americans Community on ACEs Connection

ACEs Connection envisions a resilient world where ALL people thrive. We are an anti-racist organization committed to the pursuit of social justice. In our work to promote resilience and prevent and mitigate ACEs, we intentionally embrace and uplift people who have historically not had a seat at the table. ACEs Connection celebrates the voices and tells the stories of people who have been barred from decision-making and who have shouldered the burden of systemic and economic oppression as the...
Blog Post

An Epic Battle for Public Education: A Front Line View

Daun Kauffman ·
As one single example of one key complexity (there are many others), children in our Public School classrooms have massive rates of trauma, described by a U.S. Department of Justice report as an “epidemic” and by past Surgeon Generals as “national crisis.” The Center for Disease Control(CDC) says it is critical to understan
Blog Post

An Evidence-Based Indictment of Inaction

Daun Kauffman ·
If schools are to be guided by data, the data says more than 2 of 3 children experience at least one ACE: children of all incomes, all colors, all social levels, all educational levels. It is all of us. Is your school trauma-informed?
Blog Post

An Evidence-Based Indictment of Inaction

Daun Kauffman ·
If schools are to be guided by data, the data says that 2 of 3 children experience at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE): children of all incomes, all colors, all social levels, all educational levels. It is all of us. Is your school trauma-informed?
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Daun Kauffman ·
            © Elliot Gilfix/Flickr   .   What happened to Jasmine? .                    Photo © Jinx!/Flickr     When you look inside a...
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom

Daun Kauffman ·
Effective education 'reform' is student-centered
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jose

Daun Kauffman ·
                    Photo credit Max Klingensmith at  flickr . Jose was one of the calmest, quietest, most peaceful boys in the classroom.  The kind of boy everybody loves.    ...
Blog Post


Daun Kauffman ·
  "We won’t have a successful education paradigm,  or even accurately interpret academic success,  while ignoring trauma’s overwhelming presence."    ...
Blog Post

Potential impact of Trauma on special education eligibility

robert hull ·
This is a follow up to my previous email concerning the PP v Compton class action lawsuit concerning adverse events and eligibility under the Americans with Disability act. I did a presentation at the Legal Issues in Special Education conference on April 24th. The participants consisted of special education directors, compliance officers and parent advocates The big surprise was that there was huge interest in this issue. It was standing room only in the room. Secondly even though this...
Blog Post

Principal starts 'No phone, new friends Friday' lunchtime tradition

Tory Henderson ·
Thanks to Northwest PBIS Network, Inc. for sharing this on Facebook. Jackie Kennon -, Eastern Iowa, November 8, 2019 'No phone, new friends Fridays' is a new tradition at Iowa Valley Junior-Senior High School in Marendo. Principal Janet Behrens started it this year. She says she noticed students at the school with their heads down, looking at their phones. Instead, she wanted them to look at each other, and learn face-to-face communication skills. Students like junior Page Weick say...
Blog Post

CORE Districts Announce Social-Emotional Assessment Design Challenge []

Jane Stevens ·
By Julie White The CORE Districts today announced a design challenge for new, state-of-the-art assessments of social-emotional skills. The goal is to identify next generation assessments that support effective instruction and positive student development. CASEL’s Practical Social-Emotional Competence Assessments Work Group (AWG) is leading this Assessment Design Challenge. The group seeks a broad range of assessments that measure students’ social-emotional competencies based on performance...
Blog Post

Could Parkland Shooting Be Prevented? Yes, and Runcie Knew How

Natalia Garceau ·
School safety, negligence documentation, and a need for a school reform My name is Natalia Garceau. For nine years, I’ve been working at a center similar to the one where Nikolas Cruz was sent to after his expulsion from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. You won’t hear anything from the teachers who work at such centers because they are afraid to lose their jobs and to be taken to court. They have families to feed. By contract, we are not allowed to speak with media about anything...
Blog Post

Danny goes to school

Daun Kauffman ·
Danny goes to school.  The story of one child, hoping to be safe.    
Blog Post

Dear Educators, Let Them Know You’re Scared (

These intrusive thoughts are neither productive nor personal. We wear them on our faces. They show up in our classrooms. As educators, we need to support our students and ourselves to be safe. How do we create a culture of safety and embrace our common humanity? Let them know you’re scared. The images from Denver . The stories from UNC-Charlotte . The recent media coverage of active shooter drills in our children’s schools. The devastating reports of continued trauma in the wake of Parkland.
Blog Post

Defending Childhood

Daun Kauffman ·
  Common Sense   Millions of injured children whose pleas are not being heard are waiting at the intersection of the  “Defending Childhood” Report  from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress’s rewrite...
Blog Post

Developing Community Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Kathy Adams ·
Educators, I know many of you understand the important role strong families and communities play in the lives of your students. Ideas are included below to develop community resilience that, ultimately, support your students in the process. I have been fielding requests about community resilience development and want to share with all of you a document that others are finding helpful. I initially created the document (below and pdf attached) for our host entities to distribute to the cohorts...
Blog Post

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States (

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States · SEL Thrive { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "SEL Thrive", "url" : "", "logo": "", "sameAs" : [ "", "" ], // "contactPoint" : [{ // "@type" : "ContactPoint", // "telephone" : "+1-555-555-555", // "contactType" : "customer service"...
Blog Post

District finds that creating more trauma-informed schools requires a change of culture []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
“The world of thinking about trauma, the importance of school climate and social-emotional learning is 20, 30, 40 years behind the world of instruction." Joanna Schwartz, a 2nd-grade teacher at Eliza B. Kirkbride Elementary School, was about to take a scheduled break and desperately needed a place to have peace and quiet. But the only place she could find was a broom closet. A few years earlier, in another school, Schwartz said teachers were baffled by a 3rd grader who continually fell...
Blog Post

Do Children have a Right to be Safe ?

Daun Kauffman ·
A comparison survey of government and departmental(legal vs. healthcare, vs. education) treatment of child safety given prevalence of childhood trauma.  
Blog Post

Do you know a ‘Danny’ or an ‘Ashley’, struggling socially, emotionally, or academically?

Daun Kauffman ·
PSAs designed to help grow awareness of the impacts of developmental or 'childhood' trauma. All the narratives are about real kids (with pseudonyms) who are trauma-impacted. These are not "combined" or imaginary narratives, nor caricatures.
Blog Post

During COVID-19, how does a trauma-informed school pivot to distance learning?

Laurie Udesky ·
Antioch Middle School seventh-grader Alyssia Garcia was accustomed to scanning the cafeteria during lunch for kids who might need her assistance. “I’d look for kids who looked sad, kids who were sitting alone, kids who looked angry,” says Garcia, a peer advocate at her school. Alyssia Garcia When she’d spot students sitting alone or looking sad, she’d approach them and ease into conversation. “If it’s a sad person, I’ll try to cheer them up or ask them what the problem is,” she says. “If...
Blog Post

Education Transformations - Providing Soc/Emot Training to Schools & More

Carla Swan Gerstein ·
Education Transformations is a company that works with districts, schools, teachers, and other organizations to improve Social/Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and what we call Relational Competency. We are San Diego, CA based, but can travel.
Blog Post

Everyone has implicit bias. This lession shows students how to recognize it.

Perhaps the biggest challenge we face when accessing information is confronting our biases before we are able to unpack the opinions and insights of other people. Often these biases are unconscious or implicit, meaning we might not even be aware we have them. But these implicit biases have real implications, and educators are no less immune than students. Research has already shown, for instance, that adults see black girls as less innocent than white peers, even before they meet them.
Blog Post

Failing Schools or Failing Paradigm ?

Daun Kauffman ·
 Yes, money matters in Education. Money is absolutely necessary,  but money is Not sufficient.   A key variable has been missing from the discussions about a new Education Paradigm: Childhood Trauma. Childhood trauma is broad in scope...
Blog Post

Featured Updates - New Bullying Prevention App

Former Member ·
Download the KnowBullying App! Parents and caregivers who spend at least 15 minutes a day talking with their child can build the foundation for a strong relationship, and help prevent bullying.   KnowBullying, a new mobile app by the Substance...
Blog Post

Free 'Resilience' online screening opportunity for members of National Association of School Psychologists

Gail Kennedy ·
The National Association of School Psychologists is having a free virtual screening of the companion film to Paper Tigers called "Resilience" next week, November 16th. The last day to sign up is this upcoming FRIDAY, the 11th. Go HERE to get information about signing up: Immediately following the screening,...
Blog Post

Free Resource: A Children's Book to Help Understand Social Distancing

Karen Gross ·
Here's a link to the book I wrote to help kids understand social distancing and express their own emotions. This is really important or things stay bottled up inside. It is now in video version; podcast and ebook are coming. Feel free to forward to others -- kids of all ages across the nation and the globe.Reprint the link. Do an article on it. Share with friends. Circulate it. Tweet it. Free resource. Bottom line: make it viral. The cover is attached!!! I hope it helps. Navigating emotions...
Blog Post

From Trauma Informed To Trauma Transformed: Achieving Post-Traumatic GROWTH for the Youths In Our Most Disenfranchised Public Schools and Communities

Bob Lancer ·
Roberto Rivera was a troubled, addicted youth engaged in criminal behavior who discovered his path to transformation in the pit of his traumatic pain. He harnessed the fire of early childhood trauma to change himself from being a problem to being a solution, not just in his own life, but also in the lives of many, many other under-privileged and under-performing young people. The name of his solution is Fulfill The Dream (FTD). FTD is a unique, hip-hop(e) based, Social Emotional Learning...
Blog Post

Girls are Bearing the Brunt of a Rise in US Cyberbullying []

By Sally Ho, Associated Press, July 26, 2019 SEATTLE (AP) — Rachel Whalen remembers feeling gutted in high school when a former friend would mock her online postings, threaten to unfollow or unfriend her on social media and post inside jokes about her to others online. The cyberbullying was so distressing that Whalen said she contemplated suicide. Once she got help, she decided to limit her time on social media. It helps to take a break from it for perspective, said Whalen, now a 19-year-old...
Blog Post

Good Choices FEEL Good - An Early SEL Lesson from Grandma Boom / ORAEYC Blog

Matt Leek ·
The little baby dinosaur was afraid to come out to play.....teaching empathy
Blog Post

Guide - Creating Trauma-Informed Policies: A Practice Guide for School and Mental Health Leadership

Lara Kain ·
Author, Leora Wolf-Prusan, EdD, School Mental Health lead for SAMHSA's Mental Health Technology Center Pacific Southwest Creating compassionate policies is a cornerstone strategy of educational leadership. This guide provides a deep dive into developing, implementing, and evaluating trauma-informed and compassionate school policies. It highlights four "choice points" for education and mental health leadership: Choice Point 1: Names &...
Blog Post

Head Start Prevents Foster Care? To Be Decided []

Alicia Doktor ·
The jury is decidedly out on the academic track record of Head Start, the education-oriented pre-school program for low-income families invented in the 1960s and federally proliferated in the early 1980s. Critics will point to large impact studies that show early academic gains fade by third grade. Proponents will say that those gains would stick if the students ended up in better public schools. But Youth Services Insider had never seen Head Start mentioned as a possible preventer of foster...
Blog Post

How a School Ditched Awards and Assemblies to Refocus on Kids and Learning (

Christine Cissy White ·
Together with the staff, they decided that handing out awards neither aligned with their beliefs nor brought out the best in their students—even for the sliver of kids who received awards. “Winners” got the message that product rather than process is what matters in education, Wejr said. “Learning should be the reward,” he added. And the far more plentiful “losers” heard that they weren’t good enough to be spotlighted on stage, or that their unique combination of attributes didn’t truly...
Blog Post

How Bibliotherapy Can Help Students Open Up About Their Mental Health (

Mental health concerns, like anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can affect a student’s ability to concentrate, form friendships and thrive in the classroom. Educators and school counselors often provide Social and Emotional Learning programs (SEL) in order to help these students, as well as school-based therapeutic support groups. However, even in these forums, getting teenagers to speak about their problems can be challenging, especially when they feel like outsiders...
Blog Post

How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Natalia Garceau · Has murder become the norm in our society? Every day, you turn on the news to see who else got killed. I had to disconnect my cable TV because I just got so sick and tired of watching homicide news every day and see no change in our country's policies. No kid is born to become a murderer. Yet, our society somehow does a great job turning them into monsters. How? Liberty and freedom for all! Oh, really? Then why is the U.S. incarceration...
Blog Post

How do these pediatricians do ACEs screening? Early adopters tell all.

Laurie Udesky ·
Last week, three pediatricians — with a combined experience of 15 years integrating ACEs science into their practices — reflected on the urgency they felt several years ago that prompted them to begin screening patients for childhood adversity and resilience when there was practically no guidance at all. Along their journey , they accumulated a list of lessons learned for other pediatricians and family clinics to use. The three pediatricians participated in the ACEs Connection webinar,...
Blog Post

How It Feels & How We Heal: Parenting with ACEs Chat Quotes (You Tube, Database, PDFs, Links)

Christine Cissy White ·
Parenting with ACEs is sharing inspiration, information, and expertise from our chat series in 3 formats. Parenting with ACEs: How It Feels & How We Heal Quote Collection (pdf version below as well) Quotes Database (pdf version below as well) Links to Chat Transcripts and before and after-the-chat blog posts. Thanks to everyone who showed up, who shared, and who is doing the important work that is our mission (prevent ACEs, heal trauma, build resilience). We know that work happens...
Blog Post

How to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline? Stop Treating Disabled and Minority Students as Criminals []

Jane Stevens ·
Last October, a video of School Resource Officer (SRO) Ben Fields ripping a young African-American student from her desk and slamming her to the ground went viral, fueling another round of intense outrage at excessive use of force by government agents against African-American civilians. In South Carolina, where the incident took place, there were protests and counter-protests . Most major media outlets covered the affair, showing the video from multiple angles and debating whether to blame...
Blog Post

How Women's Studies is Helping Rural Teens Fix Their Social Culture []

Alicia Doktor ·
On an early December morning at Golden Valley High School in Central California, a few girls, wrapped in a seasonal trend of blankets instead of coats, shuffle into Annie Delgado's classroom. They settle into desks among other sophomores, juniors, and seniors as an electronic blare jump-starts fourth period. Delgado, 45, reading glasses pushed to the top of her head, instructs them to reflect on the conversations about body positivity and social media they began last fall. "Do you ever stop...
Blog Post

p.p et al V compton Unified or the compton trauma lawsuit

robert hull ·
lThanks everyone for the high level of interest in this blog post. I thought I would send a follow up. Public Counsel a law firm filed a class action lawsuit alleging that Compton Unified subjected trauma impacted students to punitive and counter productive measures that pushed these students out of school and into the criminal justice system. Read the details on their website. The plaintiffs were requesting that compton unified provide training...
Blog Post

Incorporating Trauma Informed Practice and ACEs into Professional Curricula - a Toolkit

Jane Stevens ·
The toolkit is designed to aid faculty and teachers in a variety of disciplines, specifically social work, medicine, law, education, and counseling, to develop or integrate critical content on adverse childhood experiences and trauma informed care into new or existing curricula of graduate education programs. This toolkit provides an overview of colleges and universities that have courses in trauma-informed practice and ACEs science. Most of the toolkit comprises content for a course on...
Blog Post

Introduction: Here we're not outcasts []

Alicia Doktor ·
Editor’s note: This three-part series of articles and videos about the students and staff at Lakeside School in Horsham is made possible by funding from the Van Ameringen Foundation and the Reentry Project. The Van Ameringen Foundation is supporting two years of Notebook reporting on trauma-informed education. The Notebook is one of 15 news organizations in The Reentry Project, a solutions-oriented project on the issues facing formerly incarcerated Philadelphians. The aim is to produce...
Blog Post

School Walkout: An Adult Ally Guide (

Amplify their voice, not yours. Broadcast your willingness to be a "helper". Assume competence in youth leadership. Don't assume anything else. The moment news spread that the students of Parkland, Florida were using their voices to speak out against school violence, Rep. Shawn Harrison staffer claimed that the students were paid actors. This reaction isn’t uncommon. Some adults in positions of power are hesitant to include youth voice in the public sphere, and some will use any means...
Blog Post

Schools Spotlight Social, Emotional Learning Amid Complex Times []

By Hadley Barndollar,, October 20, 2019 In a second-grade classroom at New Franklin Elementary School, a warm flurry of compliments. Seated in a circle, girls praise each other’s dresses and sweatshirts. A boy gives his friend kudos for helping him clean up after an activity the previous week. They all murmur the teacher-advised response — “thank you” — through toothy smiles. It’s a lesson on compliments. Down the hallway, in a first-grade circle, students talk about inclusion...
Blog Post

Schools Spotlight Social, Emotional Learning Amid Complex Times []

By Hadley Barndollar,, October 20, 2019 In a second-grade classroom at New Franklin Elementary School, a warm flurry of compliments. Seated in a circle, girls praise each other’s dresses and sweatshirts. A boy gives his friend kudos for helping him clean up after an activity the previous week. They all murmur the teacher-advised response — “thank you” — through toothy smiles. It’s a lesson on compliments. Down the hallway, in a first-grade circle, students talk about inclusion...
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