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Tagged With "Attachment Trauma Network"


Re: Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Melissa Sadin ·
Dan, I would very much like to receive updates on the progress of this research. I am in the process of writing a doctoral dissertation and conducting research on trauma informed initiatives in public schools. There is much cross-over in our work. Please keep me posted. And as I am also a NJ resident, I would love an opportunity to visit your program. Hope to hear from you soon! Melissa Sadin

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Jim Sporleder ·
Denise, thanks for sharing. I am not aware of any programs that offer such a certificate for educators. I'd appreciate any information that you have on any program or movement to make this happen. Our educational system is in great need of early intervention with our students and families struggling with trauma and the impact it has on their ability to function without labels and judgement. Blessings, Jim

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Pamela Denise Long ·
Hi Jim, Missouri offers alternative certification, in general. I am looking for districts in the St. Louis area that use alternative certification to fulfill staffing needs. My practice and dissertation is focused on trauma-informed care. So, it would be great to work in a district that is also working to increase trauma-informed practice. I hope that makes sense.

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Jim Sporleder ·
Hi Pamela, Oregon is investing millions into pilot schools implementing trauma-informed practices. They are hiring Trauma Coaches for each school...that's a long way from St Louis Wishing you the best. Jim

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Jaclyn Yusko ·
Denise, I am so sorry that I did not see this earlier. I realize this post is from August and it may be too late for this information. I do know of a school district near you that is implementing trauma informed care. The district is Francis Howell School District, I have contacts available if you are interested. ~Jackie

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Summer Peterson ·
Jim, You and I spoke sometime ago ...I am Chris Anderson's niece...and am working on my dissertation on trauma-informed practices in schools. Can you provide a little more information about the trauma coaches in Oregon..where this is happening, specifically? Thank you! Summer

Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Tracy Henegar ·
My understanding is that it is not specifically trauma based, but it seems to align with it in it's focus on stress and learning. If the staff has already had training on TIC, it would be interesting to host that training and include some dialog around how it does or does not align with TIC! And let us know the outcome, please!

Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Jonathan Willias ·
I spent a week getting training on classroom trauma-informed processes/philosophy by Conscious Discipline. Altho they don't mention ACEs specifically, everything is aligned to avoid triggers and they prioritize supporting emotional development. I recommend their program as well as the book, 'Help for Billy' by Forbes. Jonathan Williams

Re: Looking for Suggestions on Policy

Matthew Reddam ·
Hi Katie, Educational policy, as you well know, is a tricky beast. I would suggest starting with broad, non-mandated policy that may exist within the district. This could be anything from communication policy to policy/practices on how meetings are conducted. When we examine current literature in Trauma Informed anything, the stall point is often at policy, because we get stuck trying to quantify and operationalize a fundamental shift in paradigm and thinking about ourselves and others. That...

Re: ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

Bob Lancer ·
I work directly with preschool teachers and parents, training them in the application of The 7 Mindsets for Empowerment through Awareness and Compassion. These 7 Mindsets (as determined through extensive research) provide parents with real mental strategies for improving their emotional self-management and for relating with their children in compassionate, aware ways that support the child's healthy development of cognitive skills in a context of social/emotional development. The training...

Re: ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

Amy Gorn ·
Hello, In my community the local Head Start provider has implemented Trauma Smart and enjoys it greatly with reported positive outcomes. The organization is CCS Early Learning if you'd like to connect and learn more. I do not work there, but work for a health foundation that funded their Trauma Smart work. Best, Amy Gorn < >

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Chris Engel ·
Rod, If you haven't seen the videos we have on Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, please take a look. Principal Jim Sporleder is a member here on AC so if you have questions you could ask him for his thoughts. I added some other videos that relate to your topic in education. Resilient: The School Discipline Revolution in Walla Walla, WA (11 min) The Health Center at Lincoln (20 min)...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Jane Stevens ·
Rod: I'm doing a series of stories about trauma-informed schools. Here's the overview: Here's a story about the work being done by the Washington State Area Health Education Center in Spokane: Cherokee Point Elementary in San Diego started out with restorative practices and is now moving to a trauma-informed approach:...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Chris Engel ·
Rod, If you go to Susan's profile page here and then click on 'Add as friend', Susan can accept your friend request and then you two will be able to email one another on this network.

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Krys Cooper ·
Hi - I have been working as a school-based clinician in thePhiladelphia School District (in K-8), and am often training teachers about the impact of trauma on learning. I have also led workshops for 3-4th graders on this topic. Let me know if you'd like to hear more!

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Daun Kauffman ·
Krys, I am researching childhood trauma and educator/District implications as part of Continuing Ed / PGP in SDP. I will be presenting (and hopefully motivating) to other staff at my K-8 school. I am working on a Power Point that I would love for you to review if you have time. I'd also love to see any presentation materials you have already put together ? Daun Kauffman

Re: Keynote: "A Culture of Health"

Jim Sporleder ·
Thank you for sharing. I will never forget Dr. Ginsberg's statement when he came to Walla Walla and presented to our community. He said, "If you work with trauma impacted kids, you have to go through their heart before you can get to their heads." Powerful statement! The next spring, our students made 30 & 40% increases on the state assessments. Unheard of for an alternative high school. Heather Forbes, author of "Help for Billy", reminds us that Maslow's Hierarchy of needs starts from...

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Kris Christensen ·
I am also interested. We are just getting started trying to launch trauma-informed schools in St. Paul. Thanks for getting this going! Kris

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Cathryn Bennett ·
Hi Leisa and other members, I am very excited about this opportunity for open discussion. I'm at EST+10. Although most of my childhood was spent in North Carolina I now live and work in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Child protection is an emergent topic here with the first legislation appearing in 2011 in conjunction with acceptance for the convention on the rights of the child. I'm looking forward to learning more about tangible practices for preventing childhood trauma, particularly at school,...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Steven Dahl ·
Greetings - I am grateful to Jane for sharing this information. I will share a little bit here about what my original intent was in creating the course (Creating Compassionate Schools), how it was designed, and "what's next" or pending in terms of professional development. First, as we all know, we are all taking a "it takes a village" approach. This applies to all professional fields, not only to traditionally defined K-12 education. That said, it was about 5 years ago that I learned about...

Re: Trauma-Informed/Sensitive Classrooms

robert hull ·
Brenda we have been offering a course for teachers on trauma informed educational practices just south of you in PG county. It is a three credit bearing course so teachers can use it for recertification

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Anita Behrman ·
I work for a PD company and we work with Heather Forbes author of Help for Billy - we have online programming featuring Heather's book, her conferences and classroom scenarios with commentary. Over 40 hours of online video and mini courses in four tracks. We recommend using it in a blended approach so teachers and administrators can discuss. We focus on practical take-aways.

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Paula Vandervelde ·
John Richardson-Lauve, LCSW 200 N 22nd Street , Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 644.9590 |

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
I'm very interested hearing from people that work in schools that are taking a trauma-informed approach. A large part of the job I recently left as a Behavior Strategist in a private special education school/ residential treatment facility was to work with staff on a trauma-informed (responsive) approach with the kids we served. I really developed a passion for it and would love to continue working within that focus. When recently moving to Texas I was hoping to find something within an...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Lee, Thanks for replying. I work in a school that has implemented trauma-informed practices. But it has been a real struggle. Trauma-informed practices when delivered to one student at a time, via the school counselors, dean of students, social workers, etc., seem to be working for us fairly well. However, at the school wide level, we have not been as successful. We aren't giving up - ever - but I am hoping to hear some ideas how other schools are doing this. The biggest challenge, based...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
That was our numbers as well. I think you will continue to struggle and see turn over if it is something left up to certain school staff to "deliver" the trauma-informed practices. To me, a trauma-informed school is one that practices the approach in all of their interactions using "universal precautions." How long has it been since the school has implemented the practices...and what exactly are the practices? I'm curious as to what certain counselors, social workers do. I can tell you what...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Krys Cooper ·
I have been working within the SDP for the past several years as a school-based outpatient clinician, as well as a school-based clinician within an STS program. As I establish relationships with teachers and administrators , I use language that introduces them to trauma-informed concepts (safety plans, triggers, de-escalation techniques, viewing the child as "injured," not "bad." I then offer to present in-service trainings for teachers about the impact of trauma on learning, where...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Dominic Varle ·
Leisa - as someone who is trying to introduce trauma-informed practice to a school here in the UK, I found your post incredibly helpful in its detail and I shall be thinking further on the issues and solutions you've posited. What resonated with me most in your comments was the importance of adding an intake survey, which I am pressing to be added to our pre-admissions assessment process. I am in the currently constructing something along those lines, and I would be very interested in seeing...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Willem de Jong ·
Thank you all for your positive input. In the Netherlands we are wrestling with the same topics you are. My wife and I wrote a book about trauma and attachment related problems in school. In our research we found the following English/American literature very helpful: Attachment in the Classroom - Heather Geddes What about me? - Louise Michelle Bomber Inside I'M Hurting - Louise Michelle Bomber Teenagers and Attachment - Edited by Andrea Perry Settling to Learn Louise Michelle Bomber &...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Melanie Duletzke ·
I will jump in here. I am a special ed director for a school district, but I am also a parent of two children who have trauma backgrounds (we adopted about three years ago). I feel like the old Hair Club for Men commercial where the guy at the end says, "I am not only the president, but I am also a client." I have had the opportunity to do a presentation at the state CEC conference, and will be doing another this summer at the state conference for sp. ed. directors. Some other avenues have...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Melanie Duletzke ·
I forgot to ask...has anyone done the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME) training through the Child Trauma Academy? It is very costly. I have considered trying to look for a grant to help pay for this if it is fantastic.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Jane Stevens ·
This is a fascinating discussion! Here are some stories I did about trauma-informed schools in Spokane and San Francisco that might provide more information about school-wide approaches. These stories are part of a series about schools that are taking a compassionate approach to school discipline. Later this year, I'll do a story about what a school and district need to have the most success, in terms of reductions in referrals, suspensions, expulsions, absenteeism, and an increase in...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Melanie, You are so right when you say that teachers (and administrators) don't always listen to people who have not "been in the classroom." You are in an incredibly unique position being both a special education director and a parent of children who have experienced trauma. If anyone can get through to the teachers and admin, it should be you. I think its terribly unfortunate when some school personnel don't want new information, or won't even listen to new information because they...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
I appreciate your work and hope you can continue in Texas. I think you especially hit the issue head on when you identify that trauma-informed practice is not just sometimes for some people. The systemic and cultural/philosophical changes that ACE directs us towards represent the movement that Dr. Anda refers to. As a mental health clinician who worked for a time in the schools, I marveled at the disconnect between educational practices and psychology/social work interventions. I understand...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Jim Sporleder ·
Hi Kris, I have a staff survey that I give shortly after I have trained a school how to implement trauma-informed strategies into their daily practice. It's a simple tool that I use to measure growth. I give the same survey towards the end of the school year to give me a perspective where the staff is on the implementation process. It allows me to see where there are gaps that need additional support or it shows me what's really going well with the implementation. It's a tool for measurement...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

robert hull ·
I have been teaching an online course called Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. I use my book by the same name as well as multiple other sources of information. The evaluations that I receive at the end of the course are very positive. I also do about 24 speeches a year on treating ODD and Conduct disorder from a trauma informed perspective. many teachers attend this seminar and give very good evaluations. As far as serious data you might try contacting Ron Hertel with Washington...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Cathryn Bennett ·
The link enclosed is to an article from a researcher at UNC-Chapel Hill about practices that can help kids cope after a traumatic event (especially in the news). Maybe this is related to what you are looking for? The researcher advocates trying to make the response(s) as unique as possible for the various ways that children respond to trauma. Cheers.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
Hi Leisa- took me awhile to find my way back to respond to your post! I really am not the expert or even close to having clout in terms of education, but I guess if ACE information implies big paradigm changes, then I see that having big implications for the pairing of social work and mental health practices within public education.I saw another post here about social workers and psychologists understanding the students best but having the least contact- that's a place for change. Cross...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Sandy Goodwick ·
Does your survey consider teacher self-care from the trauma experienced via workplace bullying in education? Does your district have a workplace bullying policy? A year ago, the AFT and Badass Teachers Association conducted an unscientific, national survey ("Quality of Work life Survey") which indicated teachers were deeply stressed... That survey lef to an amendment in ESSA (co-authored by Senators Booker and Baker) so that school district communities can apply for Title II funding in order...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Tracy Henegar ·
Jim - Is this a tool you can share? I'm training 3 districts with the ACE Interface next week, and it might be handy for them to use for self-reflection or for follow up work.

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

JoDee Buis ·
I also am looking for this same type of tool. Jim, please consider sharing the tool. It sounds like many are searching for a way to inform our decisions regarding how to support schools with trauma-informed strategies. Thanks!

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Brian Frick ·
I have been working and training with Trauma Informed Care out of Detroit for 5 years now and am currently connecting with Craig Beswick out of California (Learn4Life) on Creating Trauma Informed Care Nationwide. We are currently working with Jobs for America's Graduates on making their program Trauma Informed. I would be very interested in talking with you and seeing if I could help or connect you with Craig. Brian Frick
Ask the Community

An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Leisa Irwin ·
I have been a member of this site for about two years now, and I have been so impressed with the knowledge base of the members, and this entire site.   I would really like to schedule some live "chat" conversations - perhaps once a month, or once...
Ask the Community

An Opportunity to Inform an Educational Council

Katrina Masterson ·
Hello ACES in Education Community! I have a rare opportunity to speak to our Congressman's Educational Council in their upcoming meeting on March 29 Here's the thing: I'm not a teacher or parent! And I know that Virginia as a whole may be somewhat behind other States. But I'm not letting these things deter me. I'm passionate about ACEs and trauma-informed approaches! And as a concerned citizen, I know that spreading awareness to the schools can help shift the school/youth violence tide. We...
Ask the Community

Assessment tool for trauma-informed schools

Linda Chamberlain ·
Does anyone have a recommendation regarding an assessment tool/survey/questionnaire to helps schools identify needs, gaps etc. as a baseline and perhaps to use as part of an evaluation as they work on becoming trauma-informed? Your ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Linda
Ask the Community

Balancing science with justice for violent teens

Leisa Irwin ·
Anita Wadhwani, The Tennessean As research emerges about the impact of trauma on a child’s developing brain, state leaders are grappling with the thorny problem of how to balance science with justice when dealing with violent and criminal teens. The development issues are commonly referred to as “adverse childhood experiences” – and they impact just about every public entity that encounters children – from public schools to the Department of Children’s Services to hospitals and the criminal...
Ask the Community

Behavioral Health in Schools

Amy Gorn ·
Hello--I work for a health foundation in Alaska and our (geographically large) borough is beginning its third cohort of trauma-sensitive schools. With this work and intention, our schools are contracting with local behavioral health providers to offer accessible, onsite services to meet student needs, particularly emergent and episodic. We need to determine a strategic, standardized and sustainable model for the long-term as need and capacity grows in our school district. There are...
Ask the Community

Can Every 15 Minutes be trauma-informed?

Louise Oliveira ·
Every other year, our community comes together to put on Every 15 Minutes (E15M), a staged event graphically reenacting a drunk/drugged driving accident at our high school involving our students. It has been brought to the organizers' attention that this event can be triggering to some students, and that we should no longer do E15M. We have a follow-up overnight retreat with the key players and their parents where they process what happened and the emotions that arise. At the school,...
Ask the Community

Can Trauma-Informed Mermaids Help Children & Families? (New Kids Book Series)

Sarah E Clark ·
Dear ACEs in Education Community, We just launched a new trauma-informed children's book series called Venus and Her Fly Trip . The series has been developed in collaboration with therapists, educators, parents and healers and is designed to promote mental/social/emotional health, body positivity and imaginative play in kids 4-10 , with the ultimate goal of preventing self-hatred. We will also be developing an elementary school curriculum to complement the story books. I would greatly value...
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