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Tagged With "@trauminformed"

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A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
I had a conversation with an elementary principal from Florida while I was in WA DC last week that has been haunting me. This amazing principal and her staff came together to become a trauma informed school. Why? Because they saw their students’ pain and wanted to create a nurturing, safe, and loving school culture.... Days before coming to the Trauma Sensitive School Conference, she and her staff were notified by the State of Florida Education Office that the entire staff was going to be...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jody McVittie ·
Wow Jim you are right about what the students need. I've also learned working with many schools that the implementation of trauma informed practices can, in some instances be a lowering of expectations. That is not necessary or appropriate - and sometimes it gets my other wonder is, if they are truly trauma informed aren't they making progress? Has anyone gone in to see what extra supports or coaching the educators need to be able to offer what the students need to...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
The specific school in Florida was in the early stages of looking at becoming a trauma informed school. You bring up some very good questions and observations with becoming or claiming to be a trauma informed school. From my perspective, if there is a lowering of expectations for students, there is a disconnect with truly understanding what it means to be a trauma informed school. If we aren’t holding students accountable, I believe we are failing them. I think it depends on how a school...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Carey Sipp ·
The “don’t traumatize already traumatized people” is being ignored across all fronts here: the students, teachers, and parents will all be traumatized by the firings. Collateral damage includes the families of the teachers, of course, and siblings and other family members of the students. Lose/lose/lose proposition. The changes you want to see cannot happen quickly enough!

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Natalia Garceau ·
That’s really sad. Jim, I have written to the FLDOE and BCPS leaders asking about trauma informed schools and research conducted in Florida and Broward County, but haven’t heard back from anyone. Was this the only trauma- informed school in our state?? I wish all Florida TIS advocates could get together and figure out how to create change!

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jody McVittie ·
Jim, I completely agree with your comments. AND.... I think that without a strong leader it can be really messy and confusing for staff. That was one of the things you did that made a difference. We've found that adding leadership support has made a difference in the transition.

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
Natalia, I wished I knew more specifics about the school. I was fielding a lot of questions, and was stunned with the information she shared with me, but didn't have the opportunity to do more follow up. I like your idea of getting a coalition of trauma informed advocates together to seek out greater understanding as to what is going on in Florida. I've only been to Florida once, and it was to work with the community partners around collective impact and community response to ACEs. Thanks...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
You are right on Jody! If the Leader isn't leading the implementation process, it becomes a school with silos. I also believe that the main office is the core platform to change the school culture and model what we want to see throughout our schools. I have a section in my book that addresses strategies and practices to cultivate the school culture we want for students, staff, parents, and community.

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Becky Haas ·
Great post Jim. If they feel a need to fire ALL the staff, that only reflects on the school administration as how could every single staffer be getting it wrong? We have been seeing some groundbreaking work in our Alternative High School thanks to having your example to follow from Lincoln High School. However we are getting "push-back" from those saying we shouldn't try to "coddle" students and we need to do things the way they've always been done. To move ahead in this conversation, I'm...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Becky Haas ·
Great point Jody! We have actually changed our language in working with the public schools to talking about a continuum of care instead of just labeling them trauma-informed after a few teachers attend training. Instead, after teachers receive trauma-informed care training we say they are now trauma aware. Next we direct them to become trauma sensitive, (we are not prescriptive and let them decide based on the SAMHSA 6 pillars where change is needed) then by making adjustments they are...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
Thank you Becky, I wish we could come up with another term rather than "Trauma Informed." I think it sets people up to try and decide on their own who is impacted by trauma and who isn't. This is a failed approach, and people look at trauma-informed practices as a checklist...."This is what we do" versus "This is who we are." The school's culture is impacted when we embrace the power of intentional caring adults in the lives of ALL of our students. In my opinion, it creates a climate as to...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jody McVittie ·
Becky. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend Nadine Burke Harris's book, The Deepest Well. Maybe a resource for your police officers.

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Becky Haas ·
Could not agree more Jim. When I offer training, I always include teaching, "trauma-informed is a way of being and NOT a checklist." Of the hundreds (now thousands) I've trained I've never presented the training in a prescriptive way by telling organizations how they need to change - I tell attendees "I'm equipping them with a pair of glasses like the kind you get at a 3D movie. You will leave the training having a trauma-informed lens through which you can view services offered by your...

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Jim Sporleder ·
Beautifully said Becky!! Blessings on your continued work and journey to serve our struggling children and adults who haven't yet discovered just how precious they are... a priceless opportunity to be touched by their lives and their resilience.

Re: A Haunting Conversation....

Becky Haas ·
Thanks Jim! Means a lot coming from you!!
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