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Tagged With "Students in California"


Re: Looking for Suggestions on Policy

Matthew Reddam ·
Hi Katie, Educational policy, as you well know, is a tricky beast. I would suggest starting with broad, non-mandated policy that may exist within the district. This could be anything from communication policy to policy/practices on how meetings are conducted. When we examine current literature in Trauma Informed anything, the stall point is often at policy, because we get stuck trying to quantify and operationalize a fundamental shift in paradigm and thinking about ourselves and others. That...

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Brian Frick ·
I have been working and training with Trauma Informed Care out of Detroit for 5 years now and am currently connecting with Craig Beswick out of California (Learn4Life) on Creating Trauma Informed Care Nationwide. We are currently working with Jobs for America's Graduates on making their program Trauma Informed. I would be very interested in talking with you and seeing if I could help or connect you with Craig. Brian Frick
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ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Kinyofu Mlimwengu ·
Greetings, I am wondering who out there has done an ACE survey for students in K - 5? If so, what supports did you offer them? - Kinyofu
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Teachers - Share your stories!

Flo Griffin ·
The California Association of African American Superintendents and Administrators is looking for teachers to interview for their teacher-focused Professional Development this summer. They plan to host an online conference on September 15 (with pre-recorded mini-lectures and interviews) entitled, "Educational Justice: Turning Policy into Practice" with a focus on student equity and social justice. I did a training for them in March on ACEs, so this would be a great opportunity for some of the...
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Trauma informed - resilience building services/support within our schools for our refugees

Please share if your school or district has TI-RB services you've developed in support of our refugee populations and how you've infused into your school climate with your staff, students and families. My understanding is we have roughly 100,000 Syrian refugees already in processing and roughly 75,000 of them will be relocating to California. On a conference call with a Superintendent, he inquired what existing practices are in place in preparation for their arrival with other schools and...
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Trends in Trauma-informed Organization Development

Pamela Denise Long ·
I am curious to know how members of the group are seeing trauma-informed care being implemented in local/state education agencies or even private education/community support agencies that look at collective impact. Particularly, in addition to reading/math strategies, technology, curricula-- as observed in your work--which improvement content/strategies/competencies are emphasized by local/state education agencies with high federal programs funding/high utilization of free-reduced lunch?

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hey Suzanne, I'm a school-based Trauma Educator in Northern California -- one of the conversations I keep saying hasn't happened yet is the connection between trauma-impacted kids and special education diagnosis. (A million years ago, before ACEs) my dissertation looked at outcomes for two categories of SPED: SED and EDBD - severely emotionally disturbed and emotionally disturbed behaviorally disordered -- now, with all the ACEs research we know that these are the kids -- mostly black and...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hi Kinyofu, Here's a great resource: It is quick and to the point, offering the key points to consider. Hope it helps.

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Brian Frick ·
I have been working and training with Trauma Informed Care out of Detroit for 5 years now and am currently connecting with Craig Beswick out of California (Learn4Life) on Creating Trauma Informed Care Nationwide. We are currently working with Jobs for America's Graduates on making their program Trauma Informed. I would be very interested in talking with you and seeing if I could help or connect you with Craig. Brian Frick I would be happy to share and connect
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Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Sami Çetinkaya ·
Hi Everyone, I am studying on ACEs and ıts impacts on the academic success of students in the context of Trauma-informed schools. I wonder if there are any studies carried out in your countries related to these topics in case I missed them. Best

Re: Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Lara Kain ·
Hi Sami, I will do some looking around but often proxy data is used since direct academic achievement success can be tricky at the individual level. Some of the proxy data may be increased attendance (which we know leads to improved academics) or discipline rates, teacher attendance and retention, and other metrics that DO have research behind them that does connect directly to academics. Here is a blog I wrote about it and a document attached to it that I created for SAMHSA,...

Re: Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Sami Çetinkaya ·
Hi Lara, I will definitely read it all. Thanks! I will e-mail you about it.

Re: Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Matthew Fleming ·
Hi there! We are on some similar tracks here. I m doing some quant work, but would definitely be able to share some articles from my lit review. my email is Let's connect and I will share!
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Research Question for ACEs in public school

Matthew Fleming ·
Hello, everyone! I am in need of some assistance. I am working on a study and need to find a medium to large public school district in California that uses ACEs to assess students for trauma. I would prefer to work with middle and high schools, but I am deep in this work and hit a snag. If you are in such a district, or know of one, please let me know. Thank you!
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Feedback requested: prosocial video games supporting resilience

Drew Crecente ·
The nonprofit group I work for is presenting its 15th annual prosocial game design challenge. For this year's competition the theme is resilience . We will launch the contest before the end of June and would appreciate more feedback regarding the educational resources about resilience that we are sharing with the participants. Some Background When we launch a game design challenge we try and provide as much helpful information to game developers who will participate. We do this so that the...

Re: Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Former Member ·
Thanks for sharing your experience. It is very important for me. I'm just looking for ways to improve my academic performance at the university in order to find a prestigious job in the future. To do this, I need good grades in the diploma and a good letter of recommendation. I have already found a letter of recommendation writing service now I will make every effort to improve my grades. Thanks for your advice.
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