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Tagged With "Post-COVID"

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COVID19 Re-Imagines School-Home-Ed Disciplinary Practices w/Trauma-aware Zero-Punishment Conscious Discipline to stop Abuse at its source!

Michael Sirbola ·
ACE's & COVID-19 - Change is coming: Ethos is, as ethos does - Are we all on-board with the following ethos? ETHOS: If a child commits a criminally-prosecutable act then it is a matter for doctors, not police (for HIPPA, not FERPA)! Well? Onboard? If one grasps the prior, the following is then readily self-evident: CORPORAL PUNISHMENT lays the foundation for abuse and occurs in 80% of households and 15% of schools. Corporal Punishment implicitly perpetuates, condones and promotes th
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A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus []

Mai Le ·
Experts from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network share their recommendations for educators supporting students during the COVID-19 crisis. By TEACHING TOLERANCE STAFF MARCH 23, 2020 L ast week, as schools across the nation closed their doors to slow the spread of the coronavirus, TT reached out to our community to learn what support you needed at this time. Among the most common responses was a call for trauma-informed practices to support students over the coming weeks and months.
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Polling American K-12 Parents About COVID-19 []

By Paul Diperna, EdChoice, April 21, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of our lives in unique ways. Our team has been adapting some of our work to be more responsive to the extraordinary times we are living in right now. One of our goals is to inform policymakers, stakeholders and the public about school choice programs and to better understand choice in the larger context of American K–12 education. That context has gone through a seismic shift during recent months. In partnership...
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Coming soon: Philly School District families will have access to grief counseling, coronavirus support []

Caitlin O'Brien ·
For Philadelphia students and families having trouble coping with the loss of months of in-person school amid the trauma of a pandemic and a changing world, help is on the way. On Monday, the Philadelphia School District and Uplift, the Center for Grieving Children, will launch the Philly HopeLine, a hotline that will connect district children and families to grief support services, Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. said at a news conference Thursday. The resource comes in response to a...
Blog Post

Developing Community Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Kathy Adams ·
Educators, I know many of you understand the important role strong families and communities play in the lives of your students. Ideas are included below to develop community resilience that, ultimately, support your students in the process. I have been fielding requests about community resilience development and want to share with all of you a document that others are finding helpful. I initially created the document (below and pdf attached) for our host entities to distribute to the cohorts...
Blog Post

During COVID-19, how does a trauma-informed school pivot to distance learning?

Laurie Udesky ·
Antioch Middle School seventh-grader Alyssia Garcia was accustomed to scanning the cafeteria during lunch for kids who might need her assistance. “I’d look for kids who looked sad, kids who were sitting alone, kids who looked angry,” says Garcia, a peer advocate at her school. Alyssia Garcia When she’d spot students sitting alone or looking sad, she’d approach them and ease into conversation. “If it’s a sad person, I’ll try to cheer them up or ask them what the problem is,” she says. “If...
Blog Post

From Trauma Informed To Trauma Transformed: Achieving Post-Traumatic GROWTH for the Youths In Our Most Disenfranchised Public Schools and Communities

Bob Lancer ·
Roberto Rivera was a troubled, addicted youth engaged in criminal behavior who discovered his path to transformation in the pit of his traumatic pain. He harnessed the fire of early childhood trauma to change himself from being a problem to being a solution, not just in his own life, but also in the lives of many, many other under-privileged and under-performing young people. The name of his solution is Fulfill The Dream (FTD). FTD is a unique, hip-hop(e) based, Social Emotional Learning...
Blog Post

Houston Teachers Drafted to Become Trauma Counselors []

Laura Pinhey ·
As Houston ’s school district of more than 200,000 students scrambles to repair damaged schools before classes begin next week, they must also plan for traumatized students to enter the classroom. The Houston Independent School District is in the process of working with counsellors, nurses and social workers to develop a “mental health recovery plan” for the district’s hardest hit schools, according to a statement from HISD. In the meantime, Mental Health America of Greater Houston and...
Blog Post

How COVID-19 Impacts Children’s Mental Health

Lori Turk ·
Mental health among children and youth is already a concern. In 2018, there were 41,087 hospital discharges for mental health issues among California youth ages 5-19, a 38% increase in the last decade . With the emergence of COVID-19, children with existing mental health issues must endure the added burden of a pandemic. Children often rely on schools to provide mental health services, but school closures have made it difficult to access and preserve the quality of these services. Historical...
Blog Post

How Severe, Ongoing Stress can Affect a Child's Brain [Associated Press via]

Laura Pinhey ·
A quiet, unsmiling little girl with big brown eyes crawls inside a carpeted cubicle, hugs a stuffed teddy bear tight, and turns her head away from the noisy classroom. The safe spaces, quiet times and breathing exercises for her and the other preschoolers at the Verner Center for Early Learning are designed to help kids cope with intense stress so they can learn. But experts hope there's an even bigger benefit — protecting young bodies and brains from stress so persistent that it becomes...
Blog Post

How to Talk with Kids About COVID-19 []

By Erin Digitale, Stanford Children's Health, March 10, 2020 As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, experts at Stanford Children’s Health have advice about how families can prepare their children for the continued news coverage and conversations around the outbreak. Parents and caregivers should communicate in an age-appropriate way that addresses children’s questions without stoking anxiety, says Stanford Children’s Health psychiatrist Victor Carrion, MD , who also directs...
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Serving School Meals in Challenging Times []

By State of Childhood Obesity, April 14, 2020 Millions of kids across the country rely on school meals as their primary source of nutrition. More than 30 million kids, the majority of whom are growing up in families with low incomes, eat school breakfast and lunch every day. The new coronavirus has presented unprecedented challenges to the school meal programs. While people often think of healthcare professionals as emergency personnel and first responders, school district food service...
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Bruce Perry, MD, PhD. Staying Emotionally Close in the Time of COVID-19 []

By Guy Macpherson, The Trauma Therapist Project, March 2020 Dr. Bruce Perry is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and neuroscientist. He is senior fellow at the ChildTrauma Academy and an adjunct professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. In addition to having written more than two hundred scientific articles, Dr. Perry has coauthored with Maia Szalavitz two books for general audiences: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories...
Blog Post

California may start next school year sooner if coronavirus is under control []

By Alexei Koseff, San Francisco Chronicle, April 28, 2020 California schools could reopen this summer to help make up for a “learning loss” that early closures forced by the coronavirus pandemic caused this year, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday. Schools typically start the academic year in mid- to late August, but the governor said that might be moved up to as early as July if the pandemic is under control. “We recognize there has been a learning loss,” Newsom said at a news conference. “We...
Blog Post

Job Posting: Assistant Director/Lead Coach Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative, Deadline to apply 4/13/17

Lara Kain ·
The Assistant Director position is a two-year grant funded position, with the potential for extension, with Los Angeles Education Partnership. This project is designed to support and implement a trauma-informed school environment in selected K-12 schools both within and outside of California through a partnership with Kaiser Permanente. A central component of this project’s approach to a trauma-informed school environment is to embed practices at each school that prioritize the wellness of...
Blog Post

The Year Without Graduation

Cheryl Step ·
This is the week the Governor of California called off the rest of the school year. Many states are following. This is not just the year of COVID. This is the year without graduation. That means 3.7 million high school seniors in the Class of 2020 are not going to wear their caps and gowns in May and June. Let me speak to you seniors if I may. (The rest of you should stay here, too. You need to get what they are losing). You began the year with senior photos. Sports for the last time for...
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We need to prepare for the mental health impact of coronavirus on kids []

By Sonali Kohli, Los Angeles Times, May 7, 2020 Four-year-olds have playdates through closed windows, sliding their toy cars in unison on either side of the glass. A high school student worries about his mother going to work in a food-packing warehouse, at risk for contracting COVID-19. Another teen says “there is nothing to look forward to,” as he tries to avoid sliding into depression. Worried parents are calling school district hotlines seeking help for their troubled children. Experts...
Blog Post

What Happens When Schools Close for the Academic Year?]

By Karen Gross, Teachers College Press, March 20, 2020 Just as we are hearing about positive research efforts to combat the coronavirus in the relative near term, we are learning that some statewide school systems may stay closed through the end of the 2019–2020 school year. As of this writing, one state—Kansas—has affirmatively closed all its schools until the next academic year. Other states will likely follow in the coming days, including California, Arizona and Texas. The critical...

Re: California may start next school year sooner if coronavirus is under control []

Matthew Fleming ·
This could be problematic. I am sure that parents and the public in general will love the idea. But it assumes that teachers, staff and administration have not been working since the closure began. For most of us, this has meant longer hours and more challenging and frustrating work. The teachers especially will need a break. If they don't get one, we will have numerous issues with staff. Furthermore, teachers in California are not 12 month employees. Those who receive 12 month checks do so...
Blog Post

Re-Opening Schools Experts (ROSE) Task Force

Daun Kauffman ·
Excerpt: "In the end, it will not be enough that adult experts declare schools “safe”. In the final, trauma-informed analysis, each child in their own body, brainstem, limbic system and HPA axis, must feel safe. They must be part of the task force. If the children don’t feel safe, it is all for naught."

Re: Education After COVID-19: A Trauma Informed Approach

Beth Hand ·
Wondering if “Education after COVID19: A Trauma Informed Approach” will be recorded? I would love to be able to share this with our school mental health staff when they return in August. Thanks - Beth Hand Beth Hand, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licensed School Social Worker Professional Development Coordinator Shelby County Schools MHC 2930 Airways Blvd. Memphis, TN 38116 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of...
Blog Post

Teenagers and Reopening: Tips for helping kids stay safe during a confusing time []

By Rae Jacobson, The Child Mind Institute, June 23, 2020 It’s a trying time to be the parent of a teenager. After months of being cooped up at home away from friends, unable to attend school or go out, most kids are chomping at the bit to get back to the lives they had before the pandemic. Getting teens to take safety seriously is a struggle at the best of times, and as the nation moves towards reopening, it’s never been more important to ensure kids are following the rules. How can parents...
Blog Post

Nonprofit organizations and partnerships can support students during the COVID-19 crisis []

By Vanessa Sacks and Rebecca M. Jones, Child Trends, June 17, 2020 With the abrupt closure of schools around the country as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many community-based organizations that provide critical supports to students in the school building have had to stop offering services. Others have quickly transitioned to a new way of serving students and have learned some early and important lessons along the way. Child Trends has been working with youthCONNECT at Suitland High...
Blog Post

One school, 25 bereavements: Essex head fears emotional impact of Covid-19 []

Paul Savery ·
Vic Goddard is one of many school leaders daunted by the burden of supporting pupils and staff through their grief. By Donna Ferguson, July 4, 2020 V ic Goddard is trying not to cry. The headteacher of Passmores academy in Harlow and star of the 2011 TV series Educating Essex is thinking about the 23 pupils and two staff at his school who have been bereaved during the coronavirus pandemic. His greatest fear, a fear that keeps him awake at night and is making his voice tremble, is what could...
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Reopening Resilient Schools []

By John Bailey, Education Next, July 2020 A consensus is growing among health officials that American schools, virtually all of which closed their doors this March, will be able to reopen in the fall. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in early June that “the idea of keeping schools closed in the fall because of safety concerns for children might be ‘a bit of a reach.’” That’s good news: the sooner kids get back to school, the...
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Intergenerational programs can help out-of-school-kids []

By Trent Stamp, Ed Source, July 29, 2020 With just weeks before the fall semester begins, school districts are grappling with reopening decisions as Covid-19 cases rise across the country. It’s obviously a tough choice. We know that little can replace the hours of in-person instruction children should receive each day, and researchers and educators are so worried about these growing deficits that the term “covid slide” has supplanted the “summer slide.” But intergenerational programs can...
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Reopening K-12 Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic []

By Kenne A. Dibner, Heidi A. Schweingruber, Dimitri A. Christakis, JAMA Network, July 29, 2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to the nation’s kindergarten-grade 12 education system. 1 The rush to respond to the pandemic led to closures of school buildings across the country, with little time to ensure continuity of instruction or to create a framework for deciding when and how to reopen schools. States and school districts are now...
Blog Post

Considerations for Building Post-COVID Early Care and Education Systems that Serve Children with Disabilities []

By Mallory Warner-Richter and Christina M. Lloyd, Child Trends, August 6, 2020 Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all families, especially those caring for young children with disabilities. Of the 24 million children under age 6 in the United States, about 5 percent (1.2 million) have a diagnosed disability, which qualifies them for early intervention or special education services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 1 IDEA categorizes 13...
Blog Post

Addressing students' social, emotional and behavioral stress -- not truama -- when they return to school []

By Howie Knoff, SmartBrief, August 31, 2020 Throughout this pandemic, the American public has sometimes had to choose between science and beliefs, between objective data and personal testimonials. And while the medical, social, economic and educational toll from the COVID-19 virus is unprecedented, some of the effects have been politicized by our leaders, and sensationalized by the press. Sadly, the latter has occurred when discussing the emotional status of our students as districts prepare...
Blog Post

LAUNCH Together Supports Social Emotional Well-Being in Southwest Denver

Anndee Hochman ·
As the COVID-19 pandemic blurred from days into months, the leadership team of LAUNCH Together Southwest Denver began hearing about the sense of anguish and confusion felt by directors of early-childhood learning centers: Should I re-open? Is that financially feasible? Is it ethical? And how do I decide, in a sea of fast-changing information about a virus scientists are still struggling to understand? LAUNCH Together SW Denver, a collaborative formed in 2016 to boost community capacity to...
Blog Post

How Students Find Strength Now: An Opinion Project []

From Education Week, September 14, 2020 The education field has been criticized for focusing too narrowly on a set of academic skills and disciplines, reinforced through standardized assessments, accountability measures, and other policy levers, but with the rise of the pandemic this spring and the national fight for racial justice, schools were forced to evolve quickly. At the same time, young people have been encountering death, food insecurity, trauma, and unemployment in their own homes...
Blog Post

Attachment & Trauma Network 4th Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools - Keynote Speaker Line-Up

Alex Englander ·
The Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) is excited to announce the line-up for its upcoming 2021 Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference, to be held virtually February 15 thru 18, 2021. On Monday, February 15, Dr. Tina Payne Bryson kicks off the conference with her presentation: Teaching During A Pandemic . On Tuesday, Dr. Ingrid Cockhren will speak about The State of the Black Child , an important and timely presentation that will look at racial trauma and the impact on child...
Blog Post

Trauma-responsive school thinks outside-the-box to engage students during pandemic

Laurie Udesky ·
Before the pandemic, Sara Buckley, an 8 th grade science teacher at Park Middle School in Antioch, California, could handle students who were acting out during class. Understanding that trauma lies beneath disruptive behavior, she didn’t send kids to the principal for punishment. Instead, she’d talk with them to find out what was going on at home or outside of school—and then work out a plan for how to respond differently the next time they were triggered. They could visit the school’s...
Blog Post


Emily Read Daniels ·
HERE this NOW (HTN) is elated to announce the development of it's first podcast show, CONVOS during COVID . This is part of an ongoing conversation series that was developed last spring as a result of the pandemic, the collapsing economy, and the racial injustice crisis. Since then, we have enjoyed several guests such as the author of The Polyvagal Theory, Dr. Steve Porges; Anti-Racist Schools Activist Joe Truss; pediatric psychologist, Dr. Mona Delahooke; author Dr. Gholdy Muhammad;...
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A resource for teachers during unprecedented times

Daniel Goya ·
Following Gov. Ige's furlough announcement for all state employees beginning in January 2021, I can't imagine how this must have impacted our public school educators Stress and anxiety have been experienced by all during COVID-19 and all educators (early education to higher learning) have not be spared. This is an excellent article that sheds some light on the anxiety that teachers are facing and some potential pragmatic strategies to help mitigate the effects of stress during these...
Blog Post

A resource for teachers during unprecedented times

Daniel Goya ·
Following Gov. Ige's furlough announcement for all state employees beginning in January 2021, I can't imagine how this must have impacted our public school educators Stress and anxiety have been experienced by all during COVID-19 and all educators (early education to higher learning) have not be spared. This is an excellent article that sheds some light on the anxiety that teachers are facing and some potential pragmatic strategies to help mitigate the effects of stress during these...
Blog Post

Reopening Schools: Free Webinar on June 19th from noon -- 2:00 est

Karen Gross ·
How to reopen schools in Fall 2021 optimally
Blog Post

Educators share strategies to help students, staff heal from pandemic trauma

Laurie Udesky ·
The stress, fear, grief and loneliness of the pandemic has weighed hard on school-aged children. A teacher, a parent and a school administrator offer strategies for moving beyond loss to healing.
Blog Post

Our Ancestors Knew; African American Journey of Historical Trauma

Iya Affo ·
Standing on top of Ogun Mountain, in the Sacred City of 41 Mountains, West Africa, I knew my life would forever change. The women from the royal house danced for me. The men drummed me into a trance. They called me by my African name as they welcomed me home. On the soil of my ancestors, the healing began. I am a black woman born in the 1970’s. Nine generations ago, my ancestors were on the continent of Africa inhabiting the Kingdom of Dahomey. We were thriving. Unbeknownst to most, we were...
Blog Post

This Week on ‘History. Culture. Trauma.’ podcast: Getting to Root Cause with C-PTSD Expert and Author Mary Giuliani

Carey Sipp ·
"It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD", a new book by PACEs Connection member Mary Giuiliani, launches next week. For a preview of what the longtime student of ACEs science, now PACEs science, shares in her revealing “teaching memoir”, tune into our ‘History. Culture. Trauma.’ podcast for a lively conversation between Giuilani and hosts Ingrid Cockhren and Mathew Portell this Thursday at 1 p.m. PT. In the book—chock-full of quotes from top experts on the...
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