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Tagged With "Choose Love Movement"


Re: Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Melissa Sadin ·
Dan, I would very much like to receive updates on the progress of this research. I am in the process of writing a doctoral dissertation and conducting research on trauma informed initiatives in public schools. There is much cross-over in our work. Please keep me posted. And as I am also a NJ resident, I would love an opportunity to visit your program. Hope to hear from you soon! Melissa Sadin

Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Jim Sporleder ·
Denise, thanks for sharing. I am not aware of any programs that offer such a certificate for educators. I'd appreciate any information that you have on any program or movement to make this happen. Our educational system is in great need of early intervention with our students and families struggling with trauma and the impact it has on their ability to function without labels and judgement. Blessings, Jim

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Rod Kovach ·
Hi, Jane: Hope you're stories turned out for you. Loved the links you provided me here. Thanks so much. I've forwarded them already many times. If you have access to any other videos of school-based programs, I'd love to take a look at them. The Lincoln Alternative School looks incredible. Would love to visit it one day. Another question, Jane: do you know of anyone in the Lancaster, PA area who would be willing to present on ACEs? Philadelphia is only about 1:20 away. Harrisburg is about 40...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Daun Kauffman ·
Krys, I am researching childhood trauma and educator/District implications as part of Continuing Ed / PGP in SDP. I will be presenting (and hopefully motivating) to other staff at my K-8 school. I am working on a Power Point that I would love for you to review if you have time. I'd also love to see any presentation materials you have already put together ? Daun Kauffman

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Hi Lisa: Thank you for sending this invitation and this sounds like an incredible idea. I would love to be involved and look forward to discussing/ hearing about next steps! Best wishes, Emily

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Leisa Irwin ·
Thanks Jim. If you have some time in the next few weeks, I'd love to check in with you about how things are going at your school. Hopefully we can connect soon. Leisa

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Elizabeth Meeker ·
I would also be very interested in participating in this dialogue. I am currently working with several school districts in New York State and would love to learn from and share with others. Thanks for getting this started. Elizabeth

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Brenda Yuen ·
Yes, I am interested too. I have to balance my love for this topic and website with my school studies. But I am passionate about prevention in schools!!!

Re: An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Dana Eisenberg ·
I just joined today and would love to join. I'm on mountain time and once school starts a the end of August it'll be nearly impossible to join the conversation during school hours (7:30-4) except on most Fridays when I can usually be at home. I look forward to joining the conversation. Dana

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Steven Dahl ·
Greetings - I am grateful to Jane for sharing this information. I will share a little bit here about what my original intent was in creating the course (Creating Compassionate Schools), how it was designed, and "what's next" or pending in terms of professional development. First, as we all know, we are all taking a "it takes a village" approach. This applies to all professional fields, not only to traditionally defined K-12 education. That said, it was about 5 years ago that I learned about...

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Pamela Charles ·
Hi, I would love to assist. I have a plethora of strategies, being a principal of alternative schools servicing students with emotional challenges. It's not a mystery but a mindset. I can be reached at 845-521-8826. Thank you.

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Cheryl Step ·
I would love the opportunity to share information about my training and consulting business, Creating Resilience. I am based in OK, however, I am willing to travel anywhere to help schools and students. My contact information is on my website: I look forward to helping in some way. Cheryl Step

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
I'm very interested hearing from people that work in schools that are taking a trauma-informed approach. A large part of the job I recently left as a Behavior Strategist in a private special education school/ residential treatment facility was to work with staff on a trauma-informed (responsive) approach with the kids we served. I really developed a passion for it and would love to continue working within that focus. When recently moving to Texas I was hoping to find something within an...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Dominic, I am happy to share our intake survey. I am attaching two documents. The word document is the one that we have all students fill out. We also have the Risk Assessment Survey questions as a separate document (PDF) in case a student does not feel comfortable answering the questions with their name on document. We have recently converted this document to a "google form" so that students can fill it out electronically. All of our students are assigned a chromebook during orientation.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
I appreciate your work and hope you can continue in Texas. I think you especially hit the issue head on when you identify that trauma-informed practice is not just sometimes for some people. The systemic and cultural/philosophical changes that ACE directs us towards represent the movement that Dr. Anda refers to. As a mental health clinician who worked for a time in the schools, I marveled at the disconnect between educational practices and psychology/social work interventions. I understand...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Leslie Lieberman ·
Hi Jim, I'd love to see the survey you are using. Thanks! Leslie
Ask the Community

Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
I am looking to partner with folks in Georgia who are working to address ACEs. Does anyone have information on ACEs particularly in Georgia schools? My hope is to help end the practice of paddling children in public schools. To that end, I'm co-sponsoring a conference for teachers. Here's a brief description. I should have a brochure and landing page ready in about two weeks. The conference is February 8-9th at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia called, DISCIPLINE THAT...
Ask the Community

PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Danielle Vander Linden ·
My district was recently approached with a possible opportunity of bringing the PAX Good Behavior Game into our elementary settings. This is a new model for us and we are trying to learn as much about it as possible. I'm interested to hear from others who are using it or who have chosen not to utilize the approach. What are the strengths and of the program? What successes have you seen? Is it an equitable approach? How does it promote resiliency for students who have encountered multiple...
Ask the Community

Philly here I come

robert hull ·
I am going to be in King of Prussia doing a presentation on Trauma and Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder the first week of October.    Would love to have lunch or dinner with any of the Philly folks who are doing such a good...
Ask the Community

Trauma-Informed/Sensitive Classrooms

Brenda Yuen ·
Hello to all my Education TIC/ACE gurus!  I've been trying to play catch up with the chat you had last week regarding ACES in education (I was in my grad school class).  Some of what you've said really resonated with me here in Montgomery...

Re: ACES Education and Health

Alma McKenry ·
Hi Jessie, I'm most like going to do a master's thesis on teacher ACE scores and their perception of discipline practices in schools. Did you happen to get information on your questions? I would love to hear what you got if you did. Thanks!

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Emily Read Daniels ·
@Cissy White You're the best. I love that you are so boldly putting it out there! To begin with, you know that your question is laden with like 10,000 $1,000,000 questions. You may be new to this arena, but you're a quick study, so of course you have all the questions everyone in education has been grappling with for eternity: - How to include ALL VOICES? - How to bridge PTAs mission with the broader school community? - How to engage parents with busy lives, distance, etc? And for what...

Re: School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Christine Cissy White ·
Emily: THANK YOU so much! I had the meeting and just love your patient and wise approach. First, I'm glad there's not a million known and obvious things because it's a reminder that it's a process to work through and relationship-building is important. Somehow, oddly, that's a relief. I will admit I also thought survey/assess but also that we should try to find parent/teacher teams from other schools that have AWESOME parent engagement and just see if there are things we can copy or attempt...

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
Beth, I just wanted to share the promotional material for the conference, just in case you had folks you might want to send it to. Any help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated! Robbyn https://parentingbeyondpunishm...educationconference/ Tina Payne Bryson, PhD will be one of the keynote speakers:

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Heloise J Ridley ·
Hello Jennifer, Suzanne and Lisa, I would love to join in this information exchange. I am a doctoral student and counselor. I have interest in the research gap you mentioned. I too have spent many car rides driving and pondering the intersection of ACES and SPED. I was even looking into TI modified resources which will support their FBAs, IEPs and other documents that travel with them from school to school. I would love to hear your ideas.

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Lisa McGuire ·
Hi all. I love the idea of more research regarding SDED vs. Trauma. I have although narrowed my research to teacher's ACE's scores and their responses to the ARTIC scale. Sounds similar to you Kelli!

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Tracy Henegar ·
I'm also interested in how to teach to the at-risk youth, as was done at Lincoln. I'm not looking for "if" we should teach it, but rather "how," as we know the information is powerful, we just need to make it developmentally appropriate. If anyone has integrated ACE science into their work, I'd love to hear how and the outcomes! Thanks!

Re: ACE Scores of Educators

Daun Kauffman ·
I do not have any information, but would love to be in the loop.

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Tracy Henegar ·
Barbie - Have you found any resources for teaching directly to our at-risk students? Our local alternative high has asked for ideas, as they will be integrating it into their work this year. I'd love to be able to share some ideas with them.

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Beth Staton ·
Hi Robbyn, I am just now seeing this post... I can give you an idea of what's happening in Athens. We have a pretty active group working on a collaborative impact model to help Athens become a TIC. You can see info on the community summit here: You can also see all of the stakeholders who were involved in the Summit-- it's a diverse group . The primary convener is the Family Connections-Communities in Schools folks. It was one of their action...

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Ellen Smith ·
Hi all, I think Paper Tigers would be appropriate for most teens--I would say 13 and up, but that is just my guess. I would suggest a brief intro about about the movie, letting people they can and should step out/stay safe as needed and then show the movie with a debrief afterwards. In central Maine, where I was visiting, this was shown in many high schools and I saw many high school students attending and participating (one group even made dinner for the attendees). We, in the Harrisburg...
Ask the Community

Teacher Mental Health Support

Margo Buchanan ·
Hi ACE community. I am social worker who works for a nonprofit and supports an urban school division. My team and I have been tasked to help support the well-being of teachers during this time. We have been offering services (professional developments, facilitated conversations and mindful and movement experiences) to schools during this first semester focused on offering stress management and self care strategies. We will likely continue to build up our services for the second semester, as...
Ask the Community

Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea

Jenna Martin ·
Greetings everyone, I'm wondering if you might be able to help me. I'm the author and creator of an early chapter book series. The first book, "Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea" has been published and on the market, while the other four books are in varying stages of production. I'm curious if you would have ideas for greater distribution: radio shows, email distribution lists, publishers etc. I have a social media presence including Twitter , a blog , YouTube channel etc. But, the work and...

Re: District-Wide Trauma Specialist Position

Torri White ·
Hi Margo, I am Torri White down in Petersburg. I am the Lead Behavior Specialist/ Therapist down here. Would love to connect. Emailing you now.

Re: Seeking Support for Trauma-Informed MTSS Implementation/Atlanta, GA

Jamie Matthews ·
Hi I'd love to hear more about your endeavors. Feel free to email me at .
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