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Tagged With "Support Staff"


Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Tracy Henegar ·
My understanding is that it is not specifically trauma based, but it seems to align with it in it's focus on stress and learning. If the staff has already had training on TIC, it would be interesting to host that training and include some dialog around how it does or does not align with TIC! And let us know the outcome, please!

Re: Teachers ACEs Score and perception of discipline practices

Tracy Henegar ·
That sounds excellent! I don't know of formal research, but I use Mentimeter in my trainings to compare and contrast the groups ACE scores with Resilience scores. Not surprising, our graduate school counseling students had high ACE and high resilience. I was a little surprised that my district teachers/staff group actually had a lower than average ACE scores. I hope you'll share your outcomes!!

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Daun Kauffman ·
Krys, I am researching childhood trauma and educator/District implications as part of Continuing Ed / PGP in SDP. I will be presenting (and hopefully motivating) to other staff at my K-8 school. I am working on a Power Point that I would love for you to review if you have time. I'd also love to see any presentation materials you have already put together ? Daun Kauffman

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Steven Dahl ·
Greetings - I am grateful to Jane for sharing this information. I will share a little bit here about what my original intent was in creating the course (Creating Compassionate Schools), how it was designed, and "what's next" or pending in terms of professional development. First, as we all know, we are all taking a "it takes a village" approach. This applies to all professional fields, not only to traditionally defined K-12 education. That said, it was about 5 years ago that I learned about...

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Anita Behrman ·
I work for a PD company and we work with Heather Forbes author of Help for Billy - we have online programming featuring Heather's book, her conferences and classroom scenarios with commentary. Over 40 hours of online video and mini courses in four tracks. We recommend using it in a blended approach so teachers and administrators can discuss. We focus on practical take-aways.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
I'm very interested hearing from people that work in schools that are taking a trauma-informed approach. A large part of the job I recently left as a Behavior Strategist in a private special education school/ residential treatment facility was to work with staff on a trauma-informed (responsive) approach with the kids we served. I really developed a passion for it and would love to continue working within that focus. When recently moving to Texas I was hoping to find something within an...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Lee, Thanks for replying. I work in a school that has implemented trauma-informed practices. But it has been a real struggle. Trauma-informed practices when delivered to one student at a time, via the school counselors, dean of students, social workers, etc., seem to be working for us fairly well. However, at the school wide level, we have not been as successful. We aren't giving up - ever - but I am hoping to hear some ideas how other schools are doing this. The biggest challenge, based...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
That was our numbers as well. I think you will continue to struggle and see turn over if it is something left up to certain school staff to "deliver" the trauma-informed practices. To me, a trauma-informed school is one that practices the approach in all of their interactions using "universal precautions." How long has it been since the school has implemented the practices...and what exactly are the practices? I'm curious as to what certain counselors, social workers do. I can tell you what...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Krys, I like that you are also working with the children about the "brain on stress." This is a component that we are adding this year. So far, we have been making all of these changes and the staff have been in the loop as to why we have made the changes, but for the most part, we have not talked to the students about "why" we are doing these things. They have not complained, they seem to be appreciating having more choices and more say in their education. But now that most of the...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Melanie, You are so right when you say that teachers (and administrators) don't always listen to people who have not "been in the classroom." You are in an incredibly unique position being both a special education director and a parent of children who have experienced trauma. If anyone can get through to the teachers and admin, it should be you. I think its terribly unfortunate when some school personnel don't want new information, or won't even listen to new information because they...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
I appreciate your work and hope you can continue in Texas. I think you especially hit the issue head on when you identify that trauma-informed practice is not just sometimes for some people. The systemic and cultural/philosophical changes that ACE directs us towards represent the movement that Dr. Anda refers to. As a mental health clinician who worked for a time in the schools, I marveled at the disconnect between educational practices and psychology/social work interventions. I understand...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Jim Sporleder ·
Hi Kris, I have a staff survey that I give shortly after I have trained a school how to implement trauma-informed strategies into their daily practice. It's a simple tool that I use to measure growth. I give the same survey towards the end of the school year to give me a perspective where the staff is on the implementation process. It allows me to see where there are gaps that need additional support or it shows me what's really going well with the implementation. It's a tool for measurement...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Wendy, I could not agree more. We recently hired a whole group of new staff who are school counselors but also have teaching certifications. The new staff members are called "student success coordinators" and are going to be serving as a hybrid teacher/case manager/counselor. This new group of staff members are going to be on the front line of education, working with their students everyday. With their counseling training and experience and their direct interaction with students, they...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Sandy Goodwick ·
Does your survey consider teacher self-care from the trauma experienced via workplace bullying in education? Does your district have a workplace bullying policy? A year ago, the AFT and Badass Teachers Association conducted an unscientific, national survey ("Quality of Work life Survey") which indicated teachers were deeply stressed... That survey lef to an amendment in ESSA (co-authored by Senators Booker and Baker) so that school district communities can apply for Title II funding in order...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Tracy Henegar ·
Jim - Is this a tool you can share? I'm training 3 districts with the ACE Interface next week, and it might be handy for them to use for self-reflection or for follow up work.
Ask the Community

ACES Education and Health

Jessie Graham ·
Hello ACES Education Community, 1. I am wondering if anyone knows of schools who are collecting ACES questionnaires on their teachers and staff? 2. I am also wondering if anyone knows of any studies or organizations that study the wellbeing or health of educational employees? Thank you so much in advance! "the quote: "We Teach who we are" by Parker Palmer is driving these questions!
Ask the Community

ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Kinyofu Mlimwengu ·
Greetings, I am wondering who out there has done an ACE survey for students in K - 5? If so, what supports did you offer them? - Kinyofu
Ask the Community

Healing ACE's

David Kenney ·
February 11, 2019 ACE’s Connection Resource Center - ACE's in Education. To Whom it may concern, I am writing you this post as a past president of the Michigan Association of School Psychologists and adoptive father of two foster children with special needs. My wife, Barbara, and I have written two books concerning educating and raising abused and abandoned children. Because these books will be helpful to both parents and teachers I am posting this letter to education and parenting pages.
Ask the Community

Research demonstrating evidence of improved outcomes for students?

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hi all, I'm looking for research or data that supports the idea that implementing trauma informed practices/responses within schools improves outcomes across more common metrics such as: avg daily attendance, suspensions, referrals, truancy and graduation rates. I'm interested in these numbers because they seem to be the currency necessary to get the attention of admin and district staff. Thanks for any guidance!
Ask the Community

Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Dan Rhoton ·
Hello, everyone! Hopeworks N Camden is embarking on formal academic study of the difference that our implementation of Trauma Informed Care has had on our outcomes with youth. We are lucky in that we have strong "before" and "after" datasets. Natasha Fletcher, of the Center for Urban Research and Education, is leading the study. I have posted a brief summary of the study below. Who is excited by this? Who would like to continue to hear more about our progress in this? We think it is a really...
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Research on emotional impact of assessment in schools

Maureen Hinman ·
Hi all, In Oregon we are looking at the the emotional impact of assessments (defined broadly, including formative and summative assessments) in schools. We are working on figuring out how to use quality assessment practices in school to impact the emotional affect of educators, students, and families, and trying to use it to support trauma informed practices. One example could include using more informal formative assessments to influence and adjust teaching and student support so that...
Ask the Community

Resources/ How to get staff on board

Tori Amicon ·
Hello, I'm a school social worker looking to implement trauma focused interventions school wide. While I have pretty good grasp on trauma focused care myself, I am struggling to find curriculum/ information that is easy for teachers to digest and implement. Does anyone have any suggestions in where I could find resources of this sort? Thanks for the help! Tori
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School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Christine Cissy White ·
Dear ACEs in Education Community: I'm wondering if anyone has worked ACEs-related language into a School Council School Improvement Plan? I'm on the School Council for a charter school and we're looking at improving parent engagement., in general, and as part of that I'm trying to introduce two topics: 1) ACEs and 2)Race, Class & Parent Involvement We have kids from 30 different communities and 1/3 of the students are Haitian. The other 2/3 are mostly but not entirely Caucasian. Anyhow,...
Ask the Community

Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Elizabeth Cranford ·
Hello, I am working on creating a list of possible PD ideas for my staff (elementary school in Winchester, VA). Our staff is very interested in learning how to appropriately support students who have experienced trauma or ACES (not what ACES are). They are asking for practical takeaways that they can implement in their classrooms. Who have you heard & loved?
Ask the Community

Trauma informed Classroom for Deaf students

Sandy Goodwick ·
Recently, I attended an IEP for a primary age Deaf child whose 'back to school' weeks have come from Hell. I'm both an adult with disAbilities and a long time teacher (both general and special education) - 44 years. It was as though the school knew nothing about trauma and even less about what it's like to live with trauma from having a disability. Child had gotten a new teacher this year. This child, like other kids born deaf to hearing parents, lived thru several years without language...
Ask the Community

Trauma informed - resilience building services/support within our schools for our refugees

Please share if your school or district has TI-RB services you've developed in support of our refugee populations and how you've infused into your school climate with your staff, students and families. My understanding is we have roughly 100,000 Syrian refugees already in processing and roughly 75,000 of them will be relocating to California. On a conference call with a Superintendent, he inquired what existing practices are in place in preparation for their arrival with other schools and...

Re: ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hi Kinyofu, Here's a great resource: It is quick and to the point, offering the key points to consider. Hope it helps.

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
Hello Ms. Nall- I saw your post on ACEs Connection and wondered where you were from. And if your state or area had ACE Interface available. It is a specific curriculum and ppt. developed by Dr. Anda and Laura Porter. I have found it to be one of the best and thorough and consistent presentations that can be built out and broken down as needed for an audience. Our Mental Health Region brought the training of trainers to us and we have trained additional presenters. So depending on where you...

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Beth Staton ·
Hi Robbyn, I am just now seeing this post... I can give you an idea of what's happening in Athens. We have a pretty active group working on a collaborative impact model to help Athens become a TIC. You can see info on the community summit here: You can also see all of the stakeholders who were involved in the Summit-- it's a diverse group . The primary convener is the Family Connections-Communities in Schools folks. It was one of their action...

Re: Guest speaker for professional development?

Ellen Smith ·
Hi Amber, A teacher colleague of mine and I, a family doctor, have presented about ACEs, Resilience and Trauma-Informed Approaches to the entire West Shore School District (near Harrisburg) professional staff, along with the film Resilience, which you would have to get through Tugg (or you could use Paper Tigers, also from Tugg). It was a 3 hour program and was very well received. I would be happy to discuss further with you. We have also presented summer professional development seminars to...
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