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Tagged With "Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"


Re: Trauma-Informed Schools_Teacher Certification

Jaclyn Yusko ·
Denise, I am so sorry that I did not see this earlier. I realize this post is from August and it may be too late for this information. I do know of a school district near you that is implementing trauma informed care. The district is Francis Howell School District, I have contacts available if you are interested. ~Jackie

Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Tracy Henegar ·
My understanding is that it is not specifically trauma based, but it seems to align with it in it's focus on stress and learning. If the staff has already had training on TIC, it would be interesting to host that training and include some dialog around how it does or does not align with TIC! And let us know the outcome, please!

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Paula Vandervelde ·
John Richardson-Lauve, LCSW 200 N 22nd Street , Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 644.9590 |

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Lee, Thanks for replying. I work in a school that has implemented trauma-informed practices. But it has been a real struggle. Trauma-informed practices when delivered to one student at a time, via the school counselors, dean of students, social workers, etc., seem to be working for us fairly well. However, at the school wide level, we have not been as successful. We aren't giving up - ever - but I am hoping to hear some ideas how other schools are doing this. The biggest challenge, based...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
That was our numbers as well. I think you will continue to struggle and see turn over if it is something left up to certain school staff to "deliver" the trauma-informed practices. To me, a trauma-informed school is one that practices the approach in all of their interactions using "universal precautions." How long has it been since the school has implemented the practices...and what exactly are the practices? I'm curious as to what certain counselors, social workers do. I can tell you what...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Krys Cooper ·
I have been working within the SDP for the past several years as a school-based outpatient clinician, as well as a school-based clinician within an STS program. As I establish relationships with teachers and administrators , I use language that introduces them to trauma-informed concepts (safety plans, triggers, de-escalation techniques, viewing the child as "injured," not "bad." I then offer to present in-service trainings for teachers about the impact of trauma on learning, where...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leslie Lieberman ·
Hi Leisa, Yes, supportive or reflective supervision - either 1:1 or in groups, professional learning communities, psychoeducation on secondary traumatic stress, reducing "case loads" for each provider. All of these interventions have shown promise in terms of reducing burn-out and secondary traumatic stress.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Dominic Varle ·
Leisa - as someone who is trying to introduce trauma-informed practice to a school here in the UK, I found your post incredibly helpful in its detail and I shall be thinking further on the issues and solutions you've posited. What resonated with me most in your comments was the importance of adding an intake survey, which I am pressing to be added to our pre-admissions assessment process. I am in the currently constructing something along those lines, and I would be very interested in seeing...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Willem de Jong ·
Thank you all for your positive input. In the Netherlands we are wrestling with the same topics you are. My wife and I wrote a book about trauma and attachment related problems in school. In our research we found the following English/American literature very helpful: Attachment in the Classroom - Heather Geddes What about me? - Louise Michelle Bomber Inside I'M Hurting - Louise Michelle Bomber Teenagers and Attachment - Edited by Andrea Perry Settling to Learn Louise Michelle Bomber &...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Krys, I like that you are also working with the children about the "brain on stress." This is a component that we are adding this year. So far, we have been making all of these changes and the staff have been in the loop as to why we have made the changes, but for the most part, we have not talked to the students about "why" we are doing these things. They have not complained, they seem to be appreciating having more choices and more say in their education. But now that most of the...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
Leisa- I will be sharing your excellent experience and wisdom with peers in education. Thank you for your great details in this post and your daily work to impact kids!

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Wendy Stokesbary ·
Hi Leisa- took me awhile to find my way back to respond to your post! I really am not the expert or even close to having clout in terms of education, but I guess if ACE information implies big paradigm changes, then I see that having big implications for the pairing of social work and mental health practices within public education.I saw another post here about social workers and psychologists understanding the students best but having the least contact- that's a place for change. Cross...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Sandy Goodwick ·
Does your survey consider teacher self-care from the trauma experienced via workplace bullying in education? Does your district have a workplace bullying policy? A year ago, the AFT and Badass Teachers Association conducted an unscientific, national survey ("Quality of Work life Survey") which indicated teachers were deeply stressed... That survey lef to an amendment in ESSA (co-authored by Senators Booker and Baker) so that school district communities can apply for Title II funding in order...
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An Opportunity to Inform an Educational Council

Katrina Masterson ·
Hello ACES in Education Community! I have a rare opportunity to speak to our Congressman's Educational Council in their upcoming meeting on March 29 Here's the thing: I'm not a teacher or parent! And I know that Virginia as a whole may be somewhat behind other States. But I'm not letting these things deter me. I'm passionate about ACEs and trauma-informed approaches! And as a concerned citizen, I know that spreading awareness to the schools can help shift the school/youth violence tide. We...
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Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Maureen Hinman ·
Hi all, I'm working with a school where someone is strongly advocating that the next school-wide training they receive be this Brain Based Learning Training. I'm not familiar with it so wanted to see if anyone here was and if you thought it aligned with TI principals. It sounds like he incorporates strategies for reducing stress in the classroom, and that he takes a universal environment approach to reach all students but it's hard to gauge from the website, which frankly seems very...
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Educator Input

Former Member ·
Hello! I am currently completing some Post-Graduate research on support systems within school districts. This is to better Identify how prevalent mental health and early intervention supports are within schools across the U.S. Is there anyone willing to complete my brief anonymous survey? I would greatly appreciate the input! In advance, thank you for your time. Much appreciation, Chris Pennington
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Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Kris Christensen ·
We're piloting trauma-informed care in the St. Paul Public Schools and collecting various types of data, but I'm wondering if anyone has surveyed teacher attitudes pre-TIC training and post-TIC training?
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Has your city or county government specifically addressed the need for schools in the community to become trauma-informed?

This post also appeared on the ACEs Connection home page:   The Education Committee of the District of Columbia City Council will have a hearing on June 23 on trauma-informed schools (for the roundtable notice and witness list, see Related...
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Healing ACE's

David Kenney ·
February 11, 2019 ACE’s Connection Resource Center - ACE's in Education. To Whom it may concern, I am writing you this post as a past president of the Michigan Association of School Psychologists and adoptive father of two foster children with special needs. My wife, Barbara, and I have written two books concerning educating and raising abused and abandoned children. Because these books will be helpful to both parents and teachers I am posting this letter to education and parenting pages.
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Need to identify high school post Residential Treatment Center (RDT)

Ramu Iyer ·
I am a volunteer in my community who are in the early stages of learning about trauma informed care. There are some teenagers in our community who have been impacted by ACEs and succumbed to using opioids. A few of them who could afford the expense have enrolled in out of state (expensive) residential treatment centers (RTC). I am not sure if some of these RTCs explicitly use trauma informed care. At the RTC they are not allowed to use a cell phone and are taught how to stay "clean". I am...
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Former Member ·
Hello fellow educators! I am currently working on a post graduate research project on current education trends. I NEED YOUR INPUT! My deadline is FAST approaching! Please take a moment to complete this quick,anonymous survey: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! We are entering a new era in education. Do not be anxious.....we are educators...resilient, resourceful, and creative!
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Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Dan Rhoton ·
Hello, everyone! Hopeworks N Camden is embarking on formal academic study of the difference that our implementation of Trauma Informed Care has had on our outcomes with youth. We are lucky in that we have strong "before" and "after" datasets. Natasha Fletcher, of the Center for Urban Research and Education, is leading the study. I have posted a brief summary of the study below. Who is excited by this? Who would like to continue to hear more about our progress in this? We think it is a really...
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TIC in post-secondary schools

Susan Hess ·
Hello All, I am writing to see if anyone can recommend articles on integrating TIC in the classroom. Many of my MSW students this year have disclosed experiencing PTSD and depression either from community violence and/or being veterans. I will be presenting to Field Instructors (AKA supervisors) who are supervising students who have experienced trauma and strategies to incorporate SAMHSA's guiding principles. I am hoping to find articles to forward on to the field instructors.
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When poverty is a contributing factor to ACEs, can schools make up the difference?

Leisa Irwin ·
A Connecticut court is looking at the disparity in education between districts located in impoverished communities and those located in communities of higher means. The court is not specifically addressing ACEs, but addressing issues of poverty, could open the doors to increasing opportunities to build resilience. More information about the court case can be read here . Court considers fairness of state education funding. CT Post by Bill Cummings

Re: Research on emotional impact of assessment in schools

Katie McClure ·
Hi Maureen, I just stumbled upon your post and was excited to see the responses. Have you found anything in your quest? I'm working in Central Oregon and have the same questions. . Thanks!

Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

NancyHem ·
Maureen, I am writing a paper on this now for a graduate course I am finishing on learning theories. I will also be doing a presentation using Articulate Storyline that I will publish. I should be finished within a week to 10 days. I might add my research on trauma in children was the bulk of my master's degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis. I also have a child who suffered with "extreme" pre-adoptive abuse and neglect. So this is both professional and personal for me. So far my answer to...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: Resources on Promoting Attendance

Dave Brown ·
The National Traumatic Stress Network has tons of information for educators. Depending on your schools' geography the Walking School Bus programs can be a great way to build relationships, improve attendance and mitigate the effects of trauma.

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
Beth, I just wanted to share the promotional material for the conference, just in case you had folks you might want to send it to. Any help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated! Robbyn https://parentingbeyondpunishm...educationconference/ Tina Payne Bryson, PhD will be one of the keynote speakers:

Re: Trauma Informed Curriculum for 13-18 year olds that have experienced trauma?

Tracy Henegar ·
Carlene - I've been digging through that post from Washington and it has a lot of great information in it. Thank you!

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
Hello Ms. Nall- I saw your post on ACEs Connection and wondered where you were from. And if your state or area had ACE Interface available. It is a specific curriculum and ppt. developed by Dr. Anda and Laura Porter. I have found it to be one of the best and thorough and consistent presentations that can be built out and broken down as needed for an audience. Our Mental Health Region brought the training of trainers to us and we have trained additional presenters. So depending on where you...

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Beth Staton ·
Hi Robbyn, I am just now seeing this post... I can give you an idea of what's happening in Athens. We have a pretty active group working on a collaborative impact model to help Athens become a TIC. You can see info on the community summit here: You can also see all of the stakeholders who were involved in the Summit-- it's a diverse group . The primary convener is the Family Connections-Communities in Schools folks. It was one of their action...
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Teacher Mental Health Support

Margo Buchanan ·
Hi ACE community. I am social worker who works for a nonprofit and supports an urban school division. My team and I have been tasked to help support the well-being of teachers during this time. We have been offering services (professional developments, facilitated conversations and mindful and movement experiences) to schools during this first semester focused on offering stress management and self care strategies. We will likely continue to build up our services for the second semester, as...

Re: Teacher Mental Health Support

Jackie Schoening ·
Hi Margo Check out www.compassion resilience Wisconsin created a kit for Education, for Agencies and for Parents and Caregivers. FREE We believe to do it right, it takes about 2 years to change the burnout and stress culture Jackie Schoening, LCSW

Re: Teacher Mental Health Support

Lucy Vezzuto PhD ·
Hi Margo, this spring I created and offered a mindfulness and stress management series called Be Calm for the Orange County Dept of Education employees. It is a series of ten, 15 minutes practices sessions that can be found here: Regards, Lucy Vezzuto
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