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Tagged With "NC ACEs-Informed Courts Bench Card"


Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

Jonathan Willias ·
I spent a week getting training on classroom trauma-informed processes/philosophy by Conscious Discipline. Altho they don't mention ACEs specifically, everything is aligned to avoid triggers and they prioritize supporting emotional development. I recommend their program as well as the book, 'Help for Billy' by Forbes. Jonathan Williams

Re: Teachers ACEs Score and perception of discipline practices

Jody L. Johnson, M.Ed. ·
For my masters I looked at the relationship between preschool teachers’ level of education and expulsion rates—quite interesting and the results were not surprising. Your proposed project sounds really interesting. I just saw an article, I think in the ACEs Research community, on teachers’ perceptions of discipline and their ACE scores.

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Chris Engel ·
Rod, If you haven't seen the videos we have on Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, please take a look. Principal Jim Sporleder is a member here on AC so if you have questions you could ask him for his thoughts. I added some other videos that relate to your topic in education. Resilient: The School Discipline Revolution in Walla Walla, WA (11 min) The Health Center at Lincoln (20 min)...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Rod Kovach ·
Hi, Jane: Hope you're stories turned out for you. Loved the links you provided me here. Thanks so much. I've forwarded them already many times. If you have access to any other videos of school-based programs, I'd love to take a look at them. The Lincoln Alternative School looks incredible. Would love to visit it one day. Another question, Jane: do you know of anyone in the Lancaster, PA area who would be willing to present on ACEs? Philadelphia is only about 1:20 away. Harrisburg is about 40...

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Jane Stevens ·
Hi, Rod -- You can probably find someone in the Philadelphia area. I suggest contacting Leslie Lieberman or someone else in the Philadelphia ACEs group. And, I know that Jim Sporleder, former principal of Lincoln, has retired from his job there to begin consulting with high schools. For online instruction, ACEsConnection member Steve Dahl has developed a course that many schools in Washington State have used. I hope this helps! Cheers, Jane

Re: schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Clara Cáceres Contreras ·
From ACEs Connection web site Wisconsin videos great for training schools!

Re: Trauma-Informed/Sensitive Classrooms

Sarah McGlynn ·
Robert, I teach first grade in Davenport, Iowa, and am also very passionate about this TIC in schools. I only recently joined this AMAZING resource, and would be THRILLED if you'd be willing to share the materials you mentioned above. I teach in a very high poverty, urban, drug-effected neighborhood, and see the struggle my kids live every day (when I completed a class roster/list of each of the ACEs they have that I KNOW about, my heart was broken). I am trying to immerse myself in as much...

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Anita Behrman ·
I work for a PD company and we work with Heather Forbes author of Help for Billy - we have online programming featuring Heather's book, her conferences and classroom scenarios with commentary. Over 40 hours of online video and mini courses in four tracks. We recommend using it in a blended approach so teachers and administrators can discuss. We focus on practical take-aways.

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Paula Vandervelde ·
John Richardson-Lauve, LCSW 200 N 22nd Street , Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 644.9590 |

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Lee Johnson ·
That was our numbers as well. I think you will continue to struggle and see turn over if it is something left up to certain school staff to "deliver" the trauma-informed practices. To me, a trauma-informed school is one that practices the approach in all of their interactions using "universal precautions." How long has it been since the school has implemented the practices...and what exactly are the practices? I'm curious as to what certain counselors, social workers do. I can tell you what...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Kristen Renshaw ·
Hi i'd really like to know the 25 questions you refer to and if they include strengths and interests in addition to the ACEs and triggers. We consult and provide mental health and school culture supports at many public schools in NYC and are considering using a modified ACE questionnaire in our intake interviews with students and families. Any chance you could share it in this thread? Thanks and all the best, Kristen

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

JoDee Buis ·
I also am looking for this same type of tool. Jim, please consider sharing the tool. It sounds like many are searching for a way to inform our decisions regarding how to support schools with trauma-informed strategies. Thanks!
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ACE Scores of Educators

Ellen Smith ·
Has anyone researched or seen research on the ACE scores of educators (or doctors for that matter). We are doing to do a sampling but will be unable to release the data due to confidentiality issues, but would like to have some similar information to share on an HHS collaborative regarding ACEs and the opioid and obesity epidemics, poverty and the like. Thanks in advance for trying. Cheers, Ellen
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ACES Education and Health

Jessie Graham ·
Hello ACES Education Community, 1. I am wondering if anyone knows of schools who are collecting ACES questionnaires on their teachers and staff? 2. I am also wondering if anyone knows of any studies or organizations that study the wellbeing or health of educational employees? Thank you so much in advance! "the quote: "We Teach who we are" by Parker Palmer is driving these questions!
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ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

McKinley McPheeters ·
I work at an Early Learning Center that serves Head Start and ECEAP preschool families. We are looking to bring ACES and Resiliency to parents, but want to do so in a way that is strengths-based and does not leave families feeling at a loss for what they can do to move forward from ACES they and their families may have experienced. I have found many resources between this website and some other internet searches, but we are very interested in learning about other organization's experiences...
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ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Kinyofu Mlimwengu ·
Greetings, I am wondering who out there has done an ACE survey for students in K - 5? If so, what supports did you offer them? - Kinyofu
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An International "LIVE" Dialogue about ACEs in Education?

Leisa Irwin ·
I have been a member of this site for about two years now, and I have been so impressed with the knowledge base of the members, and this entire site.   I would really like to schedule some live "chat" conversations - perhaps once a month, or once...
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An Opportunity to Inform an Educational Council

Katrina Masterson ·
Hello ACES in Education Community! I have a rare opportunity to speak to our Congressman's Educational Council in their upcoming meeting on March 29 Here's the thing: I'm not a teacher or parent! And I know that Virginia as a whole may be somewhat behind other States. But I'm not letting these things deter me. I'm passionate about ACEs and trauma-informed approaches! And as a concerned citizen, I know that spreading awareness to the schools can help shift the school/youth violence tide. We...
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Brown vs. Board of Education: Time to update "equity" for ACEs

Daun Kauffman ·
Brown vs. Board of Education:  Time to update "equity"  for ACEs
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Can Trauma-Informed Mermaids Help Children & Families? (New Kids Book Series)

Sarah E Clark ·
Dear ACEs in Education Community, We just launched a new trauma-informed children's book series called Venus and Her Fly Trip . The series has been developed in collaboration with therapists, educators, parents and healers and is designed to promote mental/social/emotional health, body positivity and imaginative play in kids 4-10 , with the ultimate goal of preventing self-hatred. We will also be developing an elementary school curriculum to complement the story books. I would greatly value...
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Coaching for Educators and Healthcare Providers who want to understand ACES

Jessie Graham ·
Hello ACES Connection Community. I am offering a series of ACES Coaching Opportunities this summer primarily geared toward educators but would be happy to set things up for health care providers as well. The Coaching process I use empowers others to understand how their thinking can shift to more positive action steps in doing the work they are passionate about, considering their own ACES and the ACES of others all along the way! What are the best ways to share these types of events and...
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Conchella Valley, CA Is anyone from this area?

Janie Lancaster ·
I recently moved to Desert Hot Springs and was wondering if there is anyone from ACES near me.
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Guest speaker for professional development?

Amber Sams ·
Hello! Does anyone know of someone my district could bring in for a professional development session on ACES in education? We are located near Allentown, PA. We are interested in someone who could speak to all levels, k-12, but it wouldn't have to be all at once, and we have funding available from a grant. Thank you!
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Has your city or county government specifically addressed the need for schools in the community to become trauma-informed?

This post also appeared on the ACEs Connection home page:   The Education Committee of the District of Columbia City Council will have a hearing on June 23 on trauma-informed schools (for the roundtable notice and witness list, see Related...
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Audrey Garber ·
I would like to start talking about ACEs, trauma, mindfulness etc to my group of emotional support high school students. I will not be offered training most likely. Are there resources I can use on my own? Thanks! Audrey Garber
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How Can We Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed?

Natalia Garceau ·
Let's Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed by Endorsing TIS Leaders! This is Natalia Garceau from Broward County, FL. Last February, in Washington, DC, l met so many wonderful, caring educators from all over the United States and abroad at the first ATN Conference for Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools. Sadly, I was the only person from South Florida, and I was not sent to DC by my school district. I came there on my own to learn newest strategies of how to help traumatized children...
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Masters Degrees

Lisa McGonagle MPP ·
I'm looking at obtaining another degree to focus on ACES/early trauma. What schools do you believe offer the best programs? To really address the needs of young people I want to be fully informed, and as I advocate for legislation. Thank you.
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My daughter with severe anxiety/ k-12

Sharon Przybylski ·
Hi there ! My name is Sharon and I am desperately trying to get my daughter out of high school due to the trauma she has suffered. On top of having SEVERE anxiety , she was attacked at school and other girls have come out of the woodwork threatening her. I pulled her out of school and now I am trying to find a k-12 that will work with her IEP (which is due to her anxiety) as well as her ACES . Please someone help me !!! Thank you !
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Need to identify high school post Residential Treatment Center (RDT)

Ramu Iyer ·
I am a volunteer in my community who are in the early stages of learning about trauma informed care. There are some teenagers in our community who have been impacted by ACEs and succumbed to using opioids. A few of them who could afford the expense have enrolled in out of state (expensive) residential treatment centers (RTC). I am not sure if some of these RTCs explicitly use trauma informed care. At the RTC they are not allowed to use a cell phone and are taught how to stay "clean". I am...
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Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
I am looking to partner with folks in Georgia who are working to address ACEs. Does anyone have information on ACEs particularly in Georgia schools? My hope is to help end the practice of paddling children in public schools. To that end, I'm co-sponsoring a conference for teachers. Here's a brief description. I should have a brochure and landing page ready in about two weeks. The conference is February 8-9th at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia called, DISCIPLINE THAT...
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PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
I teach at a 90-day residential drug and alcohol treatment facility for ages 13-18 in Pensacola, Florida. I wish to teach my students about ACEs (possibly conduct the survey) and was wondering if anyone has a PowerPoint presentation already made and would like to share. I'm looking for an overview of the evidence and the MRI scans of the brains (shown in Paper Tigers) if available. I recall that part of the movie was VERY eye-opening so I want to share it. Thanks in advance and my personal...
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Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Dan Rhoton ·
Hello, everyone! Hopeworks N Camden is embarking on formal academic study of the difference that our implementation of Trauma Informed Care has had on our outcomes with youth. We are lucky in that we have strong "before" and "after" datasets. Natasha Fletcher, of the Center for Urban Research and Education, is leading the study. I have posted a brief summary of the study below. Who is excited by this? Who would like to continue to hear more about our progress in this? We think it is a really...
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School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Christine Cissy White ·
Dear ACEs in Education Community: I'm wondering if anyone has worked ACEs-related language into a School Council School Improvement Plan? I'm on the School Council for a charter school and we're looking at improving parent engagement., in general, and as part of that I'm trying to introduce two topics: 1) ACEs and 2)Race, Class & Parent Involvement We have kids from 30 different communities and 1/3 of the students are Haitian. The other 2/3 are mostly but not entirely Caucasian. Anyhow,...
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schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Rod Kovach ·
Greetings, Can any of you out there share any information with me about schools/classrooms that use ACEs or trauma-informed practices?   I'm particularly interested in applications within emotional support classroom settings.  Thanks. --Rod
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Seeking data on correlations between students placed in remedial coursework and ACEs

Andrew Anastasia ·
Colleagues, I am writing to ask if anyone has/knows of data showing correlations of any kind between students placed in remedial coursework and ACEs scores. I am the community manager for the ACEs in Higher Education group, so the data I seek would be most helpful if for 9-12 students. Thank you, Andrew Anastasia, ACEs in Higher Education Community Manager
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Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Elizabeth Cranford ·
Hello, I am working on creating a list of possible PD ideas for my staff (elementary school in Winchester, VA). Our staff is very interested in learning how to appropriately support students who have experienced trauma or ACES (not what ACES are). They are asking for practical takeaways that they can implement in their classrooms. Who have you heard & loved?
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Teachers ACEs Score and perception of discipline practices

Alma McKenry ·
Hello, I’m new to the Ace Connection. I’m excited to be a member. Question: I am pursuing a Master’s Degree in Education Administration. I would like to do my master’s thesis’s on teachers’ personal ACE score and their perception of discipline practices in schools. Does anyone know of research that addresses these issues (or something similiar)? Thanks in advance!
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Teachers - Share your stories!

Flo Griffin ·
The California Association of African American Superintendents and Administrators is looking for teachers to interview for their teacher-focused Professional Development this summer. They plan to host an online conference on September 15 (with pre-recorded mini-lectures and interviews) entitled, "Educational Justice: Turning Policy into Practice" with a focus on student equity and social justice. I did a training for them in March on ACEs, so this would be a great opportunity for some of the...
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Trauma informed Classroom for Deaf students

Sandy Goodwick ·
Recently, I attended an IEP for a primary age Deaf child whose 'back to school' weeks have come from Hell. I'm both an adult with disAbilities and a long time teacher (both general and special education) - 44 years. It was as though the school knew nothing about trauma and even less about what it's like to live with trauma from having a disability. Child had gotten a new teacher this year. This child, like other kids born deaf to hearing parents, lived thru several years without language...
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Trauma-Informed/Sensitive Classrooms

Brenda Yuen ·
Hello to all my Education TIC/ACE gurus!  I've been trying to play catch up with the chat you had last week regarding ACES in education (I was in my grad school class).  Some of what you've said really resonated with me here in Montgomery...
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What do you think, is a 6th SEL core competency needed?

Michael a Sirbola ·
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines five core SEL competencies , including (1)self-awareness, (2)social awareness, (3)self-management, (4)relationship skills, and (5)responsible decision making. The CASEL Five SEL competencies ARE NOT sufficient to achieve that which they were created to accomplish and which CASEL itself was created to accomplish. There are 6 core competencies, not five, and the 6th is the one that is by far the most important.
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When poverty is a contributing factor to ACEs, can schools make up the difference?

Leisa Irwin ·
A Connecticut court is looking at the disparity in education between districts located in impoverished communities and those located in communities of higher means. The court is not specifically addressing ACEs, but addressing issues of poverty, could open the doors to increasing opportunities to build resilience. More information about the court case can be read here . Court considers fairness of state education funding. CT Post by Bill Cummings

Re: PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Alice McCaffrey ·
Thanks for asking. I represent an Anti-Drug Coalition that is extremely interested in the PAX model. So I've signed up to catch all of the replies as we continue to train our school systems in ACES and TIC, and attempt to provide resources and next steps for them.

Re: Trauma informed - resilience building services/support within our schools for our refugees

Former Member ·
How would delivering ACES information be different from one trauma to another? I believe teaching TIC is about our (human) neurological and physiological systems and levels of trauma with levels of resilience. Our biggest message in teaching ACES is this is about us, not them. i recently did a presentation for Resilient Sacramento titled Building Resilience Mindfully, which looked directly at how we teach TIC correlates to how we look at TI practices and is it about "them" or... about us.

Re: Does Eric Jensen's Brain Based Learning Align with Trauma Informed Approaches?

NancyHem ·
Maureen, I am writing a paper on this now for a graduate course I am finishing on learning theories. I will also be doing a presentation using Articulate Storyline that I will publish. I should be finished within a week to 10 days. I might add my research on trauma in children was the bulk of my master's degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis. I also have a child who suffered with "extreme" pre-adoptive abuse and neglect. So this is both professional and personal for me. So far my answer to...

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hey Suzanne, I'm a school-based Trauma Educator in Northern California -- one of the conversations I keep saying hasn't happened yet is the connection between trauma-impacted kids and special education diagnosis. (A million years ago, before ACEs) my dissertation looked at outcomes for two categories of SPED: SED and EDBD - severely emotionally disturbed and emotionally disturbed behaviorally disordered -- now, with all the ACEs research we know that these are the kids -- mostly black and...

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Suzanne Reinhardt ·
Hi Jennifer. I hope Lisa is still looking for input. There are so few areas within trauma that have been adequately addressed. I'd be interested in hearing from others for my own personal understanding of ACES/trauma research.

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Emily Read Daniels ·
@Cissy White You're the best. I love that you are so boldly putting it out there! To begin with, you know that your question is laden with like 10,000 $1,000,000 questions. You may be new to this arena, but you're a quick study, so of course you have all the questions everyone in education has been grappling with for eternity: - How to include ALL VOICES? - How to bridge PTAs mission with the broader school community? - How to engage parents with busy lives, distance, etc? And for what...
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