Thank you for sharing. I will never forget Dr. Ginsberg's statement when he came to Walla Walla and presented to our community. He said, "If you work with trauma impacted kids, you have to go through their heart before you can get to their heads." Powerful statement! The next spring, our students made 30 & 40% increases on the state assessments. Unheard of for an alternative high school. Heather Forbes, author of "Help for Billy", reminds us that Maslow's Hierarchy of needs starts from the bottom up, yet we as an educational system are focused at the top of the pyramid on learning... and not looking at the gaps that many of our students are missing on the continuum of basic social and emotional needs. We must become the voices of our children of trauma...they are the ones that are being crushed under the punitive educational policies that have surrounded them across the country. Blessings, Jim