Tagged With "Academic Success"
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Declaring support and visibility for Native students in higher education (Indian Country Today)
Native students face the highest rates of inequity in higher education because of systemic and structural barriers On February 6, the American Indian College Fund released a report identifying eight powerful declarations that colleges and universities should do to better support Native students and make them visible at their institutions. This work was in response to a college tour incident at Colorado State University, after which made many Native students and families questioned who...
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Financial literacy can hold key to college success [edsource.org]
Picture this: Sonya, a low-income student at a California high school, receives an acceptance letter from the University of Hawaii. While the tuition is higher than a public university in California, she decides to go to Hawaii, even though it means that both Sonya — not her real name — and her mother would have to take out loans. After two semesters of lackluster grades, Sonya loses her merit-based aid and has a hold on her student account (also known as a bursar’s account ) due to an...
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Getting into College Doesn’t Always Spell Success for Foster Youth [chronicleofsocialchange.org]
Outside looking in , you may think foster youth got it made. In California, youth in foster care are eligible for several state and federal grants aimed at helping them succeed in college. But the truth is, even state and federal scholarships, grants and loans allocated for foster youth are not enough to support success in higher education. As college students head back to campus for the start of the school year, it’s a good time to remember that government assistance may not be enough to...
Blog Post
Introducing NEW Becoming Trauma-Informed & Beyond Community
Earlier this year @Dawn Daum wrote to us when she was ready to share ACEs science with people in the organization she works in to make a case for moving towards more trauma-informed care for the benefit of the staff and those they serve. She was frustrated because almost all the training and resources she found were geared towards schools, clinical staff or to organizations working with children and families rather than ACE-impacted adults in the workplace and who are...
Blog Post
JED Foundation and UMass offer new guide: College to Career: Supporting Mental Health
"Investigators from The Jed Foundation (JED) and the University of Massachusetts Medical School examined the literature in education, business, psychology and sociology regarding the college-to-career transition. Knowledge gained informed a national survey of 1,929 college seniors, recent graduates and employers exploring specific challenges to the transition, as well as existing strategies to support young adults and their emotional health. Data from the literature review and the survey...
Blog Post
National Survey Finds Expanding Number of College Programs for Foster Youth [chronicleofsocialchange.org]
The number of college assistance programs for current and former foster youth is growing, but there are still major gaps in helping students access them, according to a national survey of state-run colleges. The goal of the survey, produced by the First Star Institute’s Foster Youth Success in College Project, is “to provide a more detailed current look at what these programs look like, how extensive they are throughout the country, and to detail best practices in place in different parts of...
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Native Americans Are Almost Invisible On College Campuses, And It's Hurting Their Chances For Success [laist.com]
By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez, laist, June 20, 2019. For Native American college students, the road to earning a college degree can be a rocky, lonely pursuit. Only about 1,100 of the 280,000 students enrolled in the entire 10-campus University of California system in 2018 were Native Americans — that's 0.4 percent. And the overall Native American enrollment was only about 100 students more than 20 years ago; during that same span, the UC system added 100,000 students. The relatively few Native...
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One university’s uniquely compassionate plan for teaching students resilience (qz.com)
In 2013, a group of top-flight colleges including Stanford, Harvard, Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania formed the Resilience Project to pool ideas and resources around building students’ coping skills, including Baylor’s workshop on cultivating grit and a Harvard group that encourages students to reflect on their beliefs about success and failure. Yale last year launched “ Psychology and the Good Life ,” a class about how to find happiness, while Bates is focused on helping...
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Press Release — New Survey of California Community College Students Reveals More than Half Face Food Insecurity and Nearly 20 Percent Have Faced Homelessness [California Community Colleges]
Press Release — New Survey of California Community College Students Reveals More than Half Face Food Insecurity and Nearly 20 Percent Have Faced Homelessness March 7, 2019 Sacramento — More than half the students attending a California community college have trouble affording balanced meals or worry about running out of food, and nearly 1 in 5 are either homeless or do not have a stable place to live, according to a survey released today. Click HERE to read the press release and click HERE...
Blog Post
Resource List - Trauma Informed Approaches and Autism Spectrum and Other Developmental Disabilities
Resources for individuals, organizations, and communities moving along trauma and hope-informed pathways in order to: Prevent and mitigate adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Promote resilience and safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments. Promote equity and racial justice. Prevent substance abuse and promote mental health. … so that all children, youth, families and communities have equal opportunity for educational success, economic stability, health, and well-being.
Blog Post
Some 350 Florida Leaders Expected to Attend Think Tank with Dr. Vincent Felitti, Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study; Expert on ACEs Science
Leaders from across the Sunshine State will take part in a “Think Tank” in Naples, FL, on Monday, August 6, to help create a more trauma-informed Florida. The estimated 350 attendees will include policy makers and community teams made up of school superintendents, law enforcement officers, judges, hospital administrators, mayors, PTA presidents, child welfare experts, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, philanthropists, university researchers, state agency heads, and...
Blog Post
Supporting students when teaching remotely (CU Boulder Today)
By Kirk Ambrose, April 6, 2020, CU Boulder Today The past few weeks have been stressful and disruptive for everyone. Our students are especially vulnerable as they may be facing any number of challenges, such as financial stress, housing and food insecurity, and additional demands related to caring for family members and themselves. What is more, some students may be in a different time zone, need to miss regularly scheduled class meetings because of unforeseen demands, have to find...
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Temporary Free Access to Paediatrics & Child Health (PCH) articles (Oxford Academic)
Temporary free access to highly cited articles making an impact in Paediatrics & Child Health ( PCH ) has just been opened up by Oxford Academic. If you're a research hoarder like me, you'll want to check this out. https://academic.oup.com/pch/pages/highly_cited_articles
Blog Post
Toxic Schools Worsening Toxic Stress: The Destructive Reign of Universal Standards, Pathology, Medication and Behaviorism
This post is the first chapter of a book. The names HAVE NOT been changed, as each individual profoundly impacted the author's growth and development. She wants their identities to remain intact. I did not realize that my first years in public education would profoundly shape my trauma-informed journey and what I would do nearly twenty years later. But I clearly remember the late fall of 2001. I was completing my second year in a master’s program for school counseling at the University of...
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Two Community Colleges Show How Students Can Succeed Without Remedial Math Courses [edsource.org]
By Ashley A. Smith, EdSource, November 15, 2019 A San Diego area community college that moved early to eliminate remedial math courses is drawing lots of attention across the state for success in teaching math. Not only are students at Cuyamaca Community College taking math classes that can transfer to four-year colleges, but Latino students are bucking a national trend by outperforming their white counterparts. Cuyamaca, along with College of the Siskiyous in Northern California, were two...
Blog Post
U to host conversation on adverse childhood experiences among MN students [Twin-Cities.UMN.edu]
The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)— childhood experiences of abuse, neglect and family dysfunction—on the health and wellbeing of college students nationwide is relatively unknown. And yet, approximately two-thirds of University of Minnesota students experience at least one adverse childhood experience before entering college. On Friday, Dec. 2, the U of M will host a one-day conference that brings together college administrators, educators, students, public health...
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Webinar - Postsecondary Success for Parents on November 8
Ascend is pleased to invite you to a webinar on Thursday, November 8 at 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST to learn more about a new initiative we are launching along with briefs featuring recommendations for policymakers and practitioners working to advance solutions for students who are parents. REGISTER HERE Parents are a key segment of today's postsecondary students . According to research from the Institute for Women's Policy Research , approximately one in four college students -- 5 million...
Blog Post
What Success Looks Like: On-Campus Resources and Support for Foster Youth (socialjusticesolutions.org)
After identifying a statewide need for support services for foster youth, the Foster Youth Success Initiative (FYSI) was created in 2006 through a collaboration between the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO), the Foundation for California Community Colleges and numerous partners and stakeholders. According to Jessica Smith, the statewide liaison for FYSI, the “network of support” provided by FYSI includes assistance with academic needs, financial aid, physical and...
Blog Post
Why I believe Gregory Williams, and his book, Shattered By The Darkness, will help save lives and revolutionize healthcare.
When you first hear about it, it sounds unlikely, fact that something that happened to someone in utero, at the age of two months, or four years, or any time in childhood, is what is killing them as an adult, or making them want to die, or making them want to hurt themselves or others. Yet the connection between childhood trauma and adult disease, mental illness, addiction, suicide, violence – most all of society’s ills – is as irrefutable as the myriad truths revealed about it in the...
Blog Post
Wilmington University Offers Trauma-Informed Approaches Certificate Program
Trauma-Informed Approaches (TIA) recognize the impact of trauma on the human experience. Everyone experiences trauma differently, and our experiences create a lens through which we view, and process, stressors. Training in TIA not only enhances professionals’ abilities to recognize and accommodate people in crisis to ensure their success. If applied habitually, these principles allow us to help all students (or clients, or patients), and not just those about whose trauma we are already aware.
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2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference [beyondconsequences.com]
By Heather T. Forbes, Beyond Consequences, October 23, 2019 If you'd like to be a speaker at one or both of our upcoming 2020 Trauma-Informed School Conferences, now is the time to submit a proposal. Join us to become one of our prestigious break-out speakers! These 2020 conferences will be building off the success of our last conferences and they will be evolving to an even higher level. I'm certain you have a knowledge base to share so submit your proposal by Friday, December 10, 2019. The...
Blog Post
ACEs in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach
Hello. I am sharing a recent brief publication discussing how the principles of community psychology relate to ACEs in higher education, particularly the need to take a social justice approach to ACEs with non-traditional, adult, often minority students. It was posted in a community psychology bulletin, but would apply to anyone interested in ACEs in higher education.
Blog Post
ACEs Research Corner — November 2019
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site -- abuseresearch.info -- that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Jackson DB, Chilton M, Johnson KR, Vaughn MG. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Food Insecurity. Am J Prev Med. 2019 Nov;57(5):667-674. PMID: 31522923...
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An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep [nytimes.com]
Attention all you happy high school graduates about to go off to college, as well as the many others returning for another year of higher education. Grandsons Stefan and Tomas, that includes you. Whatever you may think can get in the way of a successful college experience, chances are you won’t think of one of the most important factors: how long and how well you sleep. And not just on weekends, but every day, Monday through Sunday. Studies have shown that sleep quantity and sleep quality...
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Black men make up only 2% of teachers in the US. A group named 'Call Me MISTER' wants to change that (edition.cnn.com)
Black men make up 2% of teachers in the US, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. The same goes for Hispanic male teachers. Meanwhile, the student population is far more diverse and getting more so. White enrollment in public schools fell from 61% in 2000 to 49% in 2015, according to the US Department of Education. Research shows that for minority children, having at least one teacher that looks likes them is a key to their success, said Roy Jones, a professor at Clemson...
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California Indian Nations College opens, establishes degree program in partnership with local colleges (Indian Country Today)
California Indian Nations College established through a philanthropic $3 million gift from the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians; partners include College of the Desert, University of California Riverside, and Cal State San Bernardino . “Our mission is to focus on encouraging higher education for Native Americans and non-Native students,” said Darrell Mike, Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians chairman. “Native American enrollment in higher education has dropped over the years;...
Blog Post
Can ‘work colleges’ in cities become a low-cost, high-value model for the future? (hechingerreport.org)
The nation’s first urban work college will open a second site in Texas and launch a work-college consortium There are nine federally designated work colleges, in which all residential students are required to work and school leaders track their performance at work just as they do in academic classes. There are evaluations, performance reviews and, in some cases, grades. Most students come from low-income backgrounds, and the work significantly offsets the cost of their tuition and fees.
Re: Higher Education: What Do We Mean?
Hi, Suzette. Welcome to the community! Do you mind sharing information about where you're at and what your team is doing?
Re: Higher Education: What Do We Mean?
Thanks for creating this blog. My team and I are trying to work on ACEs in higher ed. For us, the place we are meant to be is not so different than a community college. We are a university and I actually run our only PhD program, but our student body is non-traditional and often under prepared. I think this is the future of higher education. I think access to a broader population is necessary for our success as a nation and it requires us to re-think how we engage a student body with larger...
Re: East Tennessee State University President wants campus at forefront of trauma-informed care movement
A couple of folks have requested some basic information about what we're doing, and happy to share. Find attached a digital copy of a brochure we put together describing the basic goals and rationale for trauma informed work in post-secondary. Again, feel free to reach out to me via email jtietjen@massbay.edu . Have a great weekend all ---
Blog Post
A Better Normal, Tuesday, June 2nd at Noon PDT: Higher Education and Trauma During COVID-19
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our ongoing series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. College graduates across the world have been celebrating their big day virtually this month, missing out on the right of passage that marks their stepping into new realms of adult and professional life. Many students and recent graduates are feeling the negative impact of the current pandemic: being housing displaced, adjusting to virtual classrooms,...
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Partnership with HBCUs Helps At-risk Students Realize Their Dreams of Higher Education (learn4life.org)
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are known for helping students of color and opportunity youth access an affordable and quality higher education. Realizing that high SAT scores and GPAs aren’t necessarily indicators of student success in college, HBCUs instead focus on developing learners through personalized learning and support. Learn4Life and FLEX High serve at-risk students and share this approach to recover dropouts, and promote college access, readiness and...
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Undergrads’ nonprofit preps Central Valley teens for college success [Berkeley News]
Growing up in the Central Valley town of Kerman, population 15,000, wasn’t easy for Michael Piña, who self-identified as queer. Piña, who prefers the pronoun “she,” suffered abuse from family, local youth and a Catholic priest who, at a church retreat, “threw holy water at me, trying to get the devil out of me,” she said. “It caused a lot of emotional trauma.” But in Fresno County, where less than 20% of all residents and less than 10% of Latinx residents have a bachelor’s degree,...
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How Colleges Can Promote Equity to Support Low-Income Students [aecf.org]
By The Annie E. Casey Foundation, December 13, 2020 Earning an advanced degree opens doors for low-income working students, connecting them to family-supporting wages and greater financial stability. A new report, funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, explores the role of colleges in supporting these students and their success. The report, Building Equity by Supporting the Whole Student , shares finding from interviews with more than 80 students, administrators, faculty and staff across...
Blog Post
Universities Becoming Trauma-Informed addressed on Jan. CTIPP CAN Call—Join the Feb. 17 call on Trauma Matters Delaware and Southern Oregon Success
You can find the recording link to January's CTIPP CAN call on Universities Becoming Trauma-Informed here . Additionally, if you would like to see prior CTIPP CAN calls, you can view them on our YouTube channel here . First, a representative from Southern Oregon University will describe how, rather than just teaching a course or two on trauma science, it is integrating trauma science into every course so that every student who graduates is knowledgeable in trauma science. Then,...
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Partnering with Local Mental Health Providers to Support Foster Youth in College [cccstudentmentalhealth.org]
LAST YEAR, NEARLY 18,000 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS WERE CURRENTLY OR FORMERLY IN FOSTER CARE. These students, and students from other vulnerable or underserved groups, are motivated and resilient. However, many face higher rates of trauma and unmet mental health needs, coupled with systemic barriers that prevent them from accessing services. Without support, these challenges can contribute to lower college completion rates. BACKGROUND In 2018-2020, John Burton Advocates for Youth...
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ACEs in Higher Education, A National Conversation of Universities and Colleges Begins
(Becky Haas and Ben Schoenberg, Co-Authors) A group of like-minded higher education professionals across universities and departments came together on Tuesday, March 23, to explore the impact ACE's and Trauma initiatives have had on campus. This convening was hosted by the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong Brain Institute following their participation in the January CTIPP CAN call which showcased three universities who are doing work around the Adverse Childhood...
Stephanie Simeon
Jan Brewer
Rossie Rose
Dawn Kowalczyk
Lyn Mathews
Julia Philyaw
Tricia Beach
Christine McDermott