Give them an info graphic to show the connection between toxic stress and health outcomes for moms and babies?
- Check out the attached 3 handouts!
Have some talking points ready to get the conversation started with prenatal care staff?
- ACEs is a tool that can help determine if a woman's pregnancy is higher or lower risk for poor birthoutcomes
- ACEs is not just another screening tool, it's THE INTERVENTION to help mom understand connect her past with present health behaviors (i.e. smoking, drug use, depressive behaviors)
- ACEs helps expand the OB History. It will engage mom in giving you more than just her medical history. Childhood trauma can impact birth outcomes as much as a past miscarriage or abnormal pap.
- Not all mothers who have experience adverse childhood events (ACEs) are in crisis and need intervention.
Let's start talking....what would you say? What would you ask?
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