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PACEs in Medical Schools

2020 Health Equity Call for Research (AAMC)

2020 Health Equity Call for Research: AAMC Consumer Survey of Health Care Access

In recognition of the importance of research and the dissemination of evidence-based solutions to achieve health equity, the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) founded the Collaborative for Health Equity: Act, Research, Generate Evidence (CHARGE), a forum for investigators, clinicians, and community partners to collaborate and improve upon research that aims to minimize disparities in health and health care. The use of established AAMC data, such as those from the AAMC Consumer Survey of Health Care Access, serves as a unique opportunity for participants of AAMC CHARGE to build the evidence base necessary to facilitate health equity solutions.

The AAMC Workforce Studies team and Health Equity Research and Policy team are soliciting research proposals for access to data from the AAMC Consumer Survey of Health Care Access. The AAMC Consumer Survey of Health Care Access, launched in 2010, takes an inclusive approach to defining access to care. The survey collects information ranging from insurance coverage and usual source of care to travel time and the quality of patient-provider communications, as well as extensive data on demographic characteristics, health history, and the care received (such as the type of place and provider).

The vision of AAMC CHARGE is an equitable and just society in which academic health centers:

  • Prioritize health equity scholarship and research across the full spectrum of scientific inquiry.
  • Partner with communities, families, and patients to develop solutions to health injustice.
  • Advocate for structural changes that address the root causes of health inequities.


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