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PACEs in Medical Schools

Of interest: Spend June 5 with members of the new National Academies report: Realizing Opportunity for All Youth

Of interest: 

Spend June 5 with members of the new National Academies report: Realizing Opportunity for All Youth

Announcement in ACES Connection calendar : June 5 Calendar Announcement


or at Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy, University of Virginia  (ILPPP)


Working with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine ILPPP is providing opportunity to learn about the National Academies' new report, Realizing Opportunity for All Youth that finds ample evidence that changes in brain structure and connectivity that happen in adolescence present young people with unique opportunities for positive, life-shaping development, and for recovery from past adversity.

Faculty for the day will be Richard Bonnie, Professor with the UVA School of Law, and ILPPP Director, who was chair of the committee producing the report. Other presenters from the report committee include Joanna Williams PhD, UVA Curry School of Education, and Susan Mangold, Esq. Juvenile Law Center, Philadelphia. Discussants will include Andrew Block JD, Associate Professor of Law and Director of the State and Local Government Clinic with the UVA School of Law, and Julia Taylor MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics with the UVA School of Medicine, from leadership of the Virginia Department of Development Health and Behavioral Services and the Virginia Department of Social Services. 


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