Thanks to ACEs Connection member Debbie Bock for passing on this email from the legislative aide for Representative Geran Tarr (the bill's sponsor) with details on how you can show support for the bill calling for ACEs/trauma-informed decision-making and allocation of funds by the Alaska legislature.
Here is the email with all of the info on how you can support the bill, and the attachments provided by legislative aide Bernice Nisbett (including the bill itself). Your voice is needed!
This Saturday, April 2nd, House Concurrent Resolution 21-Adverse Childhood Experiences (HCR 21), will have a hearing in the House Health & Social Services Committee from 12:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.
If you would like show your support, here are several ways:
1.) Write a letter of support for HCR 21. Please email them to our office as soon as possible so we can add them to the bill packet.
2.) If there’s an opportunity to give public testimony, please send me your name and contact number before Wednesday, March 30th.
- If you just want to listen or watch, tune in here:
o Gavel to Gavel (;provider=Broadcast)
o AK Leg TV (
Rep. Tarr is looking forward to hearing from you and appreciates your support!
Bernice M. Nisbett
Legislative Aide, Representative Geran Tarr
State Capitol, Room 409
Juneau, AK 99801-1182
(907) 465-3424 (o)
(907) 715-2134 (c)
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