Tagged With "Documentary Film Showing"
Blog Post
ACES: How to reshuffle when the cards are stacked against children - Hometown, Alaska radio show
Recently, the All Alaska Pediatric Partnership had the pleasure of meeting with Alaska Public Media radio host Kathleen McCoy to discuss a show focused on ACEs, their economic impact and how we can address healing as a community. The show aired yesterday, Feb. 1 and can be heard here.
Blog Post
ACEs mural project offers hope to victims of childhood trauma [anchoragepress.com]
“Art is a powerful venue through which to have hard conversations,” said Trevor Storrs, President and CEO of the Alaska Children’s Trust, as he was drawing the attention of the crowd at the Church of Love for the opening of Resilience After Trauma: An ACEs Mural Project last week. It was an accurate description for the nature of the project being unveiled. Steve Gordon, a renowned local artist, art instructor at UAA and creator of the project, explained that it had all started a year ago as...
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Anchorage premiere of the film 'Paper Tigers' [AlaskaDispatchNews.com]
Alaska Children's Trust is hosting an exciting new documentary around Alaska. Paper Tigers follows the lives of six students in Walla Walla, Wash., as they attend an alternative high school that has begun to look at how chronic stressful events such...
Blog Post
As teens, they faced the same temptations. One made it, one didn’t. Why? [ADN.com]
This is the story of two childhoods that brought two grown men to opposite sides of a table in Mountain View, one after a life of pain and one of privilege. The meeting was a little awkward. A fine art painter was recruited to learn about a recovering addict, now a car salesman, and depict how childhood events had shaped his life. "It's certainly not something that I'm used to," said painter David Pettibone. "I was absolutely nervous going in. I wasn't quite sure of the questions I was going...
Blog Post
Call for Abstracts for NCHDV 2020 conference
The National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence (NCHDV) seeks submissions that highlight research reports, practice innovations, advocacy initiatives, educational advances, and/or community programs that address one or more aspects related to domestic/sexual violence, other forms of violence, and health. The Call for Abstracts (CFA) invites leaders working in the fields of health and domestic/sexual violence to present their work at the 2020 Conference. Submission Deadline: Monday,...
Blog Post
Community Voices: Creating a Just, Healthy and Resilient World
Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) is a vibrant learning collaborative of fourteen sites actively engaged in building the movement for a just, healthy and resilient world. Using the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and resiliency as their organizing framework, these communities have built strong cross-sector networks to help heal and prevent early childhood adversity. From October 2016 through May 2017, we were privileged to travel to all fourteen MARC...
Blog Post
Economic Costs of ACEs in Alaska
Alaska is facing an historic budget deficit which is requiring the Legislative and Executive branches to focus on cost reduction and revenue enhancement. These two goals can be uniquely addressed by a focus on the real and opportunity costs...
Blog Post
Free Discussion Guide and Movie Loans
Do you ever see a post from us and wonder about ACEs? Want to educate your friends? We can help! For free, ARI can lend you an hour-long documentary (Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope) about the history of ACE science and early years of the Resilience movement, as well as a hard or soft copy of the movie’s discussion guide. This guide ( https://www.recharge4resilience.org/sites/default/files/slides/Resilience%20Guide%20-%20FINAL.PDF ) created in partnership with the...
Blog Post
Homework: Moving Toward Compassionate, Trauma-Informed Schools
It was the little red trauma-informed schoolhouse. Katherine Wickersham-Wade, the Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax (Chickaloon Village) clan grandmother who started the Ya Ne Dah Ah School , Alaska’s first Tribally operated school in 1992, might not have used that language. But she did envision a school that would wrap its students in Native ancestral traditions and Ahtna language, instill self-confidence and repair some of the damage inflicted by historical trauma—the disruptions to culture and...
Blog Post
Jill Burke: Cuts to early childhood care will deepen Alaska's fiscal crisis [ADN.com]
As the state grapples with a $3.5 billion budget deficit, we must not lose sight of slowly acquired gains, those that require continued investment now before they pay off in the future. If we dont, the dollars the state might think it is saving now will be lost later when we have to spend more as we try to undo trauma-based harm to our states future workforce. This presents a crucial intersection of social and economic policy that should not be overlooked. In a bare-bones fiscal era, we need...
Blog Post
MARC Booklet 2016: Features Alaska
Please find attached the 2016 booklet for the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) project, including Alaska and the other 13 communities that have been selected to participate in this 2 year learning collaborative. This is a great summary of the work happening in all 14 communities across the country. I look forward to working with you all in Alaska!
Blog Post
"Paper Tigers" April 5th, 6-9PM, University of Alaska Anchorage
As part of National Public Health week there will be a public showing of "Paper Tigers" at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Admission is free. Light refreshments will be provided. Thank you to Kate Wright, ACEs Connection member, for creating this opportunity for students and other community members to see this important film.
Blog Post
“Paper Tigers” Makes an Impact at University of Alaska, Anchorage
On Tuesday evening students, staff, and community members attended a showing of “Paper Tigers” on campus at UAA. The showing was a joint effort of Alaska Children’s Trust, Prevent Child Abuse America, and UAA Residence Life in recognition of National Public Health Week. The room was packed and there was an animated discussion after the film. “Paper Tigers’ clearly had a strong impact on everyone who attended. In the written evaluations everyone indicated that they would recommend the film to...
Blog Post
Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain - FREE Screening for ACEs Connection Network!
I am excited to announce that ACEs Connection Network has partnered with the producers of the film, Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain . to host a FREE SCREENING of the film for our members. If you have been t hinking of hosting a screening of CAREgivers in your community or are interested in learning more about secondary traumatic stress and what to do about it, join our ACEs Connection Network for a FREE screening of this film and a virtual chat with the...
Blog Post
Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield donates to Alaska Children’s Trust [newsminer.com]
By Erin Granger egranger@newsminer.com FAIRBANKS — Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield, Alaska’s only individual health care company, announced will donate a grant of $220,000 to Alaska Children’s Trust, a state nonprofit program working to prevent issues related to child abuse in Alaska. The grant was part of eight donations Premera gave to eight total organizations across Alaska and Washington, finishing its first year of donations directed toward organizations that support behavioral health...
Blog Post
"Resilience" Documentary Wednesday October 12, 6-8PM UAA Fine Arts Building Room 116
For more information see the group calendar.
Blog Post
Resilient, Period: Trauma, Healing, Equity, and the Alaska Resilience Initiative
This visually-engaging short film shows what roles the Alaska Resilience Initiative plays in the trauma and resilience field and the ways in which we prioritize equity, a comprehensive understanding of trauma, and indigenous worldviews and resilience practices in our work.
Blog Post
Stemming the tide of childhood trauma [ADN.com]
As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbors and community members, we all know children and care about their well-being. Likely all of us know at least one child who struggles in school, who acts out in class or shuts down and withdraws, who often goes to the nurse or goes home sick, and who shows up at school late many days — if at all. Perhaps we find ourselves wondering what is the most likely cause of all these different problems and what we can possibly do to help. The good...
Blog Post
Support needed for HCR 21 (ACEs Bill) -- incl. testimony THIS Saturday
1.) Write a letter of support for HCR 21. Please email them to Rep. Tarr's office as soon as possible so we can add them to the bill packet.
2.) If there’s an opportunity to give public testimony, please send Rep. Tarr's aide your name and contact number before Wednesday, March 30th.
Blog Post
The economic costs of ACEs in Alaska [StateofReform.com]
The Alaska Mental Health Board and the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse have explored these questions and found that childhood trauma has profound costs. A national study demonstrates that costs of childhood trauma begin immediately ( $48,000 during childhood for every substantiated report of harm ), and those costs continue for decades into the future. The report, Economic Costs of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Alaska , takes an initial look at potential savings with...
Blog Post
Trauma & Resiliency Summit in the Columbia River Gorge
Hello all! The Columbia River Gorge is hosting a Trauma & Resiliency Summit on October 20th & 21st, 2016 in The Dalles, OR. Registration is made free to attendees through MARC Grant funding. If you are in the area please join us! And please note that registration is only available prior to the event as we have a limited amount of space. Claire
Blog Post
Week of events aim to show benefits of mindfulness [HomerTribune.com]
Take a breath. Notice the feeling of your breath. Take another. According to medical researchers, you have just done something profoundly positive for your physical and mental health. Over the next week, everyone from parents to health care providers will have a chance to learn more about the potential benefits of mindfulness thanks to a series of workshops and presentations organized by South Peninsula Hospital. The series will feature both local presenters knowledgeable about mindfulness...
Blog Post
Wisconsin state agencies end year one of trauma-informed learning community; goal is to be first trauma-informed state
Here in California, many people think that it’s only liberal Democrats who have a corner on championing the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and putting it into practice. That might be because people who use ACEs science don’t expel or suspend students, even if they’re throwing chairs and hurling expletives at the teacher. They ask "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" as a frame when they create juvenile detention centers where kids don’t fight, reduce...
Calendar Event
"Resilience" Film Showing at UAA
Calendar Event
Resilience Movie in Anchorage
Re: "Resilience" Documentary Wednesday October 12, 6-8PM UAA Fine Arts Building Room 116
I've seen the film and I recommend it highly. Trailer on Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/137282528
Re: Resilient, Period: Trauma, Healing, Equity, and the Alaska Resilience Initiative
I watched this film in Philadelphia at the MARC convening and was brought to tears by it. It captures so beautifully the ACEs movement with strong voices of the community. Thank you for creating it, ARI and for sharing it with the rest of our ACEs Connection community!
Re: Anchorage Faith Leaders Forum on "Safe Children, Healthy Families"
All of the email invitations have been handled by Elizabeth Schulz in the Governor's Office, not ACT. She did show us an Excel sheet of who she was inviting, and it had both synagogues on there, but I think only one contact from each. I gave her names of every other non-Christian group I could find for Anchorage. Even though they've been invited, I am sure that it would be helpful for you to share the flyer with as many people within the synagogues as possible, though, because it'll be...
Blog Post
Hope and Progress, No Matter What! — an ACEs Connection/Cambia Health Foundation “Better Normal”, Oct. 22, 2020
The election is upon us. In two short weeks, we voters in this country decide who will lead us for the next four years. We have the opportunity to embrace — as a national priority — the tenets of understanding, nurturing and healing that underlie the science of adverse childhood experiences and move in a direction that embraces cultural and racial equity and anti-racism. Or not.
What is clear is that no matter what, the ACEs movement will continue.
Blog Post
Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)
The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...
Blog Post
The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training
The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...
Blog Post
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...