Tagged With "child"
Blog Post
Don't Wait, Don't Rush
There's the adopted child who comes to the parent and asks about his before life; the foster child who is anxious to talk about her feelings. Then, there are those who say nothing and ask nothing. Trauma-informed parents don't assume that the boys and girls who are interested in their past or who have a need to talk about it are the ones coming forward. On the contrary, the fact the child isn't asking may indicate just how great the child needs to connect and feel connected t o their source.
Blog Post
Funding Opportunity! National Title IV-E Roundtable Conference in Phoenix
Arizona State University's Center for Child Well-Being has invested in helping organizations increase their training budgets through taking advantage of federal funding. The National Title IV-E Roundtable conference which will be held in Phoenix, AZ May 23-25th . 2017 marks the 21 st year of this event and our theme of Examining Efficiency and Increasing Access Across Systems through Collaboration is timely given the changes occurring at the federal level. 20 states will be represented so...