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How to Overcome Compassion Fatigue (


Compassion fatigue has been described as the "cost of caring" for others in emotional and physical pain. It is characterised by deep physical and emotional exhaustion and an uncharacteristic inability to feel empathy for others.

Compassion fatigue is also called "vicarious traumatisation" or secondary traumatisation, where the emotional residue or strain of exposure to others who are suffering, or reliving traumatic incidents, impacts you and over time can become overwhelming, possibly even causing burnout.

But the key to finding the light side of compassion and not falling prey to tremendous burnout, in the face of all the suffering in the world today, is self care. This is essentially where compassion begins. Compassion towards yourselfleads to an open heart towards others and a heart that glows softly, no matter the troubles threatening to drown it.

Four simple keys to keeping your compassion vibrantly alive are:

  1. A daily practice and check-in that helps you to notice when you're going out of balance. You can correct your course by meeting your needs, perhaps by resting more, connecting with a friend, doing something that nourishes you, or taking a break. If you catch the downward spiral when it starts, you can halt it and maintain equilibrium and compassion.
  2. Recharge your batteries daily. Basic self care habits like eating well, exercising, spending time in nature and relaxing, are vital to our wellbeing.
  3. Cultivate a mindfulness practice that keeps you in the present moment and simplifies your life, by focusing all your energy on one thing at a time, helps you to harness the healing power of solitude.
  4. Have one connected, meaningful conversation with your loved ones each day.

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  • Self compassion

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