Richard Branson. Photo: Getty Images
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Richard Branson flunked out of school at age 16, never to return. He still managed to amass a net worth of several billion dollars, earn himself a knighthood, and appear to have a boatload of fun in the process. So perhaps it's no surprise that when someone on LinkedIn recently asked him what was more important for success in life, EQ or IQ, he answered firmly in favor of emotional intelligence.
"I think being emotionally intelligent is more important in every aspect of life -- and this includes business. Being a good listener, finding empathy, understanding emotions, communicating effectively, treating people well, and bringing out the best is critical to success. It will also help you build a business that really understands people and solve their problems, and it will make for a happier and healthier team too," he replied. He added this:
"If I had let my IQ and my school grades determine my success, I certainly wouldn't be where I am today."
Concerned you need a huge brain to make smart decisions for your business? Intelligence certainly helps, but a study out of Yale showed those with high EQ actually make far savvier decisions, largely because they are better able to recognize and manage their emotions and thus better able to think through problems logically. Another bit of research even linked higher EQ to higher income.
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