Tagged With "organization"
Blog Post
A Vicarious Trauma Informed Organization and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Building a resilient workplace begins by recognizing the importance of connections and relationships at work including leaders, supervisors, and staff. A Vicarious Trauma Informed Organization recognizes the challenges human service professionals face and addresses the impact of vicarious trauma and disaster mental health. Through an organization’s policies and practices, an employee’s resilience is fostered. Your mission statement can recognize the need for self-care. The goal of...
Blog Post
Adaptive Change to REBUILD Your Organization
Keeping your organization afloat in challenging conditions... Following up on "Adaptive Change in Behavioral Health Organizations Serving Survivors of Trauma" (posted 2/20/19), here is the first of 3 webinars Villa of Hope presented through the Alliance for Strong Families & Communities. It's called "REBUILD: Adaptive Change to Rebuild the Perspective, Courage, & Leadership of Your Organization." Enjoy!
Blog Post
Blog Post | How Understanding Trauma Can Strengthen Health Care Organizations: A Q&A with Sandra Bloom
Knowledge regarding the impact of trauma on individual health and behavior has become more mainstream in health care over the last several years. However, the effects of trauma on groups, organizations, and entire systems of care, are not as widely understood. The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) recently spoke with Sandra Bloom, MD, associate professor of health management and policy at Drexel University’s Dornsife School of Public Health and co-founder of the Sanctuary Model , to...
Blog Post
Build Resilience. Be Trauma-Informed. Join the National Council on Behavioral Health's Learning Community.
Is your organization facing increased community, school, and domestic violence? Does your team feel challenged by the complex needs of the people they serve? Is the impact of the opioid epidemic overwhelming? Is diminished funding compromising your workforce? If you want to rise above these forces and develop skills to address trauma and nurture resilience, join the National Council’s 8 th annual Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented Approaches Learning Community . Over the course of this...
Blog Post
Leading an Organization Through the COVID-19 Crisis [blog.boardsource.org]
By Phil Buchanan, BoardSource, March 26, 2020 Editor’s note: Running an organization is a huge responsibility on its own, but doing so in today’s environment is truly a different beast. We are in uncharted waters. This post, originally published as a series of tweets by Phil Buchanan — president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) and author of "Giving Done Right: Effective Philanthropy and Making Every Dollar Count" — touches on 15 things to keep in mind as you adjust to the many...
Blog Post
What's Lost When Black Children Are Socialized Into a White World [theatlantic.com]
By Dani McClain, The Atlantic, November 21, 2019 Jessica Black is a Pittsburg, California, mother of two black teenagers, both of whom have been disciplined multiple times at their middle and high schools. Her daughter has been suspended more than once, and teachers often deem her son’s behavior out of line, reprimanding him for not taking off his hoodie in class and for raising his voice. In observing her own family and others, Black has noticed a pattern: Behaviors that many black parents...
Blog Post
Help Your Organization Make Trauma-Informed Decisions
Many may think that self-awareness can only occur at the individual level. However, for companies to be successful, they must have self-awareness throughout the individual and the organizational levels. As you read through this article, thinkabout how you can apply these concepts to your business as well as your personal life. Remember, self-awareness is a journey that starts with yourself. For corporations to truly embrace diversity and inclusion, they must examine their mission, values,and...
Blog Post
Faculty Expert Team for Pilot Trauma-Informed Care Learning Collaborative for IDD Organizations
In Spring 2021, the Traumatic Stress Institute will convene a 12- to 16-month Pilot Learning Collaborative for organizations serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) that are interested in implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). TSI is uniquely positioned to convene this Learning Collaborative having helped more than 70 organizations across North America embed TIC into the fabric of their organizations. For detailed information about the Learning...
Blog Post
Shifting the Culture in Organizations - A New Webinar Series
Over the past year since leaving an administrative position in healthcare as a Trauma Informed Administrator to launch as a full time consultant and advocate, I've been educating professionals around the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Positive Childhood Experiences, and in using a Trauma Informed Approach to service delivery. In my journey, I've encountered two wonderful surprises. Along with the joys of training professionals such as childcare leaders in two states; police...
Blog Post
7 Organizational Strategies for Resilience
No matter what type of organization you help run, if you are a leader, you should be promoting resilience and agility in the workplace. Why? When the individuals that make up an organization are better able to face challenges, the entire system is strengthened. Resilience mitigated risks, ensuring that challenges won’t set your business back as far they could. Organizations improve their overall resilience when they can: · anticipate disruptions · prepare for roadblocks · respond to sudden...
Blog Post
7 Most Important Aspects of Trauma Sensitivity Training
Full implementation of a trauma-informed approach typically takes three years to accomplish, but many organizations are looking for more manageable solutions that require fewer resources. If you want to implement trauma-informed practices but aren’t ready for full implementation, here are some of the most important aspects of trauma sensitivity training that you can share with your team. Developing a One-Page Resource for Trauma Sensitivity Training Recently a colleague asked for my input on...
Blog Post
7 Types of Organizational Structures
Organizational restructuring is often on the table when companies decide they need transformational change. And when organizations take on the major change of trauma-informed implementation, many of them also decide to change their organizational layout. When we talk about organizational structures through a trauma-informed lens, we often focus on moving away from a hierarchal structure and toward a flat structure—but those are not our only two options. There are 5 other organizational...
Blog Post
Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) and What It Means for Your Organization
Positive Childhood and Adult Experiences protect against the effects of trauma in individuals. Using trauma-informed approaches, positive experiences can also help organizations build resilience, foster connection, and thrive when faced with trauma. ACEs in Review Many of you are likely familiar with the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs . These are overwhelming or traumatic experiences that occur in childhood and can profoundly shape physical health, behavior, and mental...