Tagged With "work"
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Working from Home? Ten Tips to Look Professional on Zoom
Hi ACEs Community, normally I post about healing from childhood trauma but THIS is a short video I made at home to help those of you who are working from home and using Zoom in new and bigger ways, or for the first time. Enjoy! Since COVID-19 changed our lives, I've been consulting to institutional and corporate clients re: new uses of Zoom for teams, meetings, marketing and leadership. If you'd like some help with that you can reach me at anna@crappychildhoodfairy.com
Blog Post
Working Through It: Mental Health at Work – What are you experiencing?
Working Through It™ Weekly Emails: Awareness of Mental Health at Work What are you experiencing? – View Worksheet Now! We may have occasions when we're experiencing strong emotions or reactions to something that's happening at work. It's helpful to pay attention to our body's physical and mental reactions to situations that arise as responses to daily stressors. These reactions can have an impact on both our physical and mental health. Let's take a few moments to assess what we're...
Blog Post
Working with Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic [psychotherapy.net]
By Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Psychotherapy.net, March 19, 2020 I walked into the grocery store Sunday morning after a relaxing run. As soon as I came in the doors, I saw the headline of the newspaper in bold letters reporting that New York was in a state of emergency. Anxiety coursed through me. Earlier that same morning, I’d had a phone session with a patient who was becoming increasingly anxious due to news of the spread of COVID-19. She was starting to feel like she couldn’t leave the house.
Re: Is ACEs Advocacy Worth Risking Professional Backlash?
Thank you for sharing this Dawn. As a public health professional with an ACE score of 4, I have begun trying to bridge the personal and the professional in my work. And that is one reason I appreciate ACEs - I can tell folks I have an ACE score of 4; I don't necessarily need to go into my story depending on the audience and yet it breaks down the barriers of "us vs. them". When talking about ACEs - they affect all of us; there is no "us and them" and the more we can talk freely and openly...
Re: Is ACEs Advocacy Worth Risking Professional Backlash?
Gail, I appreciate your comment very much. The idea that there is no "them and us" is a message I rely heavily on in conversation, whether it be with clients, peers, or in the trauma-informed work group I lead. And you're right, the beauty of identifying with an ACE score is powerful and feels safe. It takes the risk of re-traumatization and crossing boundaries out of the equation. We, the professionals, don't have to divulge anything more than a number to even the field in conversation with...
Blog Post
Zoominar on Creating Trauma Responsive Institutions: July 31
In case you are interested, there is an affordable, easy to register for Zoom course at Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work on how to create trauma responsive institutions. The focus is not limited to social work organizations. There is also a discount for the presenter's book, Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door and recently published by Teachers College Press. Session runs from 9:30 -- 12:30 on July 31, 2020. Look forward to seeing you there. Here's the needed link (can also be...
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Two Opportunities to attend Reimagining Resilience Online - Register ASAP
Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens
TWO Online Opportunities - Clock hours available!
Blog Post
9 Signs of a Toxic Workplace (and How to Fix It With Trauma-Informed Care)
A safe and healthy workplace is the goal—but there is a concerning number of toxic workplaces out there. Is yours one of them? There’s a common dynamic where executive teams turn a blind eye to problems while those without power can see the glaring issues of a toxic workplace unfolding before their eyes. Today, we discuss nine common signs of a toxic workplace—and how to solve each issue with a trauma-informed approach. 1 High Turnover Rates Usually, when an employee leaves a job, it’s not...
Blog Post
How to Develop an Organizational Safety Plan
Safety plans serve as a great resource for individuals to practice healthy coping skills and develop a sense of safety and security that can carry them through a crisis. Last week, we discussed the basics of creating your first personalized safety plan . Now, it’s time to discuss how an organizational safety plan can support your trauma-informed agency—and how to build one. If you work with an organization, sharing how to create an individual safety plan with your team members is a great...
Blog Post
Paradigm Shifts to Change Toxic Workplaces: How Shifting Perspectives Impacts Company Culture
There is a common trend where organizations acknowledge that we need change. They see the value in DEI work, and they genuinely want to embody social justice in their work. But nothing changes. If leaders value change and are ready to create change in their organizations, why are they still struggling to achieve equitable treatment, anti-racist working environments, and safety at work? One reason for this barrier is that while leaders are ready to create change at work , they skip over an...
Blog Post
What Does Trauma-Informed Leadership Look Like in Practice?
Trauma-informed leadership is crucial if you want to accomplish trauma-informed change in your organization. Here’s some expert advice on how you can become a trauma-informed leader. 1. Acknowledge that cultural change is just as important as technical change Our problem-solving brains often focus on technical change when we talk about organizational change. We ask, “ What processes can we put in place to prevent this issue?” when we should ask, “What cultural norms are contributing to this...
Blog Post
8 Simple Ways to Create Safety at Work
Establishing safety at work is one of the most important aspects of creating a trauma-informed workplace, but creating safety is easier said than done. When we discuss trauma-informed beliefs, practices, and values, we often explore big-picture concepts and systems. While this is an essential piece of the work, sharing specific, actionable steps can often improve our understanding better than big-picture ideas can. Here are some concrete and relatively simple ways to create safety at work,...
Blog Post
9 Things That Happen When Employees Feel Safe at Work
If you asked me what the single most important aspect of trauma-informed implementation is, I’d say it’s much more complex than that. But then I’d say safety at work . To be fair, there are many moving parts when we aspire to create safety at work. It’s not an easy task to undertake. From encouraging employees to develop individual safety plans to creating a comprehensive organizational safety plan , establishing safety at work can take years. It’s a lot harder than following eight simple...
Blog Post
9 Things That Happen When Employees Feel Safe at Work
If you asked me what the single most important aspect of trauma-informed implementation is, I’d say it’s much more complex than that. But then I’d say safety at work . To be fair, there are many moving parts when we aspire to create safety at work. It’s not an easy task to undertake. From encouraging employees to develop individual safety plans to creating a comprehensive organizational safety plan , establishing safety at work can take years. It’s a lot harder than following eight simple...
Blog Post
11 Trauma-Informed Boundary Phrases to Use at Work
Trauma-informed leaders know that healthy boundaries are essential for healthy relationships—in and out of work. But setting and reinforcing your boundaries can be challenging when you haven’t had a lot of practice. That’s why we’ve provided these boundary phrases to help you maintain healthy relationships at work by saying no and setting expectations in a kind and trauma-informed way. As you read through these boundary phrases, keep in mind that not all phrases are right for all people or...
Blog Post
Change is an Inside Job: Personal Accountability to Workplace Well-being
While organizational culture and leadership play crucial roles in workplace well-being, true transformation begins with personal accountability and intentional self-work. "The Work Starts in You" is a slide from our signature training program, designed to improve organizational culture and resilience. Accountability to Self-Awareness Self-awareness is the inner compass you need at work to guide your decision-making. It starts with acknowledging your own trauma history and understanding what...