We are pleased to announce one of our partnering clinical agencies for Burke and Rutherford counties within the Standardized Assessment Protocol project--Support, Incorporated! Support, Inc, which was founded in 2001, is located in Gaston, Lincoln, Cleveland, and Catawba County and is contracted with several Managed Care Organizations within North Carolina.
Support, Inc has a strong clinical model that incorporates behavioral practices and ecosystemic principles—they aim to combine both developmental and environmental models which empowers their clinicians to encompass a myriad of interventions that are individualized to each client. Their services include day treatment, family treatment, individual/family/group therapy, intake and evaluation, intensive in-home, medication management, school-based therapy, substance abuse intensive outpatient program, therapeutic foster care and Intensive Alternative Family Treatment, and high-fidelity wraparound. Additionally, they appreciate the value of noting the various systems that may affect a child’s life, not just school or families, but involvement in DSSes for example. They prioritize involving holistic care for the individuals they serve. Aligning with the project’s own values, they recognize that fully collaborating partnerships is crucial in creating high-quality services for their clients.
Support, Inc has shown great commitment to the betterment of children involved in child welfare and is not only partnered with the Standardized Assessment Protocol but also Partnering for Excellence! This means their services are available to a multitude of children and families throughout the state who are involved in child welfare. Most recently, Support, Inc’s first TiCCA (Trauma-intensive Comprehensive Clinical Assessment) for the SAP project was completed and given a strong passing grade by the clinical coach.
Not only is Benchmarks thankful for being linked with such strong and dedicated clinicians for our projects, but the children and families in North Carolina are seeing the outstanding benefits of trauma-informed clinical care.
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