COVID may have created many challenges, but it also cultivated resilience, perseverance, ingenuity, creativity, and solidarity between our Benchmarks’ Partnering for Excellence (PFE) partners in Pitt and Craven county in eastern North Carolina. As 2021 begins we are still faced with many of the same challenges, but due to strong partnering we have found innovative ways that have allowed us to continue our trauma-informed work in improving the well-being of children and families that are involved with child welfare. Each of our partners have significantly contributed to addressing challenges, however, this month we would like to highlight the endeavors of Trillium Health Resources, our Medicaid Managed Care Organization in Pitt and Craven county.
Instead of allowing challenges to cripple progress, Trillium has spearheaded ways to overcome them. They are an integral partner in meeting the ever-changing needs and challenges that their members and partners face. Throughout the pandemic Trillium’s team has proactively worked with their partners in finding ways to continue providing services to their members via telehealth. This proactive approach has allowed the PFE Benchmarks’ partnership with the social services agencies and participating providers the ability to move forward in providing early identification of the trauma-related needs of youth and families through a trauma-intensive behavioral health assessment.
Another reason that Trillium is declared triumphant during these trying times is due to their on-going work towards effective engagement and partnership with the DSS(s). Sean Kenny, Head Department of Social Services Engagement, with Trillium has been virtually co-located at Pitt and Craven Departments of Social Services for the purpose of building the bridge between the two entities. Sean Kenny has provided invaluable assistance to the agencies in solidifying placements and aligning children with the right treatments for difficult cases.
Trillium’s mission statement is, “Transforming lives and building community well-being through partnership and proven solutions.” Over this last year, Trillium’s team has sewn the meaning and purpose of their mission into the fabric of their community. We applaud them as they continue to show their commitment to having a trauma-informed and trauma-aware community.
-Written by Mary Trimpi
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