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Tagged With "disaster"

Blog Post

Hurricane Florence first responders receive free trauma/resilience training

Carey Sipp ·
In a webinar offered this morning by Elaine Miller Karas , executive director of the Trauma Resource Institute in Claremont, CA, leaders from several North Carolina ACEs Connection communities affected by flooding and other damage by Hurricane Florence learned more about trauma response and how to better help their communities find resilience. Karas, who was delivering her Community Resiliency Model (CRM) training at Duke University in Durham, NC, offered the free training and provided...
Blog Post

Psychosocial Recovery

Logan Martin ·
This is a very relevant article as we begin to rebuild here in North Carolina after the destruction of Hurricane Florence. The discussions around disaster relief have already begun to occur but one aspect is oftentimes forgotten in the rebuilding efforts: psychosocial recovery. "Stern says everyone who has ever dealt with disaster relief knows that the psychosocial recovery is the most import aspect of relief that is widely ignored by the public. " It is imperative to address not just the...
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