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Standing Bear's Footsteps (


In 1877, the Ponca people were exiled from their Nebraska homeland to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma. To honor his dying son’s last wish to be buried in his homeland, Chief Standing Bear set off on a grueling, six-hundred-mile journey home. Captured en-route, Standing Bear sued a famous U.S. army general for his freedom–choosing to fight injustice not with weapons, but with words. The Chief stood before the court to prove that an Indian was a person under the law. The story quickly made newspaper headlines–attracting powerful allies, as well as enemies.

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> m: 1rem;"><span>In 1877, the Ponca people were exiled from their Nebraska h=
> omeland to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma. To honor his dying son=
> =E2=80=99s last wish to be buried in his homeland, Chief Standing Bear set =
> off on a grueling, six-hundred-mile journey home. Captured en-route, Standi=
> ng Bear sued a famous U.S. army general for his freedom=E2=80=93choosing to=
> fight injustice not with weapons, but with words. The Chief stood before t=
> he court to prove that an Indian was a person under the law. The story quic=
> kly made newspaper headlines=E2=80=93attracting powerful allies, as well as=
> enemies.</span></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom: 1rem;"><span><a class=3D"gal=
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