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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter January 2025


The latest Surviving Spirit Newsletter - Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is out - It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe -

or this - https://newsletters.survivings...ter_January_2025.pdf

Hi Folks,

Welcome to 2025!! I hope this year is a time of peace and joy for you.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, National Mentoring Month and National Stalking Awareness Month.

It's also a month of being downright cold. Every morning, regardless of the weather, I go out with my cup of coffee to stare off into the forest and gaze upon the river. It is my time to pause and just be...And when the eagles are flying about or I'm able to catch a glimpse of coyotes, deer, maybe a bear, etc, well, that makes the morning extra special.

I'm also grateful for flannel, fleece, wool and long johns! This morning it was minus nine degrees, yesterday it was minus six. But a heat wave is coming, it will be warming up into the twenties, not quite swimming weather, but a little more tolerable.

I was honored to be a guest on this podcast: Live Interview with Michael Skinner - Healing for Male Survivors with host Mike Chapman – The Podcast is on Spotify.

We had an open and frank discussion about healing from childhood sexual abuse and Mike also asked me questions about my participation in the Oprah Winfrey Shows that addressed males sexually abused as children.

I've had a little over four decades of healing...and yet, when I listen to any interview I've been a part of, I can hear the nervousness in my voice and the hesitation. I've had many years of putting distance to the past, but the ever-present dissociation always lingers about when I address that which had such an impact upon my mind, body and spirit. There is healing, the simple fact I can participate and draft this newsletter lets me know I'm okay.

Please check out Mike Chapman's Spotify Podcast series, lots of great interviews and more.

Welcome to the Healing for Male Survivors Podcast, where male survivors of childhood trauma, especially sexual trauma, can find hope and healing.

My main goal is to give a platform to YOU, my listener and fellow survivor. I want to make this a safe space for you to tell YOUR story - and telling your story can often jump-start your healing.

Go to where the silence is and say something.” - Amy Goodman

Silence is the abuser's friend.” - Unknown

Newsletter Contents:

1] Mitzy Sky - Episode 5: Therapy vs Life Long Mental Patient – Video Podcast and text @ Substack

2] How the Vagus Nerve Could Influence Physical and Mental Health by Jena Pincott @ Scientific American

3] CPTSD and Long-Term Personality Changes: Navigating Trust and Transformation by Tracy Guy

4] Unshrunk: A Story of Psychiatric Treatment Resistance by Laura Delano

4a] Laura Delano on Overcoming Labels and Facing Painful Emotions – YouTube

5] It's Not Always Depression, Sometimes It's Shame: The Story of Brian – YouTube

6] Can You Recover From a Mental Illness? By Emily Grossman @ Psychology Today

7] National Empowerment Center Has Released a Book on Emotional CPR

8] Lead in gasoline tied to millions of excess mental health disorders By Elizabeth Chucl @ NBC News

9] That Healing Sound By Kevin Berger @ Nautilus

10] A star urologist preyed on men and boys. Why didn't his hospitals stop the abuse? By Maite Amorebieta and Tom Llamas @ NBC News

11] New mothers face barriers getting the mental health care so many need - @ YouTube – PBS Newshour

12] SAFE 4 Recovery – Survivors And Families Empowered for Recovery

13] PsychForce.Report with Rob Wipond & Jesse Mangan – YouTube

14] How to Stop Being So Mean to Yourself @ Pocket Worthy

The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and truth.” Albert Einstein

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer.

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