The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing after Trauma represents the culmination of Dr. Gordon’s fifty years as a practitioner, teacher, and advocate of integrative approaches to overcoming psychological trauma and stress. Offering eye-opening research, innovative prescriptive support, and inspirational stories, The Transformation for the first time gives the reading public clear guidance in the methods that Dr. Gordon has developed and that he and his team have used to relieve the suffering of hundreds of thousands of children and adults around the world.
Dr. Gordon’s work is grounded in a basic understanding:
- Trauma will come to all of us, sooner or later
- Each of us has the capacity to understand and heal ourselves.
So, what if we lived in a world where trauma was seen as an accepted, inevitable human experience, and not a pathological anomaly? What if healing and reversing trauma was the key to attaining the joy and fulfillment that every human deserves?
To learn more, please click HERE.
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