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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Post-Traumatic Growth"

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Donna Jenson ·
I just had to cradle a bundle of books when my publisher showed me the first 1000 copies that arrived from the printer. A thousand copies! At this very moment the most important thing is they exist. Not if or when they’ll be purchased. Not who will get a copy or what they’ll think of it as they read it. What’s happening is I am telling. A thousand times over, I am telling. A lot of people already know that after every rape my father said, “You tell anyone and I’ll kill you.” And I’ve worked...
Blog Post

Babies and Toddlers Risk Emotional Damage and Post-Trauma Stress in Toxic Homes

Steve Sparks ·
Saving your children, family and loved ones from inter-generational post-traumatic stress... Following is an excerpt from my latest book, My Journey of Healing in Life After Trauma, Part 2. "Extensive research has shown babies will pick up on toxic circumstances and behaviors and demonstrate post trauma stress symptoms as they become older. The goal of My Journey of Healing, Part 2 is to specifically help parents with stress triggers to save their kids from becoming emotionally damaged...
Blog Post

Dr. Dan Siegel: What Hearing “Yes” Does to Your Child’s Brain (

Yes is more than a word. It’s a state of being, of relating, and a gateway to curiosity, growth, and resilience, according to internationally recognized educator, neuropsychiatrist, and bestselling author Dr. Dan Siegel. He and co-author Tina Payne Bryson have written a new book that offers parents everywhere a roadmap for developing and growing their child’s inner spark and internal compass to guide them throughout their lives. It’s called, “ YES Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity,...
Blog Post

Healing ACE's

David Kenney ·
Healing Childhood Trauma I’d like to thank each member of ACE’s Connection for all your work helping and supporting children through various activities and organizations. You are clearly a collection of people who care about the children of the world. It is in recognition of these efforts that I ask you to consider two books on healing childhood trauma. They represent a life-time partnership dedicated to raising and educating healthy children. Secondly, I’d like to ask you for a word of...
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Inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life

KPJR Films is pleased to present the selection for the inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life is a ground-breaking book that presents an entirely new understanding of your child's emotions and behavior that serves as a practical guide for parents to help their kids engage calmly and successfully in learning and life. Rooted in decades of clinical practice and research by leading child psychologist Dr.
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Michigan Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We are working with PESI, a leader in professional development, to offer a full day training in trauma informed education. This content follows the content of our book on Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. We will be in Michigan April 19, (Sterling Heights) 20, (LIvonia) and 21 (Ann Arbor) See the attached brochure If this goes well they will continue to offer this next year. Hope to see you there
Blog Post

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook

Schiraldi, G. R. (2016). The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook: A Guide to Healing, Recovery and Growth . New York, McGraw-Hill. Clearly describes the nature and treatment of this complex disorder. Scores of self, group, and therapist-directed treatments clearly explained. Many skills taught. “The most valuable, user-friendly manual on PTSD I have ever seen. Must reading for victims, their families, and their therapists.” (Dr. George Everly, Executive Editor, International Journal of...
Blog Post

The Resilience Workbook: Essential Skills to Recover from Stress, Trauma, and Adversity

What is resilience, and how can you build it? In The Resilience Workbook , Dr. Glenn Schiraldi—author of The Self-Esteem Workbook —offers invaluable insight and outlines essential skills to help you bounce back from setbacks and cultivate a growth mindset. Why do some people sail through life’s storms, while others are knocked down? Resilience is the key. Resilience is the ability to recover from difficult experiences, such as death of loved one, job loss, serious illness, terrorist attacks,...
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Trauma, Mindfulness and Neurobiology of Self (dvd video) 1 hour 20 minutes

This presentation by Jon Kabat-Zinn was excerpted from the 24th Annual International Trauma Conference held in Boston, MA. In recent years there has been increasing recognition of mindfulness and self-awareness as the foundations of emotional responsiveness, psychological change, and personal growth. This workshop highlights work that constitutes the cutting edge on the neurobiological foundations of stress resilience, mindfulness, the effects of trauma on self-awareness and...
Blog Post

Young Adult Novels That Teach a Growth Mindset []

Tory Henderson ·
Use these novesl to teach learning from loss and overcoming adversity to your middle schoolers and high school freshmen. [For more of this story by Robert Ward, go to]
Blog Post

New book: Lifetrap: from Child Victim to Adult Victimizer

Linda Nauth ·
I wrote a book about developmental/ family violence and how ACES during early childhood can lead to the adult survivor perpetrating his own violence. It's the story of intergenerational transmission, the cycle of violence. I worked with domestically violent men as a prison psychologist for 28 years in the Wisconsin correctional system. While the population of offenders is not a sympathetic group, I believe that we need to address the development of an abusive personality if we want to stop...
Blog Post

New book release “The Trauma Banquet”: The truth about how to overcome adversity

Kenneth Pakenham ·
I am a Professor of Clinical Psychology at The University of Queensland, Australia. I recently released my memoir “The Trauma Banquet”. In this book I share about my ACEs and how I learnt to be resilient in the context of their enduring pervasive echoes. I have been practicing psychology for almost 40 years and I have engaged thousands of clients in psychotherapy. As a full professor I have also been teaching psychology and conducting research, which has focused on building resilience in the...
Blog Post

Sibling Loss is Traumatic, Too

Sue Lawrence ·
For anyone who might be interested, please feel free to check out my book about sibling loss. As a professional and as a sibling loss survivor, this work has been years in the making through research and observation. Please contact me if you would like to comment or add to the discussion about how early loss in childhood can be a trauma!
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The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series – “Getting Past Your Past”

Teri Wellbrock ·
Naturally, I would at times experience panic attack symptoms, and would almost always cry. Sometimes slow tears cascading down my cheeks. Other times full-on ugly crying, requiring a pause in the action.
Blog Post

The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series – “Getting Past Your Past”

Teri Wellbrock ·
Naturally, I would at times experience panic attack symptoms, and would almost always cry. Sometimes slow tears cascading down my cheeks. Other times full-on ugly crying, requiring a pause in the action.

Re: Sibling Loss is Traumatic, Too

Jane Stevens ·
Hi, Penny: I've sent you a message so that you can decide how you want to unsubscribe. Cheers, Jane

Re: Sibling Loss is Traumatic, Too

Sue Lawrence ·
I think this may have gone to the wrong person?

Re: Sibling Loss is Traumatic, Too

Jane Stevens ·
Oops! So it did! Thanks!
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thanks! Michael. The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020 Newsletter Contents : 1] I desperately miss human touch. Science may explain why. By...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter November 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thank you & take care, Michael. Newsletter Contents : 1] People Constantly Underestimate How Much They Benefit From Being Kind...
Blog Post

Pasco’s sheriff uses grades and abuse histories to label schoolchildren potential criminals.

Michael Skinner ·
This is deeply disturbing. How about helping these kids instead? I fit the criteria and certainly no criminal. Take care, Michael. Pasco’s sheriff uses grades and abuse histories to label schoolchildren potential criminals. The kids and their families don’t know. | Investigations -
Blog Post

Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood: The Promise of Healing, Part II (Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., Lt. Col., USAR, Ret.)

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
So many people are struggling with unhealed, hidden wounds from toxic childhood stress. For some the pain is obvious. Others might look outwardly strong, capable, and in control. However, unhealed inner wounds cause needless suffering and can lead to a dizzying array of psychological, medical, and functional problems. This three-part blog discusses the road to recovery. Part I explained “The Principles of Healing.” This part explains why traditional treatments are not usually the best...
Blog Post

The Brave and Unbroken Podcast & Mental Health and National Trauma Awareness Month

Michael Skinner ·
The month of May recognizes Mental Health Awareness and National Trauma Awareness. On that note, I'd like to share a few resources that I had the honor of participating with that address trauma, abuse and mental health. The Brave and Unbroken Podcast is brand new – recorded in March and aired in April. The other two resources are video clips shared at my You Tube Channel. Please note, I am currently working on my You Tube Channel to share more resources, music and conversation – I have...

Re: Songs of Life, Love, Loss & Hope - Set 1 - Healing Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health Injuries

Bill Lipe ·
Due to brain plasticity the brain is always adapting. Sometimes negatively, other times positively and most of the time just changed. In situations of extended abuse (years) the brain will adapt to survive the abusive trauma. In many cases the brain stays in a survival mode. Is there a testing/treatment to change the brsin from defensive survivalism back to open growth? Surviving is good but thriving is better. I am certain that these changes have been observed and I hope that treatments...

Re: Songs of Life, Love, Loss & Hope - Set 1 - Healing Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health Injuries

Michael Skinner ·
Hello Bill, I'm a firm believer in thriving and by way of example is my life and what I am doing...I also share numerous examples of thriving in the monthly Surviving Spirit Newsletter - all issues are archived at the website. Also mindful that one person's thriving is not for someone else, we are all different and our traumas/abuse experiences vary. With the newsletter and these You Tube clips and all of the resources shared within them,...
Blog Post

💗 Get A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD

Mary Giuliani ·
Hi Everyone! The good news is after seven years, with a five-year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of people this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and how to qualify to get a free copy this week.
Blog Post

This Week on ‘History. Culture. Trauma.’ podcast: Getting to Root Cause with C-PTSD Expert and Author Mary Giuliani

Carey Sipp ·
"It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD", a new book by PACEs Connection member Mary Giuiliani, launches next week. For a preview of what the longtime student of ACEs science, now PACEs science, shares in her revealing “teaching memoir”, tune into our ‘History. Culture. Trauma.’ podcast for a lively conversation between Giuilani and hosts Ingrid Cockhren and Mathew Portell this Thursday at 1 p.m. PT. In the book—chock-full of quotes from top experts on the...
Blog Post

The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Summer Curriculum is Now Open for Registration

PACEs Connection is excited to roll out our summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum dates. Members who complete the CRC will qualify for a fall 2023 fellowship program.
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Rising from the Ashes of Childhood Brutality

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Country music artist Allen Karl (Sterner) endured unspeakable childhood cruelty and chaos, yet turned into a caring, competent adult. His story provides many useful insights that can help and inspire others who have endured multiple ACEs.
Blog Post

Thoughts & Music to Share on Healing

Michael Skinner ·
Thoughts & Music to Share on Healing: “You never find yourself until you face the truth.” - Pearl Bailey. “Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough.” - Don Keigh. “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.” - Mandy Hale. Songs of Life, Love, Loss & Hope - Set 1 -
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