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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Evolution to Improve My City"

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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character

Jane Stevens ·
Claudia Gold, a pediatrician who blogs on  Child in Mind  and , wrote  a terrific post about Paul Tough  and his book  How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character . He was...
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"Is That Me Yelling?"

Rona Renner ·
I would love to know what you think of my new book, "Is That Me Yelling?" In it I invite parents to be the experts on their children by learning how to become more familiar with their yelling triggers and learn ways to stay calm in the middle of a...
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"Is That Me Yelling?" A new book for parents and professionals

Rona Renner ·
I am happy to announce that my book, "Is That Me Yelling? is out in bookstores and online. It's been a labor of love to write about ways parents can become more familiar with themselves as they attempt to respond, rather than over-react, to their...
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Jemma's Journey

Jane Stevens ·
This is a review from the Like Minds Like Mine newsletter:  Mt. Maunganui (New Zealand) psychologist Janet Peters, who has been involved with the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation's   Like Minds Like Mine  programme for over...
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Looking for CRM Skills Trainers

Deborah Bock ·
I August, I am planning to travel to California to attend a 5-day training to become a Community Resiliency Model (CRM) Skills Trainer. I'd like to hear about other people's experience using TRM and CRM. Thanks! Deborah Bock, Anchorage, Alaska If you prefer to contact me directly, this is my email address:
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Not in MY name! A collection of quotes on the past, present, and future of the practice of torture by E. Mazel (free online book) (2005)

Chris Engel ·
"Forty-five years ago, in the course of browsing through antiquarian bookstores, I became fascinated by a number of volumes that depicted torture in various eras and in far-flung places. Horrified by the similarities to descriptions of Nazi...
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Our Encounters with Suicide (July 2013)

Jane Stevens ·
Our Encounters with Suicide, edited by Alec Grant, Judith Haire, Fran Biley and Brendan Stone. From the book web site : The collection brings together a range of voices on the theme of suicide — those who have been suicidal, alongside the...
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"Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology"

Former Member ·
25 October 2013 : I had the pleasure of taking part in this very special project on complicated grief, titled  Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology , edited by Eric Miller, PhD. It will soon be released by  NASW Press , and if...
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Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School-Based Professionals

Eric Rossen, PhD, NCSP ·
Greetings everyone. I'm new to this site, although thought I would share a book I recently co-edited that has only served to increase my interest in supporting students with ACEs, with particular emphasis on providing those supports within schools....
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The Last Best Cure: My Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of My Brain and Get Back My Body, My Joy, and My Life

Jane Stevens ·
This book by Donna Jackson Nakazawa, was reviewed by Gretchen Heber on . Here's a part of that review: Nakazawa had spent a lifetime battling multiple autoimmune and other disorders, including small-fiber sensory neuropathy,...
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"When Children Grieve" by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews

Kathy Brous ·
"When Children Grieve" by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews Thank you John James & Russell Friedman for saving my life...again... Authors of the Grief Recovery Handbook Their new book: Book Review: When Children Grieve by John W. James, Russell Friedman, and Leslie Matthews...I wish that every parent would read When Children Grieve....
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Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
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Years of Tears

Maxine Browne ·
One failed marriage and two kids later, I met a man I thought was the answer to my prayers. He turned out to be my worst nightmare. "John" turned out to be a control freak. He took over everything. He cut us off from family and friends, even each...
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After the conference...

Marloes Verhoeven ·
After hearing from so many brilliant minds at the ACEs conference this week, I ordered several more books to add to my already expansive library of Trauma Informed resources (I shop for books the way others shop for shoes). I'm very interested to hear from you, my colleagues, what you think are essential resources and how they have helped you, your clients, or your practice. Thank you!!!
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Coming of Age on Zoloft: How Antidepressants Cheered Us Up, Let Us Down, and Changed Who We Are by Sharpe (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"A compelling and troubling exploration of a generation raised on antidepressants, and a book that combines expansive interviews with substantive research-based reporting, Coming of Age on Zoloft is a vitally important and immediately engrossing study...
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Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutilation by Steven Levenkron (Sep 14, 1998)

Former Member ·
You can check this book out on Amazon also. This is of course an old book before all the research was available but I think it is a good book.  I read it in 2002 after residency.  I was trying to understand cutting (and I an associated...
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"General Theory of Love" by Lewis, Amini & Lannon

Kathy Brous ·
Love? A word well-bandied, but little understood, it turns out. "A General Theory of Love" is by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon, three MDs and professors of psychiatry who know their stuff. They're men on a mission to break the truth...
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Happy New Year!!

Jesus Gaeta ·
Happy New Year, group! I have finally come back online after a few weeks off for break. I hope everyone here had a fantastic and rejuvenating holiday, free from trauma and drama! If not, let me know how I can help you and/or your clients deal with...

Re: The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Nan Henderson ·
As author of this book, I relied on the research findings of Dr. Emmy Werner, called "the grandmother of resiliency." She is the co-researcher on the Kauai study, the seminal resiliency research conducted for several decades on the island of Kauai. Her best book about this research is "Overcoming the Odds: High Risk Children from Birth to Adulthood." Dr. Werner states that everyone is born with "an innate self-righting tendency." That is what I meant when I said in this book, "You were born...

Re: Resilience and Mental Health: Challenges Across the Lifespan by Southwick, et al. (2011)

Maxine Browne ·
I offer my survivor story to this particular conversation. The book is called Years of Tears by Maxine Browne. After 10 years of debilitating verbal and psychological abuse, I was able to break the cycle of domestic violence. Two of my children tell of being abused by their controlling step-father. One suffered a mental breakdown. We are all still suffering residual effects of those years of abuse. We have been "safe" for 8 plus years now. Domestic violence and child abuse are "gifts" that...

Re: Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Yes, there are states/communities that claim to be trauma-informed but are not practicing it. They have documents up on their websites touting how trauma-informed they are and then when it comes down to a consumer’s experience they just retraumatize sufferers over and over again. There are no words for this great disappointment. And then people wonder why people with mental health challenges don’t seek treatment. The challenge with the trauma-informed movement is to change people’s hearts, a...

Re: Yoga for Emotional Trauma: Meditations and Practices for Healing Pain and Suffering by NurrieStearns (Jul. 2013)

Loren Taylor ·
I am so going to put this on my list of books to send to prison ... I found this web site the other day and it ties in perfectly I have a vision in my head of everyone in the yard doing yoga and peace and harmony behind the razor wire ...

Re: The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) Hardcover – September 17, 2012 by Jaak Panksepp and Lucy Biven

Mem Lang ·
I'm on holidays. This looks good! Hopefully helps some of my wonderings about our 'ancient' brain.

Re: Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt

Eric Rossen, PhD, NCSP ·
Susan- I've read your book, and my colleague and I actually used it as part of an online course we taught to graduate students a few years ago. Thanks for your great work in this area. Eric Rossen

Re: Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success

Nigel Holme ·
This is my story: I welcome dialogue and invite members of this group to view my details.

Re: The Trauma of Everyday Life by Epstein (2013)

Kathy Brous ·
Hello Chris, Thank you so very much for posting this. And all of your many thoughtful findings posted everywhere! " The way out of pain is through it." You said it, and how. I had a similar experience to that which Epstein describes when I did the somatic exercises in Peter A. Levine's book "Healing Trauma." My whole body exploded and I spent the six months or so punching my way out of deep infant brain-stem level survival grief [ at the gym :) ]. Then as the anxiety embedded in my cells got...

Re: The Trauma of Everyday Life by Epstein (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Yes, that's right! Synaptic failure on my part. Thanks for mentioning it! :)

Re: Trauma-Informed Behavioral Interventions: What Works and What Doesn't

Jane Stevens ·
Thank you, Vincent, for your very kind words. I am grateful to have learned about the ACE Study and to have met you. As for so many others, my life changed for the better. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too! Cheers, Jane
Ask the Community

Connecting with Christian Advocates for Prevention

Linda J King ·
Hello, I am a survivor-THRIVER, married for 27 years, Christian mom of both bio and foster/adopted children as well as author/advocate for prevention of child sexual abuse. My husband and I were trained as facilitators for Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children Training as well as foster parent and trauma trainings. I understand the high risk and vulnerability especially of children with high ACE scores. My activity book, Raising PEARLS:Prepared, Empowered, Armored, Restored,...
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Research for domestic violence book for children

Jessica M. Miles ·
Hello all, If you work with domestic violence victims, I would be grateful for your assistance completing a brief survey. I have decided to adapt my children’s book: "Monty's Day in Court: What to expect when you have to testify in court”, for children who may have to testify regarding domestic violence they have witnessed. Thank you valuable feedback and generosity in completing this survey: Thank you for the work that you do, Jessica Miles ...
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💗 Would You Like A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD?

Mary Giuliani ·
Hello, my trauma-informed colleagues, The good news is after seven years, with a five-year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of trauma-informed professionals this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and...
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Short documentary about resilience

Andy Takats ·
Hi everyone, I’m a documentary filmmaker. I’m wrapping up post-production on a remarkable story of resilience, and my co-producer and I are looking for opportunities to use it for good (education, awareness, training, etc.). We hope this community can help us brainstorm some ideas . Fashioning Charel follows Charel (my co-producer), a single mother of two striving to break the cycle of her family losing children to foster care, as she follows a dream of becoming a fashion designer. Woven...
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