Tagged With "Jefferson County KY"
Blog Post
Introducing the 5 Newest ACEs Connection Communities (February, 2019)
Please welcome and explore the five newest communities to join our network in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, New Jersey, and North Carolina. 4 New Communities Join ACEs Connection! BOUNCE - Jefferson County (KY) Edgecombe County (NC) ACEs Connection First 5 Alabama ACEs Connection Healthy Charlotte County (FL) ACEs Connection Newark (NJ) Trauma-Informed Community Network Please find more details about each one of them below. Follow links for a list of all of our ACEs Connection communities or...
Blog Post
Bounce Coalition Joining Kentucky Youth Advocates to Expand Efforts to Build Resilient Families and Trauma-Informed Communities
Louisville, KY – The Bounce Coalition is joining Kentucky Youth Advocates to further strengthen its efforts as a collaborative network of professionals and advocates that works to increase understanding of the impact of childhood trauma, address the root causes of poor health and inequities, and improve outcomes of all Kentucky children. “The Bounce Coalition has had success in working with agencies serving children to better understand the immense impact childhood trauma can have throughout...
Blog Post
Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence Funds Bounce Partnership with Louisville’s Providers of Adolescent Residential Services
Louisville, KY (February 14, 2020) – The Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence (JHFE) has awarded the Bounce Coalition a grant to provide training and support to several of Louisville’s adolescent residential services over the next two years. Bounce will partner with Uspiritus, Boys and Girls Haven, St. Joseph Children’s Home, and the on-campus Jefferson County Public Schools serving these agencies to become self-sustaining, trauma-informed organizations – serving children and families through...
Blog Post
Data-Driven, Cross-Sector: Bounce Coalition Boosts Trauma-Informed Change in Kentucky
Student suspension rates dropped. Teacher retention rose. Membership in the PTA swelled from zero to more than 200. More kids said in a survey that there was at least one adult at school whom they could talk to if they had a problem. The data—a comparison of the Bounce Coalition’s pilot school and one with similar demographics—told the Kentucky resilience-boosting group that they were on the right track. The Bounce Coalition formed in 2014; the catalyst was a grant from the Foundation for a...
Blog Post
Bounce Coalition Partners with Humana to Provide Trauma-Informed Training to Employees serving Kentuckians with Medicaid
Louisville, KY (September 17, 2020) – The Bounce Coalition is partnering with Humana to provide trauma-informed training for the managed care organization’s employees serving Medicaid members in Kentucky. Across the country, there is growing recognition of trauma’s profound negative impact on the health and well-being of children and adults. Exposure to abuse, neglect, systemic discrimination, and violence increases the risk for poor health outcomes throughout life. Yet it is possible to...
Beverly Winsch
Anne Perryman
Eric Gross
Matthew Neal
Mary Jo Bean
Kelly Dauk
Nikki Boyd
Jaime Shoup
Fairouz Saad
Vicki Aubrey Welch
Tracy Monks
Bunny Nash
Tracy Aaron
Stephenie Hoelscher
Jennifer Largen
Marii Glowatz
Shannon Moody
Re: Collaboration of Grantmakers Commit to Addressing Kentucky’s High Rate of Childhood Adversity
Congratulations, Carli! This is terrific news and we are thrilled to help get the word out about it. I've cloned the article to the main page on PACEs Connection and to other KY communities. I look forward to hearing more about the successes of the grantors and recipients. There are ways our tools in the PACE Connection Cooperative of Communities could be a big help in getting the word out about what you hope to achieve.
Carli Mosby-Smith
Blog Post
PACEs Champion BJ Adkins, Kentucky’s PACEs Rainmaker
This post originally appeared on PACEs Connection on July 19, 2022. BJ (Betty) Adkins shares her passion for helping communities overcome trauma as coleader of a team that is seeding PACEs throughout Kentucky. Starting with a planning grant from the Foundation for Healthy Kentucky in 2012, her team of community stakeholders initiated the Bounce Coalition. Bounce reaches educators, administrators, service providers, and parents throughout Kentucky counties who are adopting the Bounce...
Krista Mevoli
Miriam Silman
Andrea Fiero
Laura Lewter