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California PACEs Action

A MUST WATCH: Addicts Among Us - a hopeful documentary about ACEs and addiction in Humboldt County, California (YouTube Video)

I want to share this important documentary from Humboldt County with you and encourage you to make the time to watch it and share it with others in your organizations and spheres of influence. It is 52 minutes long, but well worth your time.
The associate producer of the video, James Faulk - one of the central interviewees of the film - attended First 5 Humboldt's Town Hall on Adverse Childhood Experiences where the connection between early childhood adversity, mental health struggles, addiction and disease "clicked" for him. This documentary is the result. First 5 Humboldt worked with KEET TV to connect them with interviewees and resources (homeless intervention staff, drug treatment staff, school districts, therapists, probation officers, judges, physicians, child welfare professionals, and more) so they could take a well-rounded look at the issues at play, the ways community agencies are already working toward being part of the solution, and additional services and changes to systems that are recommended as next steps.
Perhaps a screening of this film in Lake County could be a way of continuing a similar conversation here, or regionally. The video was just released last week so the content is up-to-date and pertinent, and the personal stories shared are powerful and could have been told by any number of residents from our own community.

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