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California PACEs Action

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Supporting Families Impacted by Addiction


RFQ ANNOUNCEMENT: Celebrating Families!  California Expansion Project

Update: Due to the expanding ACEs response in California, and subsequent interest in Celebrating Families! we are extending the due date for proposals to May 24th.

Invitation to Expand Celebrating Families!™ Statewide

The California State Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) recognizing the effectiveness of Celebrating Families! (CF!), has awarded Prevention Partnership International (PPI) a $100,000, 2-year challenge grant to (1) Identify, train and support agencies in California to provide CF! to children and families at high risk for abuse and neglect and (2) Establish the structure to continue expansion of CF! in the State. PPI has subcontracted with Community Solutions to lead and coordinate this project. Two (2) organizations will be selected in this Year 1 grant cycle. The grant will provide training, technical assistance coaching, curriculum materials and evaluation at no cost. Selected sites will be required to demonstrate the ability to fund the cost to implement the program as outlined in this RFQ.

About Celebrating Families!

Celebrating Families! (CF!) is an evidence-based, trauma-informed, skill building program of 16 sessions serving the whole family: children ages birth -17, their parents and caregivers. Each session begins with a family meal, followed by 90-minute age-appropriate instructional sessions, ends with a 30-minute family activity where families practice the skills they are learning. CF! was developed specifically for families dealing with or at high risk for: substance use disorders; multi-generational trauma; physical and mental health challenges; cognitive deficits due to trauma, genetics, or in-utero exposure; and safety (child abuse/neglect). CF! addresses these needs through building healthy living skills, and psychoeducation.

RFQ Project Goals and Scope of Services

Prevention Partnership International has subcontracted with Community Solutions to lead and coordinate this project. This RFQ concerns organizations interested in receiving training and technical assistance coaching to implement and evaluate the Celebrating Families! program at their site. Community Solutions (is seeking two (2) organizations within the state of CA to be trained and coached in implementing the CF! program. The selections will be made to responsive and responsible organizations based on their organizational mission, strategic goals, capacity to achieve the grant deliverables and capability to sustain the program beyond the 2-year grant cycle.

The Request for Qualifications timeline is as follows: Release of RFQ: March 29, 2019. Deadline for Bidders to Submit Questions via email to RFQ Contact: May 9th. Community Solutions Responds to Bidder Questions: May 13th.  Proposals Due: May 24, 2019 by 5pm. Selection of Top Bidders / Notification to Unsuccessful Bidders: June 7. Contracts Awarded: June 17.

RFQ available here: and can be
downloaded directly as of 9 a.m. on March 29, 2019.

RFQ Contact: Melissa Santos, Project Coordinator

Phone: 408-665-4818        


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