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California PACEs Action

As California Expands Ban on ‘Willful Defiance’ Suspensions, Lessons From L.A. Schools, Which Barred Them Six Years Ago

September 18, 2019


As California this month expanded a statewide ban on suspending younger students for defiant behavior, lessons on how this increasingly sweeping school discipline reform may play out can be found in Los Angeles, which barred such suspensions on an even broader scale six years ago.

Previously in California, “willful defiance” suspensions were not permitted in grades K-3. Beginning in July 2020, under the new state law, they will be prohibited for students in both traditional and charter schools from kindergarten to eighth grade. Expanding the suspension ban to the older grades was contentious, as was the use of the subjective term “willful defiance,” defined in state code as “disrupt[ing] school activities or otherwise willfully def[ying]” authority. It can include using a cell phone in class, wearing a hat and even chewing bubble gum.

Los Angeles Unified was the first California district to ban suspensions for disruptive behavior in 2013 and did so in an even more comprehensive way, covering all public schools in grades K-12. Local officials and advocates reflecting this week on the district’s policy shift six years later called it “a huge step” forward in reforming school discipline. They touted a drastic drop in suspensions — a more than sixfold decrease in district schools between 2011-12 and 2017-18 alone — resulting in thousands more instructional days for students. This is especially notable for students of color and those with disabilities, who have historically been disproportionately suspended in school.

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 A new law in Texas will make it easier for schools to discipline students who harass teachers

 BHarmeet Kaur, CNN

Updated 1:28 AM ET, Sat August 3, 2019

(CNN)As students in Texas head back to school in the coming weeks, a new law will make it easier for schools to discipline students who harass teachers.

The law, which goes into effect on September 1, was passed by the Republican-dominated state legislature in May after a statewide teacher association asked for it to be considered. It requires that public school students who harass school employees be removed from their regular classrooms and be referred to disciplinary alternative education programs, also known as DAEPs.

DAEPs are currently used in Texas an alternative to suspension or expulsion for students who are considered disruptive. Students in DAEPs take classes and learn behavioral management skills separate from their peers in traditional classrooms for a temporary period of time.

The Texas Classroom Teachers Association said it had been receiving reports of students threatening teachers without consequence, and that the law was necessary to ensure educators felt safe in their workplaces and to minimize classroom disruptions.

"One of the main reasons teachers leave the teaching profession is working conditions and we think that this is going to make working conditions a little better," Lonnie Hollingsworth Jr., general counsel for TCTA, told CNN.....(full article on link above.)

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