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California PACEs Action

Board of State and Community Corrections Awards Grants for Youth Diversion

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SACRAMENTO – (June 13, 2019) The Board of State and Community Corrections approved two grants worth millions of dollars for programs designed to prevent young people from entering the justice system or from furthering their involvement in it.

Just over $1 million was awarded to Native American tribes, and $29.1 million was awarded to cities and counties. Preference points for the larger grant were given to local governments who also plan to serve Native American youth.

The Youth Reinvestment Grant Program was established in the 2018 State Budget Act for evidence-based, trauma-informed and culturally relevant diversion programs, especially those serving communities with high rates of arrests that are racially disproportionate.

“These are exciting new grants to support young people at a critical time in their lives. We are eager to see the results these efforts will bring,” said Board Chair Linda Penner. 

Cities and counties could request up to $1 million over the three-year grant cycle; tribes could apply for $1.1 million to spend over three and a half years. For the larger grant, winning proposals had to meet a minimum scoring threshold to receive funding.

The Pinoleville Pomo Nation in Mendocino County received $889,737 for its collaborative plan to reduce rates of probation, suspension and dropout by working with the school district, the county probation department and other tribes in the region by promoting an understanding of history and tradition and using tutoring to improve academic performance. The Karuk Tribe in Humboldt County received partial funding for a pre-court diversion program.

The Pinoleville Pomo Nation in Mendocino County received $889,737 for its collaborative plan to reduce rates of probation, suspension and dropout by working with the school district, the county probation department and other tribes in the region by promoting an understanding of history and tradition and using tutoring to improve academic performance. The Karuk Tribe in Humboldt County received partial funding for a pre-court diversion program.

For the larger grant the BSCC received 44 proposals requesting $41.5 million, but not all met the minimum scoring threshold. The Board awarded $29 million to 30 proposals, and will await legislative guidance for the remaining $5.9 million.

Among the proposals that were funded are: $1 million to Contra Costa County for a restorative justice program to divert young people before they are charged, and to have them come together with the people they have harmed to understand the impact and seek forgiveness; $1 million to Costa Mesa to address the “over-handling” of low-risk offenders; $763,014 to Culver City, where a nonprofit agency will establish a broad set of after-school and mentoring programs to keep young people engaged. For more information about funded grant programs please go here:

  • In other action the Board re-released the Title II Grant Request for Proposals, approved at the Board’s last meeting, after making technical changes to the eligibility requirements.

The BSCC, established in 2012, is a multi-faceted organization that assists the counties on community corrections issues. The agency annually administers and awards millions of dollars in grants designed to reduce recidivism and address juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, sets standards for the training of local corrections officers and the operations of local corrections facilities, promulgates regulations and inspects local detention facilities, and administers the current lease-revenue bond process for local jail improvements.

For more information on the grant awards please contact Kimberly Bushard at or at 916-324-0999


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