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California PACEs Action

Bob's Blog: Proximate []


By Robert K. Ross, The California Endowment, May 13, 2020

Some of you may be aware that I very recently lost my life partner, my rock, my bride, and my best friend, Robin, to breast cancer.  I am still grieving, processing, and the healing will take some time.

Her passage obviously came at an already challenging time.  On top of the health and economic tsunami that COVID-19 hath wrought, we also recently lost a talented, social justice-minded star at TCE in regional director Beatriz Solis – to cancer as well.

I’ve been bouncing across three types of reactions over the past 10 days.  The first, of course, is the sense of profound pain and loss – Robin and I have been friends since kindergarten (really), and in committed life partnership for 27 years.  The second is a sense of extraordinary gratitude – the fun, joyous, and loving times we spent together, and an appreciation of her spirit that resides within me.  The third, which I want to focus upon in these words I am sharing today, is the matter of being proximate.

[Please click here to read more.]

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