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California PACEs Action

BRFSS ACEs Modules in California

acessurvey2014In 2008 California was the first and only state to include the ACEs module in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey.  The results were reported at a BRFSS conference in 2009.  The state also included ACEs modules in 2011 and 2013. * A report on the survey results for 2011 is forthcoming.  Some of these findings were reported by Steve Wirtz of the California Department of Public Health in April 4, 2014 testimony before the California State Assembly Select Committee on Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development in Los Angeles.


Additional analysis looks at both the ACEs survey data combined with data collected by the Center for Youth Wellness in 2008, 2009 and 2011.  A new report – “Hidden Crisis: Findings on Adverse Childhood Experiences in California” (HiddenCrisis_Report_1014) – issued by the Center for Youth Wellness found that nearly two-thirds of California adults have experienced at least one type of major childhood trauma, such as physical, verbal or sexual abuse, or living with a family member who abuses alcohol or is depressed.


The report also reveals the effects of those early adversities: a startling and large increased risk of the adult onset of chronic disease, such as heart disease and cancer, mental illness and violence or being a victim of violence. See Jane Stevens’ article in ACEsTooHigh for more details.


BRFSS Contact for the State of California:

Steve Wirtz, Ph.D.

Chief, Injury Surveillance and Epidemiology Section,

Safe and Active Communities Branch

California Department of Public Health

 (916) 552-9831


CDC contacts for BRFSS ACEs information:

Melissa T. Merrick, Ph.D. email:

Katie A. Ports, Ph.D. email:

Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia


*Note: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) implemented new methodology for the BRFSS.  2011 was the first year to officially incorporate the new methods (inclusion of cell phone sample and use of a raking method to weight the data) across all states. Please refer to CDC documentation for information regarding the implications of this method change when aggregating multiple years and interpreting trends.


Website for the CDC BRFSS information:  CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Website for CDC BRFSS Optional ACEs Module:




The Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative (CAHMI):  Data Brief on Adverse Childhood Events (Experiences) Among California’s Children. 

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been found to have a direct and synergistic impact on the healthy development and lifelong health of individuals. This report looks at data among California's children to determine four essential facts about lifelong health, school success and adverse childhood experiences. 

For a comprehensive list of reports on all state surveys on ACEs, click here.


Click here for slides showing which states have included ACEs modules in the BRFSS 2009-2013.




Images (1)
  • ACEs Survey 2014

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