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California PACEs Action

California counters hate, violence, and intolerance with Positive Parenting


For the second consecutive year, the State of California is set to recognize January as Positive Parenting Awareness Month 2021. Currently the resolution has been sent to the Assembly consent calendar and is up for a vote tomorrow.

CA HR 4:

HR 4, as introduced, Stone.
WHEREAS, Raising children and youth in California to become healthy, confident, capable individuals is the most important job parents and caregivers have; and
WHEREAS, The quality of parenting or caregiving—starting prenatally—is one of the most powerful predictors of children’s future social, emotional, and physical health; and
WHEREAS, Positive parenting is a protective factor that eliminates risk, strengthens family relationships, increases parents’ confidence, and promotes the healthy development and well-being of children and families; and
WHEREAS, Positive parenting increases children’s self-regulation skills, relational skills, problem-solving skills, and involvement in positive activities; and
WHEREAS, Positive parenting can prevent or mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences, such as child abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, and other traumatic events that can create dangerous levels of stress and impair lifelong health and well-being; and
WHEREAS, All parents have inner strengths or resources that can serve as a foundation for building their resilience and for passing these strengths on to their children; and
WHEREAS, Many parents and caregivers raising children and youth feel stressed, isolated, and overwhelmed, no matter their age, race, ethnicity, tribe, or income level. This has been intensified by the health, economic, and social-emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, Parents may need additional support if they have experienced trauma, have a disability, are raising a child with an emotional, behavioral, or developmental disability, or are living in adverse community environments that lack equity, as measured by racism, concentrated poverty, poor housing conditions, and other barriers to opportunity; and
WHEREAS, Families in California come in many forms, with children who are raised by parents, grandparents, foster parents, family members, and other caregivers; and
WHEREAS, Families can benefit from a “tool kit” of proven strategies and receive support from various positive parenting programs in many counties and tribes through numerous organizations and individual practitioners, thanks to local partnerships, such as between First 5 commissions, local government, tribal nations, health and human services providers, schools, libraries, higher education institutions, and child welfare agencies; and
WHEREAS, Counties may implement and encourage positive parenting through a population health approach so that all families have equitable opportunities to access information in ways that respect their unique beliefs, traditions, customs, interests, and racial, ethnic, tribal, and cultural practices; and
WHEREAS, Family support professionals and paraprofessionals, recognized for their excellence and compassion across California, adapted quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting to virtual service delivery in order to maintain continuity of essential services that support the physical, social-emotional, and behavioral health of children and families; and
WHEREAS, Every individual, community group, business, public or nonprofit agency, and tribe in California has a role to play in raising awareness of the importance of positive parenting and supporting the health and well-being of children and families; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the Assembly of the State of California declares the month of January 2021 as Positive Parenting Awareness Month; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.

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