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California PACEs Action

California Family Resource Association []


From Strategies 2.0, April 2020

The California Family Resource Association (CFRA) is pleased to announce a partnership with the state Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) to provide $3M in emergency relief funds for Family Resource Centers (FRCs) to respond to COVID-19. The purpose of the fund is to support FRCs to provide emergency services and supplies to children and families most at need and as soon as possible.

Many FRCs are reporting that the gap in prevention services and supports for families prior to COVID-19 has been exacerbated by COVID-19. These emergency funds are intended to help fill that gap and address the added stressors and dangers to children and families under the current conditions of isolation, health risks, and economic loss. To that end, CFRA funds to FRCs will provide direct support and services to families in need, including:
Material items (e.g., food, diapers, cleaning supplies, etc.);
Assistance with isolation needs (e.g., one-time costs for telehealth & remote case management technologies, staff time to provide phone/virtual home visits, connections through social media);
Parenting resources (e.g., adaptations of parent education); and
Staff time to help link families to other local, state and federal supports and benefits (e.g. food, housing, etc.).

Additional information regarding the funding amounts, requirements, and qualifications will be released soon in a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). We ask for your help to distribute this notice widely.

For more information, please contact Merritt Beckett at (916) 244-1941 or

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