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California PACEs Action

California improves in children's health but slips to 49th in financial security [KPCC]

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The annual KIDS COUNT report on the welfare of the country's children tells a mixed story of how California is faring in providing for its kids. 

Looking at all measures, the report gives California a relatively low ranking of 38th among 50 states for child well-being, taking into account measures in such areas as health, education and poverty.

The state improved in its health ranking, moving to 14th from 26th place, in part because of the expansion of Medi-Cal under the Affordable Care Act,according to the report.

But California ranked next to last β€” 49th out of the 50 states β€” for economic well-being as measured by children in poverty, parents with secure employment, high housing costs and teens not in school and unemployed. The state placed 46th in that category two years ago and 48th last year.


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