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California PACEs Action

Community Engagement [Lucile Packard Foundation Newsletter July 12, 2018]


California counties support vulnerable children and families. 

Children with Special Health Care Needs  

Defined as “Those who have one or more chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally"

More than one million children in California have a special health care need, and many of these children and families face severe challenges. Health care and other support services may be poorly coordinated, and families are left to navigate the fragmented and confusing system on their own. These challenges are magnified for children of color, low-income families, and those living in rural areas.

Phase I included Fresno, Kern, Monterey, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties.

Phase II includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Orange, San Joaquin, San Mateo, and Ventura Counties.


To see the full list of counties and a description of their projects, click here: LPF Funded Grants List 
To read the full news article [published in the LPF Newsletter] click here: Grants to Focus on Transition to Adult Care, Access to Mental Health Services

See the attached article to find additional information on the intersection between ACEs and children with special health care needs. 

Maternal Child Health J. 2015 November 
Adverse Childhood Experiences, The Medical Home, and Child Well-Being
Kelly Stamper Balistreri, PhD [Assistant Professor of Sociology] Center for Family and Demographic Research, Bowling Green State University, 218 Williams Hall, Bowling Green OH 43403, 419-372-9523

From the article: Given exposure to adverse experiences and the stress that may accompany them, children with access to a medical home had higher levels of well-being than children living without such care.


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